Spider-Man: Far From Home (4K+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Best Buy Exclusive) [USA]


Scanner Ninja
Premium Supporter
May 15, 2013
Release date: October 1, 2019
Purchase link: Best Buy
Price: $34.99

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The first half of this movie was hard to sit through but the 2nd and 3rd acts improved.

I don’t know what it is but I’m just not a fan of these Marvel iterations of Spider-man. These movies are more competently made than the Amazing Spider-Man movies but I feel like the Amazing Spider-man movies had a better grasp of Spider-man’s purpose as a character.
The first half of this movie was hard to sit through but the 2nd and 3rd acts improved.

I don’t know what it is but I’m just not a fan of these Marvel iterations of Spider-man. These movies are more competently made than the Amazing Spider-Man movies but I feel like the Amazing Spider-man movies had a better grasp of Spider-man’s purpose as a character.

I'd have to assume you're a more mature viewer, like me, and also, perhaps, a longtime fan of Spider-Man. From my review of the movie...

In 2019, when this film is released, I am 46. I've grown up with Spider-Man, so while I can appreciate the character, as he is depicted in the film, as a representation of the character as a young man; I've outgrown that version. The older, more mature version of the character resonates better with me, which is why I didn't love Homecoming as much as many others did. I disliked the wet behind the ears, doe-eyed and needy version of Spider-Man, in that film, who relied so heavily on Iron Man. I understood it, and I understood that this was the original Spider-Man character, I had grown to love, but I had just grown past it, and it impacted my enjoyment of the movie. However, in Far From Home, we still see that unconfident version of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, but we get to see him grow out of it, throughout the film. I can only hope that third entry in the franchise brings us the confident, sharp-tongued and proficient Spider-Man, I now love, right from the start of the film.
well, when i first saw it, it was just the front and it was kinda ok but when i saw both front and back and the amount of those details, the style of the illustrations.... i mean... geezz that's kinda ugly tho lol... anyway so far all the arts for FFH seems to be the collections of bad illustrations.. sigh.... gotta wait for WEA FAC (no matter how long it takes...lol)
I wasn’t keen on this art from day one.... hoping when HMV UK finally announce their artwork that it’s an improvement.
Theres only 3 designs it can be. Either this. The German 4k mysterio artwork or the german blu tay steelbook artwork

I’ve got my fingers crossed for the Japanese Amazon exclusive. It’s exclusive to that retailer in that country, hoping a U.K. or Euro retailer can bag it for this side of the world.

(That Mysterio one though.... *bleurgh!* i’ve just done a little sick in my mouth)