Trivia Question of the Day Thread


beer snob
Premium Supporter
Feb 16, 2009
Milwaukee, WI
I'm gonna start something see if you guys like it. I'll ask a random trivia question every day (unless im gone) and I'll keep track of who gets the most right. If this becomes something people like, I'll try and keep it going past the summer.

We'll have to work on the honor system here, since the internet has just about every answer out there. If you don't know it, please don't look it up and then post the answer.

I'm going to post these at random times too, otherwise some people might not ever get a chance to answer a question if they are busy same time every day.

I'll keep a running tab of points here. First person to get it right wins the point for the day. Only one guess per person per day.

BRC Trivia Points:

MacDaddyOJack: 6
Roadkill: 1
49ergirl: 3
bailey: 7
Horhay: 1
bighorns: 2
Goodguy818: 2
Glen-Bob: 1

Questions and Answers:

Questions 1-15

16. What is the fourth largest state in the US?
A: Montana-- Winner: bailey

17. What is the name of the bunny that haunts Donnie in the popular cult movie "Donnie Darko"?
A: Frank-- Winner: bailey

18. In what movie does Morgan Freeman have a role as the US President?
A: Deep Impact-- Winner: bailey

19. What movie does the line " It can't rain all the time" come from?
A: The Crow-- Winner: bighorns

20. What is the name of the owner/dad of the iconic comic strip cat, Garfield?
A: Jon Arbuckle-- Winner: bighorns

21. A man turned 80 yesterday, how man days old is her?
A: 29221-- Winner: Goodguy818

22. Holly Hunter handily won Best Actress in 1993 for a movie about what musical instrument?
A: Piano-- Winner: 49ergirl

23. Which US state consumes the most energy per person?
A: Alaska-- Winner: MacDaddyOJack

24. What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out?
A: Air Force-- Winner: N/A

25. What is the only mammal that can fly?
A: Bat-- Winner: Goodguy818

26. What is the official summer sport of Canada?
A: Lacrosse-- Winner: Glen-Bob

27. What card in a standard deck of cards is known as the "devils bedpost"?
A: 4 of clubs-- Winner: bailey
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Question 16

Question 16

Alaska, Texas, and California are the three largest states in the US. Which state is the 4th largest?
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