Multi Last game played/purchased

Saints Row IV Re-elected - I never finished the original version on PS3 due to eventual 'mess around' fatigue but I bought this in the PSN sale and despite the world feeling a bit dead compared to some of the other open worlds I still love this game. The traversal when using all your powers alone is worth the price of admission. On top of that it has probably my favorite character creator mode of any game out there. And it also has the good sense not to take itself seriously in the slightest unlike say Infamous or prototype which offer you the same style of gameplay without any of the self-awareness.
Just finished The Game of Thrones Season 1, enjoyed a lot.

Before that I got the plat at Batman Arkham Knight, which I couldn't stop playing it, I really loved it!

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Just finished THE ROOM 3. What freaking amazing game! It's like the second coming of MYST.
I just received The Talos Principle, for PS4, in the mail in a trade. It's definitely worth checking out, if you're in the mood for a puzzle game. Over 120 puzzles, plus the disc based version has The Road to Gehenna expansion, with another side of the story and even harder puzzles.
Gravity Rush Remastered. I faught with the controls too much on Vita to really get too far into it despite enjoying the charm it had. Word is the character handles much better on PS4 so here's hoping it's true! ;)
Wolfenstein: The New Order - Not really into the FPS genre although there are always some exceptions... I've heard so much good stuff about this one I thought it was time to give it a go. :thumbs:

Also waiting on Uncharted 4 getting here. :woot:
Played up to Chapter 5 on Uncharted 4 here. Chapter 1 (despite being GORGEOUS) left me a little cold... feel like they could have resisted another tutorial chapter in this series but I guess it's just what modern games do. Thankfully the rest has drawn me in deeper... the beats of TLOU of us are all over this game and it's nice to feel a slower build-up even if it won't be to everyone's taste. Chapter 4 was amazing... like probably the best 'human' stuff in the series. If there's more in the way of this in story beats :drool: Did I mention the game is gorgeous? :wow: Naughty Dog continue to leave everyone else in the dust when it comes to visual richness and pure crisp detail. Great stuff and I know it's far from over! :smuggrin: