What SteelBook do you REGRET not getting?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

This should be about steels you had a chance to get at release, but didnt for one reason or another. It's not about a brand new collector, who wasn't around for a release just regretting that. However, you can share that you regret not getting into them earlier if you are a new collector. :D

Maybe you own it now, but regret passing it up at release and paying more $$$ for it later etc.

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I have a fairly long list for this one, which is why I haven't posted in here yet. But to save time I think I'll just go with the two I regret the most...

Iron Man (CA) & Zombieland (DE) - I can't even look at anything Iron Man related without tearing up... I'll be sobbing in the corner of the cinema when The Avengers film comes out. :(
The one i missed out on was Grand Bleu from Japan.

I considered pre ordering before release but couldn't justify the total harge including shipping so made the decision not to get it

When i do see it on sale now, the price is crazy, so i have to pretend it doesn't exist :(
Well, for me it would have to be my first one. If I had never done that.....I wouldn't be spending all my hard earned money on aluminum boxes!:angry:;)

Yeah, this doesn't make any sense. Just realized I read the title of this thread too fast.

I thought it said which steelbook do you regret GETTING!:hilarious: :emb:
I regret not getting the Japanese releases that just came out last month but I wasn't going to pay for the outragous shipping fees. I have to take control of this hobby and not let it control me. :rolleyes:
This is an easy one for me. The only one that I want that I never bought was Inglorious Basterds (CA) w/ dog tags. Had the opportunity but passed on it for the German Collector's box. Should have picked up both :(.
when i first started collecting i always used to see steels that are now super rare at buy it now prices of £50 or less, i used to thing no way will i ever spend that much and i just bought cheap ones lol small list of what i can remember:

wanted debossed BIN £45
zombieland BIN £40
iron man BIN £100
john rambo BIN £200 (SEALED AS WELL)
independance day IP error version BIN £60

i look back now and thing if i juust didnt buy so many crap steels and bought one or 2 of the more expensive ones my collction now would be smaller but OMG so much better lol

but what can you do hey who knows the ones that are £40-£100 now could end up going for £££'s in the near future and people will be saying just the same as me now lol
Mainly three titles, Iron Man FS, Rambo Amazon.de & Wanted DE, I opted for DVD Steelbook editions instead, that was the dumbest thing I've ever done lol, well at least I have two outta three, one more to go ;)