Ready Player One (4K & 2D Blu-ray SteelBooks) (Best Buy Exclusive) [USA]


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Dec 28, 2012
Release date: July 24, 2018
Purchase links: 4K + BD - BD + DVD
Price: $34.99 (4K) - $29.99 (BD)
Group buy: hosted by apsmith21
Note: Matte finish

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Watched this earlier today in IMAX 3D. Loved it. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with for steelbooks, slips, etc...
I'm going to say it's a no, four versions just launched on Best Buy Canada's website and Steelbook isn't one of them.
Any idea if Canada is getting this release? I'd rather avoid crossing the border if possible.

Best Buy Canada's new business model is to outsell their quota online and have all in-store shipment stock bought by staff who then bump up the price and sell it on eBay or Amazon Marketplace.
Not to mention their in-store selection has gone from quite good to new releases only, and then not many of that.
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