Enter the Dragon - 50th Anniversary (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Ultimate Collector's Edition) (HMV Exclusive Cine Edition) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: September 11 , 2023
Purchase link: HMV
Price: £44.99
Notes: Limited to 1000 - 4K UHD Includes both the original 1973 Theatrical Cut and 1998 Special Edition Cut

HMV Enter The Dragon.jpg

Enter The Dragon Front.jpg Enter The Dragon Open.jpg Enter The Dragon Inside.jpg
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Well looks like those who thought the red one would sell out first might be wrong. The zavvi one showing as sold out, also Amazon now. And the red one steelbook only in US means there will be tons flooding the market.
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Well looks like those who thought the red one would sell out first might be wrong. The zavvi one showing as sold out, also Amazon now. And the red one steelbook only in US means there will be tons flooding the market.
You mean UK trade wide release
That sold out with Amazon and Zavvi on Tuesday

I don't see anyone saying that in threads on HDN that HMV cine edition would sell out before the trade wide edition
All that was mentioned was the cine edition was likely to sell out before release date that's not until September (There is 3 months still to go before release date)

The trade wide release Collector's Edition with gold colour SteelBook is limited to 2,000 in UK/Ireland
3,000 (Worldwide)
The other 1000 of that Collector's edition is to be with another country likely will be Italy but actual country is still TBC

Each UK retailer would only been allocated a % each from that 2,000 so that Collector's Edition was always going to sell fast with some UK retailers
Amazon UK got over 800 allocated from that 2000 print run and they ship worldwide so was always going to sell out fast with Amazon
Trade wide release was available to pre order with Amazon/Zavvi/HMV/WB Shop and other retailers in UK/Ireland

SteelBook only editions of both SteelBooks versions will be available in multiple countries these are not the Collector's Editions
That's why Best Buy in USA also has the red one available.

HMV only ships to UK delivery address so they always take longer to sell out releases

Both Collector's Editions are available to pre order with HMV and still available due to UK delivery address only
Well looks like those who thought the red one would sell out first might be wrong. The zavvi one showing as sold out, also Amazon now. And the red one steelbook only in US means there will be tons flooding the market.
the US is only getting the Red one? if yes then its no surprise Amazon sold out
Also don't forget the USA release is not the Collector's Edition it's just SteelBook only version
Yes but same art on slip anyway. I went with the red one in the end HMV version but I’m not sure now. Might cancel and pick up amaray on this when it drops in price. At least they’ve told us it’s gloss.
Yes but same art on slip anyway. I went with the red one in the end HMV version but I’m not sure now. Might cancel and pick up amaray on this when it drops in price. At least they’ve told us it’s gloss.
Since I have the HMV Collector's Edition Blu-Ray, I will probably just get the Best Buy 4K steelbook and put it in inside the slip. I like that the previous edition has a booklet, unlike this one. I already pre-ordered the Arrow webstore exclusive 4K box set anyway.
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I'm all in for this steelbook apart from the finish. The worldwide one is described as gloss finish. There is nothing about the finish on this one. The red could look quite dull if matte, but then the colours pop if gloss. There is also the issue of, it's in a box anyway, so you cannot see the steelbook! Decisions, decisions!
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I just thought it was an exclusive to the UK.
Red Steelbook only edition is available in nordic countries and USA and other countries.

CoolShop UK though do sell some UK/Ireland releases from Warner/Arrow Video/StudioCanal/88 Films and some other UK imports

The mock up image might be a error as the other gold SteelBook Ultimate Collectors Edition is a trade wide release in UK/Ireland they might got the mock up images mixed up
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