[WINNER CHOSEN] Zootopia BluFans Lenti Edition (SteelBook Give-away)

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

So pleased to bring you this in cooperation with BluFans as I absolutely adore this movie!

This is for the Lenti edition only!!

What is your favorite part of a blufans edition? They come with a lot of swag at times so what do you like most about their editions?

answer that for a chance to win!
Love the goodies that they've started to add with one-clicks. Really top of the game!
Thanks for this giveaway as well.

What I like the most about Blufans Editions... that would be the actual Steelbooks, I really can`t belive that there WWE Artwork is almost always better than the regular version. They also make nice slips.
Well atm I can say that I like their beautyshots... since I don't actually own any blufans release!

Zootopia would be a good starting point :naughty::D
Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Kind of an easy answer, but it's an honest one... BF always seem to put 100% effort in to their steelbook art and outdo the WWA versions by a mile!
I'm a big lenti nut, so their lenticular slips are always a favourite of mine. WEA steelbooks with a beautiful finish are always awesome as well haha.

Thanks for an amazing giveaway!
Great giveaway! :thumbs:

The steelbooks. Always WEA, always great finish and bossing. Its pretty much why I buy Blufans.
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