Shaun of the Dead (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (EverythingBlu - BluPack #009) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: March 15, 2021
Purchase link: EverythingBlu (Pre-order December 3, at 8 PM - UK time)
Price: £49.99



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Rofl. Why so much hate?
I wouldn’t go as far as hate but thoroughly disappointed and done with them.

Their releases have been dogged with issues like quality and shipping. Not going to moan about delays as they all have them.
I have given them the benefit of the doubt but they have not really improved to be honest the only good outer wrapping they ever did was for the original Mummy release.
which leads on to the latest point, all they are doing now is rehashing releases. The Mummy was the first money grabber and now we already back to Shaun.
They are just lazy and unimaginative in their releases.
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I was thinking they have been on a roll lately with some good releases. Gladiator, Spartacus, Halloween, Casino were all very good IMO
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For those customers demanding a bit more EBlu have gone back to their roots (KILLER KLOWNS) with the perfect M.O. adding a limited number of slipcases and goodies to regular steelbook releases and nowt wrong with that.
For those customers demanding a bit more EBlu have gone back to their roots (KILLER KLOWNS) with the perfect M.O. adding a limited number of slipcases and goodies to regular steelbook releases and nowt wrong with that.
Gone back to their roots? After 10 BluPack and 6 BluPick releases?

Although it's commendable that they are trying to get themselves out there, I'm not sure everybody has come together for this nostalgic moment.
They've certainly designed some decent slips recently/commissioned decent artists (e.g. KILLER KLOWNS) but should maybe leave designing steelbooks to others if The Cornetto Trilogy is anything to go by.
Personally love the steelbook art and will be keeping an eye on this release for sure.

Anyone know the artist?
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While I have no problem with EverythingBlu, it's weird they're doing Shaun of the Dead again...

it's not weird at all.

They did the mummy "book of the dead" what ever thingy. sold out.
then they did same with 4K. sold out.
then they did "book of the living". sold out. ...
guess they'll that 4K in the future ... sigh. and lemmings buy.
Literally...all I want is this

How hard is it

View attachment 488844
A similar image has already been used on the front
and on the back

and even on the inside
not to mention on Amaray covers
SHAUN OF THE DEAD = The best zombie comedy before ONE CUT OF THE DEAD
(Indie Wire)

...actually released also by PA. Company that was put down to day here in this site ... Hmm.....
I don't hate this Steelbook, but can EverythingBlu break their streak of awful Cornetto Trilogy designs? They've definitely gotten better though and I picked up their Spartacus and Casino editions. However, there's still little things that **** me: the flimsiness of the slipboxes, and the weird tiny booklets for example. I don't think they've ever topped Scott Pilgrim.