Rogue One : A Star Wars Story - In theaters December 16, 2016


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May 3, 2011
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy

Director: Gareth Edwards

Cast: Felicity Jones, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Donnie Yen, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker

Plot: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, is the first film in the new series of standalone Star Wars movies from Lucasfilm. It tells the story of how a group of unlikely heroes unite to undertake a daring and seemingly impossible mission to steal the plans for the Death Star.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]


Original announcement:
In addition to the episodes of a new Star Wars trilogy, Lucasfilm and Disney have begun development on multiple stand-alone movies that will offer new stories beyond the core Saga. Gareth Edwards will direct the first stand-alone film, with a screenplay by Gary Whitta. The film is due out December 16, 2016.

Gareth Edwards blazed into the filmmaking forefront with his acclaimed work on Monsters, a film he wrote, directed and served on as cinematographer and visual effects artist. The skill and vision readily apparent in Monsters earned him the high-profile spot directing this year's smash hit Godzilla.

"Ever since I saw Star Wars I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life - join the Rebel Alliance! I could not be more excited & honored to go on this mission with Lucasfilm, said Edwards.

Gary Whittas screenwriting credits include 2010s The Book of Eli starring Denzel Washington. He is also well known as a journalist and editor in the video game industry, as well as part of the BAFTA award-winning team on Telltale Games adaptation of The Walking Dead.

Whitta states, "From the moment I first saw the original movie as a wide-eyed kid, Star Wars has been the single most profound inspiration to my imagination and to my career as a writer. It is deeply special to me,so to be given the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing legacy, especially in collaboration with a film-maker as talented as Gareth,is literally a dream come true. I'm still pinching myself."
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Saw this late but did really enjoy it.

I did, I really enjoyed it, really like the many new characters and beautiful scenery. However was bit stunned that like by the end practically
everyone is dead I understand the reasoning that these people obviously weren't in the next film but still was bit gutted the main characters all gone, I would have love to see them develop more.
I honestly really enjoyed it but for me it was missing a tiny amount of Star Wars feeling about it, I got it sometimes and not others. I know a lot of people didn't like TFA and anyone who did isn't a worth reviewer lol but I preferred
TFA, this just didn't have the warm feeling I got from TFA, Jyn was good but she wasn't anywhere good a character or acted as Rey in TFA. I loved K-S20. It's a good film but had a few issues for me maybe it's my fault I'm such a huge Star Wars fan maybe I just put it so high up before I'd even seen it and I maybe was just expecting a tiny bit more.
P.S. Having seen all the many different figures etc of C2-B5, where is it? Lol
I understand your interrogation about that ending, but
I'm sure Disney/Lucasfilms wanted to "close" the door on all those characters and be sure everybody understand there cannot be a follow-up to them since there's Episode IV right after.
If I remember well, there was an interview somewhere that stated that the original ending of the movie, many of the characters didn't die and it's Kathleen Kennedy (Lucasfilms CEO) that gave the green light to go ahead and turn the switch off.

And for C2-B5, pretty sure he was in the previous cut of the movie but since then, the movie has been re-edited so many times with reshots that he lost its place.
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I understand your interrogation about that ending, but
I'm sure Disney/Lucasfilms wanted to "close" the door on all those characters and be sure everybody understand there cannot be a follow-up to them since there's Episode IV right after.
If I remember well, there was an interview somewhere that stated that the original ending of the movie, many of the characters didn't die and it's Kathleen Kennedy (Lucasfilms CEO) that gave the green light to go ahead and turn the switch off.

And for C2-B5, pretty sure he was in the previous cut of the movie but since then, the movie has been re-edited so many times with reshots that he lost its place.

As I said I understand the reasoning but
to be honest this was a money making scheme and when they've just basically made this up they could if they really wanted to make another film where these characters exist just somewhere else not as part of New Hope, which i remember reading was kinda the original
idea for this film it was going to be a stand alone Star Wars film. I mean there has been questions of the point of this film at all by some people (not me) to squeeze it into the original films and then just kill everyone off just when people are literally just introduced to all the new characters and I mean I really liked them they were really cool characters and as I said it's a real shame they won't carry on but it's still a very good film.
When I see this at the start of the year I was impressed by it but I just wasn't getting the feeling everyone else was getting

I thought it felt like a proper Star Wars film (much better than the last 3 Lucas made) and like the force awakens I loved that they have gone back to a lot of practical effects where they can be done and use of puppets, costumes, animatronics and real locations. Loved all the Easter eggs and the two guys who bump into Jin from the bar in a new hope etc

BUT i watched it again recently and I f*cking loved it the second time round. I think maybe more than TFA

I am a little annoyed that some of the scenes from the trailer wasn't included in the final cut though. Like some AT-AT scenes and the scene with Jin on the bridge that has changed

It's also made me hate the WWA steel even more.
Such a bad design for such a great film. Considering you don't really see them in the water in the final cut and would of preferred the main characters instead of the troopers looking awkward going for a dip and badly photoshopped

Usually I would still get the WWA steels to add to the collection like I do with marvel steels and with TFA but i just can't in this instance

Will have to go blu fans for a decent steel
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I'm sorry, but this is absolute BULLSH*T!!!!

Ever since that Rogue One trailer featured a wounded Jyn Erso limping forward onto a windblown gantry to face down the spider-eye cockpit of a TIE fighter, fans have been wondering: What comes next?

“That’s going to have to remain a mystery,” says director Gareth Edwards. And there’s a very good reason for that.

There was no “next.”

The hovering TIE was an image without a story point, and it only existed for the sake of the trailer, capturing the David vs. Goliath tone of the nascent Rebellion and the overpowering Empire.

“It was something the marketing team fell in love with,” Edwards says. “We knew it would not be in the film. It’s one of those things where all the trailers are put together way before the film comes out. It wasn’t a specific part of the story.


This is completely unacceptable. I waited the entire film for this moment from the trailer.
And to find out that it wasn't just cut from the film. it wasn't even shot for the film. it was made for the trailer alone.

This cannot start being a trend. If you put something in your trailer, especially something as epic as this. It HAS to be from the film. I understand scenes get deleted all the time, but putting something in a trailer already knowing it wont be in the film is false advertising, manipulation and thievery.

Honestly, I'm pretty angry about this. This is a new low.

...end of rant.
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I'm sorry, but this is absolute BULLSH*T!!!!

Ever since that Rogue One trailer featured a wounded Jyn Erso limping forward onto a windblown gantry to face down the spider-eye cockpit of a TIE fighter, fans have been wondering: What comes next?

“That’s going to have to remain a mystery,” says director Gareth Edwards. And there’s a very good reason for that.

There was no “next.”

The hovering TIE was an image without a story point, and it only existed for the sake of the trailer, capturing the David vs. Goliath tone of the nascent Rebellion and the overpowering Empire.

“It was something the marketing team fell in love with,” Edwards says. “We knew it would not be in the film. It’s one of those things where all the trailers are put together way before the film comes out. It wasn’t a specific part of the story.


This is completely unacceptable. I waited the entire film for this moment from the trailer.
And to find out that it wasn't just cut from the film. it wasn't even shot for the film. it was made for the trailer alone.

This cannot start being a trend. If you put something in your trailer, especially something as epic as this. It HAS to be from the film. I understand scenes get deleted all the time, but putting something in a trailer already knowing it wont be in the film is false advertising, manipulation and thievery.

Honestly, I'm pretty angry about this. This is a new low.

...end of rant.
@kaw I completely understand your rant! :thumbs:

But come to the 'Take it easy' side, we chill over here! :cool:

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I'm sorry, but this is absolute BULLSH*T!!!!

Ever since that Rogue One trailer featured a wounded Jyn Erso limping forward onto a windblown gantry to face down the spider-eye cockpit of a TIE fighter, fans have been wondering: What comes next?

“That’s going to have to remain a mystery,” says director Gareth Edwards. And there’s a very good reason for that.

There was no “next.”

The hovering TIE was an image without a story point, and it only existed for the sake of the trailer, capturing the David vs. Goliath tone of the nascent Rebellion and the overpowering Empire.

“It was something the marketing team fell in love with,” Edwards says. “We knew it would not be in the film. It’s one of those things where all the trailers are put together way before the film comes out. It wasn’t a specific part of the story.


This is completely unacceptable. I waited the entire film for this moment from the trailer.
And to find out that it wasn't just cut from the film. it wasn't even shot for the film. it was made for the trailer alone.

This cannot start being a trend. If you put something in your trailer, especially something as epic as this. It HAS to be from the film. I understand scenes get deleted all the time, but putting something in a trailer already knowing it wont be in the film is false advertising, manipulation and thievery.

Honestly, I'm pretty angry about this. This is a new low.

...end of rant.
I completely agree with you! It's not the first time it's been done, but it definitely seems to be becoming more of the norm nowadays, which is really annoying. It's very misleading and false advertising like you said... not sure how they're allowed to get away with it to be honest. I think the same thing was said about that shot in one of the trailers where Jyn turns to the camera as the lights come on... it was never intended to be used for the film, but they just thought it made a cool shot. Developers have been known to do it with videogames too... I remember some promo shots and trailers for GTAIV showing certain things that you weren't actually able to do in the game which they added just to make it look more entertaining. :bored:

P.S. This one...

I'm sorry, but this is absolute BULLSH*T!!!!

Ever since that Rogue One trailer featured a wounded Jyn Erso limping forward onto a windblown gantry to face down the spider-eye cockpit of a TIE fighter, fans have been wondering: What comes next?

“That’s going to have to remain a mystery,” says director Gareth Edwards. And there’s a very good reason for that.

There was no “next.”

The hovering TIE was an image without a story point, and it only existed for the sake of the trailer, capturing the David vs. Goliath tone of the nascent Rebellion and the overpowering Empire.

“It was something the marketing team fell in love with,” Edwards says. “We knew it would not be in the film. It’s one of those things where all the trailers are put together way before the film comes out. It wasn’t a specific part of the story.


This is completely unacceptable. I waited the entire film for this moment from the trailer.
And to find out that it wasn't just cut from the film. it wasn't even shot for the film. it was made for the trailer alone.

This cannot start being a trend. If you put something in your trailer, especially something as epic as this. It HAS to be from the film. I understand scenes get deleted all the time, but putting something in a trailer already knowing it wont be in the film is false advertising, manipulation and thievery.

Honestly, I'm pretty angry about this. This is a new low.

...end of rant.
100% with you bud. Rogue One brought a new "standard" I'm affaid we're going to see more and more... include EPIC shot to get praise/hype for a movie... Sad day...
I'm sorry, but this is absolute BULLSH*T!!!!

Ever since that Rogue One trailer featured a wounded Jyn Erso limping forward onto a windblown gantry to face down the spider-eye cockpit of a TIE fighter, fans have been wondering: What comes next?

“That’s going to have to remain a mystery,” says director Gareth Edwards. And there’s a very good reason for that.

There was no “next.”

The hovering TIE was an image without a story point, and it only existed for the sake of the trailer, capturing the David vs. Goliath tone of the nascent Rebellion and the overpowering Empire.

“It was something the marketing team fell in love with,” Edwards says. “We knew it would not be in the film. It’s one of those things where all the trailers are put together way before the film comes out. It wasn’t a specific part of the story.


This is completely unacceptable. I waited the entire film for this moment from the trailer.
And to find out that it wasn't just cut from the film. it wasn't even shot for the film. it was made for the trailer alone.

This cannot start being a trend. If you put something in your trailer, especially something as epic as this. It HAS to be from the film. I understand scenes get deleted all the time, but putting something in a trailer already knowing it wont be in the film is false advertising, manipulation and thievery.

Honestly, I'm pretty angry about this. This is a new low.

...end of rant.

Completely agree

I was looking forward to that too.

It better not be the new norm

Like a teaser for teasers! Urgh they do my head in
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Like a teaser for teasers! Urgh they do my head in
Those annoy me too... just release the damn trailer! All these TV spots films get now do my head in too, especially when they're full of spoilers and/or just show all the best bits. I tend to only watch full trailers now anyway, unless it's a film I'm unsure about and want to see more to help me make my mind up.
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There are a few interesting stuff in this review, it's a bit long but definitely worth a shot. I have to say that I agree with most of the things that bothered me already watching it the first time (contains spoilers so if you haven't seen the movie avoid it )
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