[WINNER CHOSEN][Ninja Week'15 Give-away] 3 Steelbooks-Paranormal Activity 3, Anchorman & True Grit!

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Apr 12, 2009

Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!

Prize donated by @Naughtius Maximus

Paranormal Activity 3 1 DE
Anchorman 1 UK
True Grit 1 UK


To enter:

1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!


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Hate talkers in the theatre, always behind me whispering whys he doing that?
I didn't beleive in ghosts till I worked at 4 story house in Liverpool last year and I was on my own measuring up while another lad when for materials , about 3 different occasions I seen shadows , didn't think nothing of it then I seen the shadow of a kid sitting on the top step of one one the sets of stairs , s**t myself and when the other lad came back was laughing and saying there was no such thing , wasn't till the owner came back and said her sons and hubby see ghosts all the time and the house was a orphanage in 1870s and bad things happened ,
Strange thing they only showed themselfs to males
So yeah I do believe I think(n)
1. The 6ft tall dude in front of me sporting a stylish yet full afro!!

2. I reckon son, yeah!!

Cheers for the giveaway dude =]
The lack of leg space. As a result I get kicked in the back of my seat and I have to take a seat more or less sideways.

No, I don't believe in ghost or any supernaturel stuff.
1) The last several times that I did not sit in the back row, the back of my seat got kicked repeatedly. People have such a lack of awareness, respect, manners, or courtesy anymore.

2) I do not believe in the paranormal, but I believe in the supernatural power of God.
1) Other people, especially those people that bring foods and talk on their self phones :angry: :angry:

2) NO!

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
The auto-commentary. Those audience member that explain the ENTIRE movie to the person sitting net to them? Are they from another planet? Cant they see what is happening for themselves?! :rofl:

I don't believe in the supernatural. Makes for great entertainment but that's where it ends.

Great giveaway!
1) Talking takes the top award
2) Never seen a ghost or had any supernatural type event happen to me so I'd have to say no. Seeing is believing. I'm open to the idea of it though based on other people's experiences.
Thank you for the give away.
1. I hate people talking in the cinema while the movie is running!! :mad:
But i think that's quite typical for cinema visitors lol..

2. I don't think that they exist like they're shown in horror movies etc.. BUT i believe that there's somekind of existence after dying. Just can't stand the idea of a "soul" simply dying away and to be just gone... :bag:
1) People with a deficient in intelligence behind you comment the whole movie :meh:

2) My mind says no way but my gut says yes they're behind you :oohyeah:

Thank you for the giveaway :drool:
1) Talking during the movie, and Cell Phones! People still do this $#!t even though everyone hates it! If the call is that important, don't go to the movies! Or step outside! Even checking your email or text lights up the entire theatere with your bright ass iphone! Yeah buddy, I see you!! :punch::angry::banghead:

2) Yes, of course they are
Thanks for the give away.

Mobile phones drive me mad at the cinema even when they are on silent the lights can still be very distracting.

Lets just say I'd believe in the paranormal if I saw it until then no not really.
People talking all the time and get mad when you shush them...

I convince myself that they dont exist, i dont want to make nightmares ahah

thanks for the GA :)
1) What drives you most crazy when you go to the theater?

People that are there to do anything and everything BUT pay attention to the damn movie.

2) Do you think ghosts/the paranormal are real?

I'm Undecided and never have persoanlly expernced anything but I remain open minded.

3) Thanks for the give away
People talking and using mobile phones!

No I don't think they are real. Well not until I experience if for myself!

Thanks for the giveaway!
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