Spoilers!!! - Lost Season 6


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
This thread was made for spoilers!!!!!!!!!

So read at your own risk!

feel free to still use

this if you like
i say this thread is for current episodes. if you have spoilers for an episode that hasn't aired, say so..put it in spoiler tags

otherwise..we should be able to talk about yesterdays episode.

sound good guys?

So the smoke monster took the form of Locke, so does this mean it also took the form of Jack's dad?

This episode sorta answered many things.
Well the smoke monster is the other guy, remember when Simon was sitting on the beach with a guy that said he will find a loophole to kill him.
hmm yeah I remember that, damn it I suppose I need to keep watching :D

What did you guys think about the alternate story where everyone is ok and the plane doesn't crash?
i say this thread is for current episodes. if you have spoilers for an episode that hasn't aired, say so..put it in spoiler tags

otherwise..we should be able to talk about yesterdays episode.

sound good guys?

Yay!!! Was thinkin the same thing, spoilers is different. We need a thread to talk about the most current episode!!
Well the smoke monster is the other guy, remember when Simon was sitting on the beach with a guy that said he will find a loophole to kill him.

Ok so the smoke monster is the guy that has been hangin' out with Jacob?? And is that the guy that goes by "the man in black"?? Didn't think about him being Jack's father as well?? And wondering if he has to have the dead body on the island to take the form of the person, which is why Jack's dad's dead body and Locke's dead body were essential in getting there? And how many other damn people were actually the smoke monster?? EEK! I was cryin' my arse off with the Sawyer and Juliette ****!!
Ok so the smoke monster is the guy that has been hangin' out with Jacob?? And is that the guy that goes by "the man in black"?? Didn't think about him being Jack's father as well?? And wondering if he has to have the dead body on the island to take the form of the person, which is why Jack's dad's dead body and Locke's dead body were essential in getting there? And how many other damn people were actually the smoke monster?? EEK! I was cryin' my arse off with the Sawyer and Juliette ****!!

hmm I didn't think about this at all. That makes sense, I am going with this theory until they prove it wrong lol
Ok so the smoke monster is the guy that has been hangin' out with Jacob?? And is that the guy that goes by "the man in black"?? Didn't think about him being Jack's father as well?? And wondering if he has to have the dead body on the island to take the form of the person, which is why Jack's dad's dead body and Locke's dead body were essential in getting there? And how many other damn people were actually the smoke monster?? EEK! I was cryin' my arse off with the Sawyer and Juliette ****!!

Johnny Cash is in Lost now ? This is more confusing than I know. ;)
What did you guys think about the alternate story where everyone is ok and the plane doesn't crash?

I thought it was pretty good...I liked seeing some of the original gang back together...it was as I expected it to be, a little "Back to the Future" style of story telling...which I rather enjoy.:D However, I was more interested about what was going on back on the Island.
I think Jacob took sayeds body.

I agree...so does this mean there will be a John Locke and Sayid showdown?

I'm wondering if we will still be seeing the original Jacob and Black Smoke guy before they took over these "new" bodies. I emphasized "new" because who's to say that their original bodies were in fact their own. Maybe they have been taking over bodies for a long time now. I'm looking forward to next week!:scat:
I'm am watching this show right now and I'm hating more than ever. I don't know if it's the unresolving story line or the characters themselves that I loath. To top it all off Kate does absolutely nothing for me any more. F**k this s**t.
I'm am watching this show right now and I'm hating more than ever. I don't know if it's the unresolving story line or the characters themselves that I loath. To top it all off Kate does absolutely nothing for me any more. F**k this s**t.

I feel your pain. The majority of TV shows have been using the same technique of providing viewers with an unresolvable story. 24, LOST, Heroes, Prison Break, etc. all use the same style; :(

Kate hasn't been doing much the past 3 seasons. They keep giving her more and more corny lines, it's quite irritating.:angry:
every show does it, not much you can do. take a look at my favorite tv show of all time, xfiles..

just be glad they're ending it early instead of dragging it on for years like that terrible show heroes