Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


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Apr 12, 2009
Release date: 6th July, 2015
Purchase link: Zavvi
Price: £17.99
Note: No title on spine, no Inside art, Region B


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Do you know of many steels with a blank spine? I hope as you say, that I can like it for this reason. I don't have it in hand yet, so we will see.
Completely blank, this is the first that I've seen (though there may be more I just don't know about).
Off the top of my head, the UK Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 Steelbook also had no title, but did have various logos.
Not funny if it was meant to be a joke and maybe you ought to practice on your friends first, you and @BluSteel2012 both, before posting.
Your remark came across to me as snide and nasty and on top of that there are the 'nice' people that thanked you.
The contributor at whom the barb was aimed is one of the most helpful and informative on this forum as opposed to the other camp containing members that are always bitching about the price of this or that steelbook or how poor the artwork is.
It's not hard to see which camp you and @BluSteel2012, and those that thanked you both, belong to

I really don't know what on earth you're talking about :wow:???? What snide and nasty comment are you referring to o_O???? If you're still on about the comment referring to Paul's 180 degree u-turn, it was just an innocent light hearted comment because he seemed adamant he was still going to keep his order for Terminator 2 then completely changed his mind. It just seemed amusing.

Also I have spoken to Paul privately in the past and we're on good terms as far as I know so I don't think he would take any offence at the comments by myself or BluSteel - mainly because there was nothing there to take offence at. Or am I missing something?

Jesus fella, how do you survive day to day real life when you get upset so easily? You could get into a major argument just going out to buy some milk :wow:
Not funny if it was meant to be a joke and maybe you ought to practice on your friends first, you and @BluSteel2012 both, before posting.
Your remark came across to me as snide and nasty and on top of that there are the 'nice' people that thanked you.
The contributor at whom the barb was aimed is one of the most helpful and informative on this forum as opposed to the other camp containing members that are always bitching about the price of this or that steelbook or how poor the artwork is.
It's not hard to see which camp you and @BluSteel2012, and those that thanked you both, belong to
With all due respect @virkia, how is it 'bitching' when member's talk about the price of a steelbook? or the artwork?, we are all consumer's and this is a consumer based forum, we are all on here essentially to check out new releases and what we are going to spend our hard earned money on, which is why price is important.
Completely blank, this is the first that I've seen (though there may be more I just don't know about).
Off the top of my head, the UK Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 Steelbook also had no title, but did have various logos.
Yes its the first ever UK completely blank spine
Previous UK releases that had no title on the spine had a Blu-ray Logo and Studio Logo

Other countries might have had some totally blank spines but this is the first in the UK

Not something I like to see happen again as I'm sure there is no collector who wants to see that happen again with future releases
Even when Disney do no title on a spine it still has at least something on the spine to look at be it a small image with artwork and studio logos
With all due respect @virkia, how is it 'bitching' when member's talk about the price of a steelbook? or the artwork?, we are all consumer's and this is a consumer based forum, we are all on here essentially to check out new releases and what we are going to spend our hard earned money on, which is why price is important.

I was referring to those contributors like @paulboland who are invariably helpful and knowledgeable as opposed to those whose only contributions are rants about price and artwork.
Of course price and artwork are important as these decide whether we buy the thing or not !
It's just that these not so subtle digs designed solely to cause mischief are unwarranted just because someone changed his mind.
I really don't know what on earth you're talking about :wow:???? What snide and nasty comment are you referring to o_O???? If you're still on about the comment referring to Paul's 180 degree u-turn, it was just an innocent light hearted comment because he seemed adamant he was still going to keep his order for Terminator 2 then completely changed his mind. It just seemed amusing.

Also I have spoken to Paul privately in the past and we're on good terms as far as I know so I don't think he would take any offence at the comments by myself or BluSteel - mainly because there was nothing there to take offence at. Or am I missing something?

Jesus fella, how do you survive day to day real life when you get upset so easily? You could get into a major argument just going out to buy some milk :wow:

Now, that's funny, particularly the bit about the milk.
See, I knew you could be funny when you set your mind to it.
I was referring to those contributors like @paulboland who are invariably helpful and knowledgeable as opposed to those whose only contributions are rants about price and artwork.
Of course price and artwork are important as these decide whether we buy the thing or not !
It's just that these not so subtle digs designed solely to cause mischief are unwarranted just because someone changed his mind.
Are you implying all I do is ***** and moan? Because if you are, 'glasshouses' and 'stones' come to mind.

There wasn't even anything malicious implied at any time, so I'm not sure how this got blown all out of proportion. Paul himself even came on and commented on it. It was a comment meant to be a bit of teasing. That's all. It wasn't even aimed at you so I'm not sure why your panties are in a bunch over nothing??

Let's just leave it now and move back on topic. Jesus!

That's me done on this forum. There'll be no more comments from me.
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Ok guys lets get back on topic. If you want to continue the discussion take it to PM. Continuous back and forth arguing just derails the thread. Any more argumentative posts will be deleted. Let's get back on topic to the Steelbook. Thanks.
Apologies to all for that spot of P-T.S.D. (post-traumatic stress disorder) or in this case Post-Terminator 2 Stress Disorder.
It's a shame that such an iconic movie could get such bad treatment- What were the designers thinking of, and where did the logic of the completely blank spine come into play??

I'll more than happily settle for the Mondo steelbook on this...
Decided to cancel. I do like the front but to have nothing on the spine and no inside art is taking the p#ss. Zavvi obviously didnt want to send me it due to having 15% off, oh well their loss.

Why do none of the t2 steels have Arnie on them? T1 and T3 do!

Hopefully there will be a release for the anniversary.
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