Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]


Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011
Release date: March 31, 2025
Purchase links: Amazon UK - Zavvi - HMV
Price: £34.99

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Can only get kill bill 1 not active for us in aus for kill bill 2 and Jackie brown why is zavvi so hopeless?
Also what was the working code out of interest
Red carpet code if you have a Red Carpet account. I'm assuming it's linked to it. I don't pay for RC.
I’m from oz so don’t have this i thought that was not a thing anymore but I don’t get why only kill bill 1 only available and kill bill 2 and Jackie brown not live or active yet even though it’s saying available by email it’s obviously not for us in oz
I can only ever get the Zavvi code to work on in stock items and they've limited it to only some steelbooks now, not new releases. I told you Lionsgate were amazing and that I love them very much. :drool:
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