Whats you new resolution for 2017 into 2018???


The Helpful Fox
Premium Supporter
Oct 13, 2013
UK portsmouth
normally i don't do any form of new years resolution whatsoever but this year it would seem ive thought of something a little bit challenging which if i do it borders on when i quit smoking some years back.
anyway i started this back in dec 2017 and intend to do this till at least to end of 2018.

my challenge to me and wife is no takeaways for at least a year.

the reasoning behind this is help loose weight and save some money also the point of this if either of us weakens the other morally kicks us in the backside as says NO, when we do. e.g. we have had a sh1t day at work lets get takeaway.

so got me thinking any of you got yourself a new years resolution which is a bit of a challenge to you???
and then thought what the hell have i done :arghh:


all the best
basil :thumbs:
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Honestly no. 5 years ago I decided to lose serious weight which I've done and keep at it so I'm a happy camper in that respect. No need to do anything else but having said that I could try and cut down on the spending. Buying way too many steelbooks and blu-rays last year. Maybe ration myself my bit more and stop popping into cafes for a quick coffee.
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Whenever I work late at night when I should really be asleep .... I have a bad habit of wanting Candy. I ate a lot of Candy last year far more then probably even in the past 10 years ... so I'm hoping to kick that in exchange for at least cleaner energy like fruits etc.

I also spent so much time working on this site and or packing and shipping movies that I really didnt watch that much myself. I'm hoping to have more time to enjoy movies I own and want to see as well. Same kind of goes for gaming , but not to any extremes as rather spend that time with kids. But its almost healthy for me to least jump on and have a quick game or 2 often. For whatever reason, whether its age, crap to get done, or lack of no addicting games in 2017 I pretty much had no game that made me want to game longer then 45 mins straight. Perhaps that was a good thing, ha.

Collection wise, I hope to get a bit more focus and finally trade or sell off stuff I dont want in turn to get more of my focus and "what I enjoy" in collecting Tarantino editions. And I'd love if possible to replace all my current media racks with white racks from Ikea ... but not so sure it'll happen as its no cheap task for me. ;p
Whenever I work late at night when I should really be asleep .... I have a bad habit of wanting Candy. I ate a lot of Candy last year far more then probably even in the past 10 years ... so I'm hoping to kick that in exchange for at least cleaner energy like fruits etc.

I also spent so much time working on this site and or packing and shipping movies that I really didnt watch that much myself. I'm hoping to have more time to enjoy movies I own and want to see as well. Same kind of goes for gaming , but not to any extremes as rather spend that time with kids. But its almost healthy for me to least jump on and have a quick game or 2 often. For whatever reason, whether its age, crap to get done, or lack of no addicting games in 2017 I pretty much had no game that made me want to game longer then 45 mins straight. Perhaps that was a good thing, ha.

Collection wise, I hope to get a bit more focus and finally trade or sell off stuff I dont want in turn to get more of my focus and "what I enjoy" in collecting Tarantino editions. And I'd love if possible to replace all my current media racks with white racks from Ikea ... but not so sure it'll happen as its no cheap task for me. ;p

dopey question but how many racks you got wreck?

this where you say i got 3 out buildings full of about 20 in each:LOL:

basil :thumbs:
My wife and I just moved into our new home a month ago, so I feel like a lot of my personal resolutions will be put aside in order to work on the home. That's not a bad thing, of course, but there's certainly work to be done. We want to update the windows and doors leading outside this year, as well as lawn work and putting together a garden for my wife. I don't know if my budget will allow much more than that, but just like @Wreck, I also need to update my media racks as one was destroyed during our move, so now I have a bunch of movies in boxes.

As for those personal resolutions, I've already fumbled a bit as I've been trying to catch up on my 2017 films before the end of the month. (Writers' Top 10 list coming to the HDN homepage at the end of January) Here's my resolutions, though...
  • Schedule my time after work accordingly so I can accomplish the following:
    • Geek Pants to have weekly shows; the Camcast airing every two weeks with Board Off! returning and airing in-between each Camcast
      • Pay the subscription price to have the Camcast appear on SoundCloud as soon as they're available
      • Finally get the Camcast on to iTunes and any other podcast providers
    • Air Hi-Def Ninja Presents The GeekCap on a weekly basis (first 2018 episode already recorded, but it takes hours to edit)
    • Write my first full-length screenplay in 5 years as I have a hook-up in Toronto that may come through
  • Quit buying so much and knock down my personal debt (I did really well with this in 2017 and plan to continue forth in 2018)
  • Continue to hold on to hope that QUIVER's director will finally come through and complete the film that our cast & crew worked so hard on