Tyler Stout Chat Thread


Red Viper
Premium Supporter
Sep 7, 2010
The Tyler Stout Chat Thread.

One of Mondo's finest Artist... Post all Stout goodies here!

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I am sure there will be a stout lottery where you might have another shot.

Yep. I haven't been picked for one yet, but I keep trying. It's still a chance though.

I will have both though. The Jock & Stout stand alone in my eyes. :LOL:

New wife? :p I kid, I kid. My wife thought his work was too chaotic, until I explained that the prints he does are of movies he really loves. He puts little tidbits in his prints that only true fans of the film will recognize. She now looks at his work differently, but still chaotic. :squint:

What's the name your wife gave me? Ugly crayon guy? Bet that changes. :hilarious:

I sure hope there is a chance of me owning this at cost. :p

I actually tend to agree with her. If there wasn't so much hype surrounding Stout I don't think I'd pick his artwork out of a crowd of choices. But that's the catch...for some movies there really aren't that many choices. Thus Stout gets the nod.

That's exactly why drive isn't going for crazy prices; the market is saturated there.

I do like how he tried to incorporate so many different characters/aspects of the movie though. If Taylor did more character references in his prints I think he'd outclass Stout every day of the year. In fact, I think he still does.

I would like my chances if I weren't using an iPad and shotty service in the beach house that day. I'm headed on vacation tomorrow. Odds of me getting this are slimmer now. Thinking if I don't get one I'll buy a Jock SOTD instead.

I've failed almost every drop I have attempted on an iPad. The way the iPad browsers (plural there) cache and load images almost gauruntee you'll be at the end of the line.

I am sure there will be a stout lottery where you might have another shot.

Maybe my luck is just bad, but I've had more success on mondo drops than stout lotteries :ohno:
Yea I don't have high hopes for being successful on the initial drop. And I've never scored a lotto ticket from Stout yet. Think Sarah dislikes me.

Ill seek out a Jock if no luck or pb
If anyone could help me out with this one I'd be eternally grateful. My cousin is getting married on Friday and I'm best man so I'll be busy with wedding stuff all day. I'll still try to get it from my phone, but I've never had much from the phone.
So my last check for a pb on this. Going to be mia tomorrow. If any one can try for the regular tomorrow send me a pm please :beg:
I agree with triangle. Then again, TWBB dropped at the regular time. I highly suspect an early afternoon drop on this one though
wow! first time i've experienced Mondo madness...sold out as soon as page refreshed!

should i be refreshing the homepage or shop page for future reference?

NOTE 23 copies on ebay already ;/