[winner chosen] Pulp Fiction and Mad Max SteelBooks

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

Reply with if you HAD to recast travolta and Samuel L Jackson for a Pulp remake who would it be?

Same with a new Mad Max without Hardy or Gibson

Free empty steelbooks. Ninja week baby!
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Would be tough to replace Samuel L Jackson. Tom Hardy, maybe Chris Pratt or Christian Bale could pull it off. I'll go with Al Pacino in place of John Travolta hah!
thanks for the giveaway! :thumbs: although this thread is the kind of thing that gives producing companies like Platinum Dunes remake ideas. and so, on the understanding that this must never come to pass:

Vincent Vega = Don Johnson (he'd bring the sleazy, i almost want to see this happen :LOL:)
Jules Winnfield = Idris Elba
Max Rockatansky = let's have fun - Gina Carano, cos i think Statham's got too much character.
Great giveaway!

For Pulp, I'd like to see Key and Peele, to me they would be great with Tarantino Dialog

For Mad Max i'd like to see Finn Jones in the role.
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