Surrogates Blu-ray Give-Away


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

We're pleased to announce that we've been given a couple copies of Surrogates on Blu-ray to give away. We're not going to just throw these out at will though, lets make sure they get into some true Bruce Willis fan's hands! (Wow, say that 3x fast!) What better way to test your Bruce-ness by some gool ol' Bruce Willis trivia!

When will this take place? The trivia will take place on our forums the week before release. (Monday-Friday) Each day we will post a trivia question @ 7pm Est. (this should help with folks at work who dont have access to a cpu) First 2 correct answers will earn a point. The 2 users with the most points at the end of the week will receive Surrogates on Blu-ray during release week.

This contest is only eligible for our forum members, (with at least 10 posts) so if you're not a forum member, join up and get to posting and win yourself the intense, new blockbuster Surrogates on Blu-ray.

Rules: Contest rules are stated above and all forum members w/ at least 10 posts are eligible except myself and Horhay.

Surrogates is set to release on January 26th[/B


Bighorns: 1
Alpha: 1
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lol and there is our 2nd answer! Jeez, you would'a thought someone else would of played off Horns' post during all that time.

seeing as how both Alpha and Horns both now have 3 points each that automatically makes them the winners since even if a person won todays and tomorrow's they'd only have 2 points.

Congrats to Alpha and Horns and for the rest of the folks, we have a $10 coupon for Surrogates in our hot deals section.
Sweet gig, I was certain in the time it took me to have band practice, drink some beers, get home, and post online that someone would have already taken the question if it hadn't been called off already...

Woo! Congrats bighorns! :scat:

The consolation prize is nice, too, $10 off can't really argue with that unless it was $20 off :p

Woot! :oohyeah:
winners PM me your address the titles will arrive to me on street or next day I assume so you should have it 2-3days after.