Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]


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Feb 28, 2011
Release date: March 31, 2025
Purchase links: Amazon UK - Zavvi - HMV
Price: £34.99

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Yeah, that's annoying as sh*t. All in one drop. Plus there's quite a few others in March. Yikes.
I budget each month like I’m sure a lot do so I’ll take these out of aprils budget. I’ve got far too many pre orders for March already
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Lionsgate print the ratings logos on their UK steelbooks don’t they. They aren’t stickers? As crazy as it might sound I might have to import the US releases if this is the case.
Praying these won't have the printed rating logos (stickers only please!) like Reservoir Dogs did... completely ruins the slip for me and means I can't display it on my magnet wall coz they oogleh
Seems Zavvi & Amazon trying to get ahead of the game over HMV with some sales, with a midnight pre-order
Nothing new. Infact HMV have been doing the same the past few months. Surprised they didn’t with these
Can only get kill bill 1 not active for us in aus for kill bill 2 and Jackie brown why is zavvi so hopeless?
Also what was the working code out of interest