Completed Game Of Thrones (Season 8) [HBO]


Steelbook Viking
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2011

Seen the first 5 episodes now and must admit it is growing on me. The characters and character development is really great. Not that much action so far but I have a feeling that will change.

Anyone have some views on this series? :scat:



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Che and mllNY, I really don't want to quote everything you've both been saying, but I will be responding to points made by the pair of you.

Yeah, spoilers. (Book ones too!)
I think the Purple Wedding will be the season finale. The Red Wedding has been confirmed for 309 "The Rains Of Castamere" which would make a nice line up of weddings: Tyrion/Sansa in 308, then the RW and finally the PW in 310. Don't forget that the Littlefinger rescuing Sansa/ Sansa marriage plot is being heavily set up in this season, and I think it will conclude with Sansa's escape during the chaos of the PW.

Varys is accustomed to, and plans for, failure. He's the antithesis to Littlefinger, who seems to always manage to succeed. When Littlefinger finally fails, he'll be ruined. Illyrio and Varys, if you can recall, were partners from childhood. Varys would steal things from people, and Illyrio, a young sellsword would 'reclaim' them for a reward. Their enterprise scaled up from there.

At the time of GoT, Varys' plan was Viserys, who would invade Westeros with a Dothraki horde (If you look at Illyrio's comments in DwD, he didn't think Dany would even make it out there). Verys sending out an assassin to kill Dany + child was probably a necessary concession to maintain his cover. In fact, it could have been done with the hope of inspiring an attack, looking at how Drogo reacted to the mere attempt of Dany's murder.

I honestly believe Aegon is a fake, the 'mummer's dragon' before a cheering crowd. He'll take King's Landing in the next book, and be seen as a restorer of peace, hence the cheering crowd. but he belongs to Varys, the ex-mummer. He's cloth, and cloth burns.

mllNY, if you want to remind yourself of some of those finer details of Jon's potential parentage, break out GoT, and find the few chapters of Ned's where he's in the black cells before he gets the chop. In one, he has a fever dream about a place called the Tower of Joy. Read it bearing in mind the possibilites and you'll wonder how you ever missed it! EEK!

I agree Che, Jon isn't done. If you bear in mind what we learned about warging from Varamyr's prologue, and the imagaes from Rh'llor in Mel's chapter, it's clear that Jon has both time and a person with the knowledge and and reason to save him.

This is going to upset a lot of people (many of whom think that the three riders will be Dany, Jon and Tyrion) but I don't think Dany will have control of three dragons for much longer. I have no doubt that Euron's horn works (though not in the way he told Victarion) and that he will end up in control of either Rhaegal or Viserion or even both). The Ironborn are going to become major major players in book six, even if we all know that they wont win.

Seeing as I can't actually find a book discussion thread

Again I agree I think there are a lot of people who are loyal to the Targaryen's but have to keep a low profile to remain in power.

I don't necessarily believe Aegon is an imposter, I think he really is Rhaegar's son but because he is easily manipulated may ultimately doom him. Family first. He should have gone to Dany over trusting a Lannister and if that is the case he better steer clear of any and all dragons.

As to Jon, I also believe he is not dead, more likely a spell like that was used when 'mance' was killed, people see what they want to see, if I recall correctly. I'll go back to that chapter if I can find the books, they are buried somewhere after we redid the house and osted the room we kept all orur books in. As to Dany not riding the dragon, I say bah to that. you can argue the other riders all you want, but I'm riding the Dany train until the page in which she dies and even then won't beleive she is gone until I read the last page of the last book and see the words, the end. The other riders who knows what can and will happen.

As we learnt from the books and this past episode, Dragons are not slaves. I think it takes more than just a horn to bind a dragon. I really believe there needs to be an affinity between rider and Dragon as well as strong willpower. From history Dragons are the strongest most fiercesome creatures and can lay waste to cities. You have to show absolute control, I think a horn can only work so long, maybe jar a dragon or call one over but not control one.

Also kind of glossed over so far in the series and in the discussion is how Nymeria will come into play. I mean she has a pack over a hundred strong. As the Queen of Thorns said, Winter is Coming, those are Strong words :LOL:
I know it might be a hassle for you guys posting, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the use of the spoiler tags when discussing plot points. I don't have HBO so I don't get to watch GoT until I buy it on blu-ray, and as the TV show mod I read every post in this forum so, thanks for not spoiling it for me :)
I know it might be a hassle for you guys posting, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the use of the spoiler tags when discussing plot points. I don't have HBO so I don't get to watch GoT until I buy it on blu-ray, and as the TV show mod I read every post in this forum so, thanks for not spoiling it for me :)

It's not a problem whatsoever, and really it's the only polite thing to do. In fact, we ought to start a thread in the book sub-forum and take our lengthy book digressions over there.

Have you had a chance to watch season 2 yet? How are you enjoying the show?
I know it might be a hassle for you guys posting, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the use of the spoiler tags when discussing plot points. I don't have HBO so I don't get to watch GoT until I buy it on blu-ray, and as the TV show mod I read every post in this forum so, thanks for not spoiling it for me :)

I have no issues using spoilers as you can tell by my abundant use in post 91 :hilarious:

---------- Post added at 03:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 PM ----------

I made a book thread for us. Hey softwing, maybe you should change your name to DarkWings. :D

you should move some of the posts there. I know there is the report button. I'm just too lazy to click it right now
I made a book thread for us. Hey softwing, maybe you should change your name to DarkWings. :D

But then I'd be bringing dark words! :( Thanks for making a thread, that's awesome. I was going to make one a few days back but got distracted.

you should move some of the posts there. I know there is the report button. I'm just too lazy to click it right now

I know it might be a hassle for you guys posting, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the use of the spoiler tags when discussing plot points. I don't have HBO so I don't get to watch GoT until I buy it on blu-ray, and as the TV show mod I read every post in this forum so, thanks for not spoiling it for me :)

I take my hat off to you for being able to RESIST :thumbs:.

I still can not help clicking the button NO MATTER how many you put on to stop me mllNY :D.

I Must show more self restraint . NNNOOO WAY it is just too good er snippets EEK!.

I do however have theory about Jon

That somehow he is Lyanna son by Rhaegar Targaryen from reading book one where in flash back she tells Ned to promise her "promis me Ned". Also how he would not discuss Jon's mum with Robert Berathion on the Kings-road back to Kings Landing. Thire is an However though that Jon Arryn stated that the seed is strong so Jon's hair should be white like Danys :emb:hno.SO Not quite convinced on this yet :emb: IF I am wrong:
I take my hat off to you for being able to RESIST :thumbs:.

I still can not help clicking the button NO MATTER how many you put on to stop me mllNY :D.

I Must show more self restraint . NNNOOO WAY it is just too good er snippets EEK!.

I do however have theory about Jon

That somehow he is Lyanna son by Rhaegar Targaryen from reading book one where in flash back she tells Ned to promise her "promis me Ned". Also how he would not discuss Jon's mum with Robert Berathion on the Kings-road back to Kings Landing. Thire is an However though that Jon Arryn stated that the seed is strong so Jon's hair should be white like Danys :emb:hno.SO Not quite convinced on this yet :emb: IF I am wrong:

I mentioned this a few pages back. He could have hair like his mother(black). She is mentioned as having dark hair. It is also said how much Rhaegar loved her and how many problems love can cause in Westeros. Until I read of proof, I think Jon is their son. I think we will find out through Bran.
The last episode had an amazing ending, the build up for that scene was pretty good but the payoff was just beautiful. This is why I never question the creators when they take it in a certain direction because you never know how the story will play out in the long game.
A decent epsiode, I just think after last weeks high note this one was fairly mellow.

The fight was actuall done very well

They made Stannis daughter just the right amount of ugly/cutr to get by for HBO :hilarious:

Yigritte :naughty: though Brienne is not so bad looking from the backside either :)naughty:), though I still prefer Tonks :naughty:

Thats a lot of :naughty: 's :hilarious:

Double Spoiler if you have not read the books

oh noes for the freys, I want to yell at him to stop and run away

oh and you can stop asking...
I found my Dragons...
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A decent epsiode, I just think after last weeks high note this one was fairly mellow.

The fight was actuall done very well

They made Stannis daughter just the right amount of ugly/cutr to get by for HBO :hilarious:

Yigritte :naughty: though Brienne is not so bad looking from the backside either :)naughty:), though I still prefer Tonks :naughty:

Thats a lot of :naughty: 's :hilarious:

Double Spoiler if you have not read the books

oh noes for the freys, I want to yell at him to stop and run away

oh and you can stop asking...
I found my Dragons...

I actually found this one to be the strongest episode of the season so far. OK, so there weren't as many 'OMG!' moments as last week, but it was a fantastic hour of character development.

A few thoughts I had
Arya screaming "Burn in Hell!" When Sandor is released. It sent chills up my spine. The fight itself was possibly the best overall duel the show's committed to the screen too. Gendry then telling Arya they can never be equals was great too. Maisie is without a doubt one of the highlights of the show.

Stannis...Finally, Stannis is coming across as more than a giant arse. It's great to finally see on screen that he is a conflicted, but deeply noble man. I'm not as keen on Selyse though. The show seems to have reduced her to 'the mad woman who is kept shut away'. I don't recall stillborns in specimen jars in the books. Hopefully they'll flesh her out in later episodes. Shireen was adorable, and her relationship with Davos is an excellent reminder that he is Stannis' moral compass. Stannis needs that man!

Jaime's been well handled the whole season, and the show's really done well with the bath scene and kept it as a major turning point in our opinion of the man. The wildfire story is one of his most important story beats in Storm of Swords, and while others may have more bear (covered with hair) in them, this was perfect.

I really feel for Rob. Was that Theon's theme they played when he gave Karstark the chop?
Book spoiler!
They really are ringing out the bells of doom for him aren't they?
It's all falling apart for Robb at the moment, and it's hard not to feel for him, and pity the fact that he's inherited the same strain of noble idiocy that his father had. Anyone know what happened to the Greatjon? It would be nice to see a few more Northern lords with Robb: the Smalljon, Manderly, Mormont, anybody! My one complaint is that Robb should have taken two swings to do the deed, but the fact that they kept in the 'Hang him last' line makes up for that.

I'm also very glad you found your dragons, mllNY! :hilarious:
I agree. What a fantastic plot episode. Jamie's Mad King story. Classic scene. God I love this show. Man he is a great actor. I feel like the lady who plays Brienne is becoming a better actress because of him. Caiban, boy I love how these characters that matter get a bigger role in the show. Shireen teaching Davos to read. Man this is getting great. Although what are your predictions for Jorah and Barristan???
OMFG! I can't believe Jorah kills Barristan. I was bored so I just had to post something. Never seen the show, wish I had HBO. This show sounds awesome.
OMFG! I can't believe Jorah kills Barristan. I was bored so I just had to post something. Never seen the show, wish I had HBO. This show sounds awesome.

^Hope that's not a spoiler...

Hehe no, its just Ricker being funny =P

Maybe maybe not, wouldn't it be just as much a spoiler to say that something doesn't happen as saying something does. :D

Maybe Jorah kills Barristan, maybe Barristan kills Jorah :drool:
Hehe true, well I agree with both, and besides I haven't read all the books yet so it may happen (or not).
Relax my friends. I was kidding as I stated in the post. I don't know any of the charactors, they could be a dog and a cat for all I know.:hilarious:
I agree. What a fantastic plot episode. Jamie's Mad King story. Classic scene. God I love this show. Man he is a great actor. I feel like the lady who plays Brienne is becoming a better actress because of him. Caiban, boy I love how these characters that matter get a bigger role in the show. Shireen teaching Davos to read. Man this is getting great. Although what are your predictions for Jorah and Barristan???

I'm not sure how to answer this without drawing on textual knowledge, so book spoilers will be present.

I'll be interested to see how they tie up Ser Grandfather and the Young Bear this season... My assumption is that the end point will be the same as the book, but clearly the journey has altered. Barristan wasn't in the small council in the show, so he doesn't know that Jorah was a spy (as far as we know). Obviously, it's going to come out at some point, but how? In the book Barristan only throws Jorah under the bus when his Arstan cover is blown and he's revealed as the usurper's dog. In the show, Dany's known this since the start of the season and doesn't seem remotely bothered.

I think there's much more yet to happen in the Essos plot this season. How far is it going progress? I think it's safe to say Meereen's off the cards this season, but will Yunkai replace it entirely? I noticed it appear in the opening credits, and that huge pyramid reminded me very much of Dany's palace.
We've just met Grey Worm and Daario will be popping up soon; the loyalty of Jorah and Barristan could well be a subplot expanded in the show.

My guess? I think Barristan will find out about Jorah. He suspects already, without a doubt. He'll probably confront Jorah about it directly and end up not telling Dany. When she does find out, both men will have been revealed as dishonest.