Time Travel, Alternate Reality, Piecing Memories [WINNER CHOSEN]

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Rock Ninja/Steelbook Contributor
Premium Supporter
Dec 30, 2011
Up North Canada
Hello Ninja Fam!

In the spirit of our #bestweekever , I decided to be more active in this year's #ninjaweek and host a 2nd giveaway to join the celebration.

Up for grabs are Future Shop exclusive steelbooks Looper (with lenticular magnet) and Total Recall 2012 & "old school" Canada-wide release Memento.

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Contest will run till Sunday March 1st till 12 pm EST.

Shipping: World Wide, Winner PAYS shipping.

Winner will be chosen by random.org


One entry per member.

1, Thank this post.
2. If you can time travel, which era will you go (has to be specific like 50s, 60s or further down the road like Medieval Ages)?
3. Pick a person from that era to have a chat and share a beer or a cup of coffee with.

Have fun.

Good luck Ninjas!
I would time travel back to the 1960s so I could enjoy all my favorite classic rock bands that aren't around anymore. I would like to meet Jimi Hendrix and just chill and smoke a joint with him. ;) :)
I would like to go back 12.000 years and walk around "Göbekli Tepe".
Would like to see how they lived, the knowledge.
Speaking to any person there would suffice.
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1) Done
2) Ancient Rome (would be awesome to see the original structures and culture that I have seen the ruins of in modern times)
3) Probably go with Julius Caeser
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Date ....443 AD
Atilla The Hun
And I 'd Ask Him.'Why So Hostile' Then just before he cut of my head i'd ask 'How About A Coffee'
I would go back to the 1940's to meet my grandfather in the prime of his life. It would be a true dream come true.
Great giveaway and great question. Thanks for the opportunity!

I would probably travel to 1860's and have a chat with Abe. One of the most famous presidents in US history and I've always wondered what it would have been like back then. Seems so interesting.
I know it may sound wierd, but i would actually go back to the mid 30's to talk to the douchebag called Hitler.
I would try to have a serious conversation with him, trying to understand HOW a single person could become SO intrigued by killing people of another "race"..
Don't think i would stand his shittalk and do everything to earse him from human history.

Had to be said.

Besides that - thanks for the giveaway! :LOL:
Great giveaway!
I'd travel back to the morning of 9/11. I'd hire assassins to kill those scumbags that hijacked those planes.
Then I would buy them champagne.
Thank you
1, Thank this post. DONE
2. If you can time travel, which era will you go (has to be specific like 50s, 60s or further down the road like Medieval Ages)?
I would pick the early 1500's in America when Amerigo Vespucci arrived to America and shortly there after used his name for the new land.
3. Pick a person from that era to have a chat and share a beer or a cup of coffee with.
I would tell him that instead of America we should call it Ninja
I would go in 2215 and talk with my little little...little daughter/son to see how our world has become and talk with her/him about his/her fathers :)
early 1980s and talk and meet my parents before i was born :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
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