Is there a way to safely remove dents?

Mar 12, 2010
I have a small dent in one of my SBs I'd like to try and repair. I found the thread on how to remove the innards, but not on how to remove dents. any help is appreciated.


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Ive heard of people being able to fix pen size dents ... but usually only to a better "look" but not totally invisible.
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I've never tried this, but I think it might work for a dented SteelBook...:dunno:
How about creases?

I've tried the plastic spoon against a flat surface (like a desk), but that doesn't seem to really help.
Is there any way to 'fix' dents?

So I got a bunch of Disney steels but after unwrapping those blue sheets were covering dents.

Is there a way to press them out? Either than one dent each both Pinocchio & Sleeping Beauty are perfect.

A Bug's Life is probably unsalvageable with four dents.

Wall-E has one ding or something on the back.

Basically nothing I ordered was mint. :angry:
Small dents can be massaged out with a blunt HB pencil, from the other side. Creases can be more difficult. Corner dents are virtually impossible to fix. I had a small dent in my NCFOM and after removing the steel plate I massaged the ding away using my trusty HB pencil. Worked like a charm.
For smaller dents i use a wooden spoon and gently apply pressure using the bottom of the spoon to roll the dents out. It isn't a total fix but can certainly make it look better. As Blu-devil said corner dents you really can't do anything with.
What I do now to get rid of dents is exchange it. Some employees at like FS will just swap it out for you but then there are some who just flat out reject you. You just sometimes have to say the right things to get them to exchange it.
Removing Minor Dents And Fine Creases From Steelbooks™

If you receive Steelbooks™ with small dents and fine creases (such as under the Francais Incluis sticker on WB) you may wanna do what I do.
1) Remove the damaged panel (I'm assuming you already know how to do this. PM Me if you don't)
2) Using a soft lead pencil,GENTLY rub along the dent/ crease line with the leaded end. Check to make sure that you are not pressing too hard. Rub until dent disappears.
3) Wipe any lead away with soft lens cloth.
4) Replace panel.

Do NOT use hard lead pencils, Biro Pens or plastic to press out dents. Soft lead with crumble as opposed to scratch.
I have done this to ALL my dented or creased Steelbooks™ and I can honestly say that it has made them either look immaculate or at the very least improved it.

PM me if you have any questions/ suggestions. Maybe you know of an alternative for removing dents/ creases. I know EVERYONE here will be very interested to hear from you.

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