Community Collection Award Thread Recommendations

Would love to see an Award for Being ...............CHINGON!!!:D

:hilarious: What would your CHINGON icon look like!? ;)

Chingon Icons-Awards.jpg

The Corona logo is my favorite one! :thumbs:
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If we did them all in one go it would leave us with nothing to issue in the future...... just be patient ;)
I'd love to see a Marvel award, similar to the Disney one. Anything and everything Marvel Comics goes. I'd still like to see the Digibook award, too. Oh, and Pacific Rim... obviously. :thumbs:
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It's definitely past time for a Star Trek Award!!!

Here's my suggestion for an Icon...


Why not have a Star Trek fan club :scat::movie:

and some suggestion for picture :)




I'd like to recommend a few awards for the next round.

First off, I'd like to nominate King Kong because it's the collection that I have that I am most proud. Yes, I'm bias. ;)

Now here's some more conventional choices...

1) Either Wolverine or X-Men because of The Wolverine being released this summer.

2) Star Trek because it's one of Hollywood's longest-running franchises and the new film's just around the corner.

3) Since it just celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a 3D theatrical re-release, the Jurassic Park series should definitely be nominated!

And last but never least...

4) Avatar. It's the biggest film of all time and I'm sure there's some nice collections out there. :thumbs:

Definitely either:

Harry Potter
Star Wars
Star Trek
Or something like an Arnold Schwarzenegger award :)
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