Windows 10 ...who's getting it?

Will you be getting Windows 10?

  • Possibly, not too sure yet.

  • Yes, Definitely!

  • Without a doubt, I will NOT upgrade!

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Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Who here is interested in Windows 10 that will be releasing as a FREE upgrade to Windows 8.1 & Windows 7? This OS looks wickedly sweet. If you see a Window icon down in your system tray 'Click It' and you can sign up to receive it free when it releases and it will automatically download and wait for you to install it at a time that is right for you.

Here's a screenshot of what pops up when clicked on.
I found a video demo of a early release on YT.

Here's a YT video on Windows 10 and Project Spartan, the new Internet browser that will replace Internet Explorer.

Anyways share your input positive or negative on Windows 10.
It's not that "Old" but in technology years, it's old:D
It runs Windows 7 smoothly and I've never had a problem with it. Went from Wxp to W7 and now W10.
Believe it or not I just recently got a backup PC that I purposely shopped for to have Windows 7 installed.( almost all PCs have Windows 8 now and you really have to look to find one with Windows 7installed. And from what I hear, removing 8 to put on 7 is not that simple an affair.). I just wanted one more computer that had the last vestiges of the OS I was comfortable and familiar with. I am fine with new and shiny OS, but I am all about working FAST- and a new OS will slow me down just to figure out its design.
I can't wait to hear what people think. I heard 8 was not great. The word I kept hear was it was 'intrusive'- with things getting in the way of workflow.
I heard that the offer for the free upgrade to windows 10 is going to be for up to 12 months (please correct me if I'm wrong on that)...I hope that's true, because that means I can wait for reviews and hear what people think before I decide.

I had planned on downloading day one but i may wait until sometime next week.The reviews say 10 is a great OS but feels unfinished in places.
I'm jumping in with both feet, there's not an OS that I can't handle and manipulate to my liking. I like Win8.1 a lot and now that the start menu is back where it should be, this will be the best OS yet IMO. :smug:
Well this sucks.A few days ago the updater told me i was compatible with windows 10, then when i go to upgrade it tells me my Display isn't compatible and i won't able to upgrade.I updated the drivers from the Ms update and now the update icon in the tray is gone and won't come back.I guess they said my PC wasn't ready for windows 10.Granted it is about 4 years old

Guess i'm stuck with 7 until i get another PC :cautious:
I purposefully avoided it during the beta period, but decided to install the public release this evening.

Having gone from Win 7 Ultimate to Win 10 Pro, it'll take a bit of getting used to; and it still seems like a bit of a weird amalgamation of Windows 7 and Windows 8 in some places.
Some of the features are pretty handy (e.g. the Action Center gives you quick access to enable/disable bluetooth, connect/disconnect bluetooth speakers, etc.).

The upgrade process was pretty painless, though for some reason the installer checked for updates more times than it should have and at one point re-downloaded the same updates it had previously over again.
There were a lot of privacy etc. settings that basically said send everything to Microsoft by default, so it's worth going through and changing them as needed after installing.

For some reason Windows 10 decided to attempt to re-install a device driver that had been removed long ago, only to find there was no Windows 10 version - removing it via device manager didn't work as it re-added itself after a reboot, so I had to spend half an hour or so manually deleting all references to it via the registry editor.

On the whole, it seems faster than Windows 7 too, so that's a plus.
I got a mid level computer because it had Win7 which I know and love. The computer is buggy as hell, and I don't know if it's because of the way it works with Windows 7 or it's just the computer itself.
Will Win10 make things better or worse? Seriously...I have no idea. I am in line, and I will be getting it for free, so I have the choice.