The Official Samsung BD C6500 Blu-Ray Disc Player thread


Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Feel free to post general questions/updates regarding this player here.

I bought one of these this past weekend for the bedroom simply because it seemed it was the only one Bestbuy Canada carried that would give us Netflix. The first night we plugged it in was an absolute nightmare and I was close to packing it up and taking it back after a couple hours of trying to upgrade software and Firmware. All the menu display was french with no apparent way of changing it. The machine did manage to finally connect to the internet and do 1 software upgrade with but menues in French or not, I could still tell that Netflix was NOT listed anywhere. Salesman at the BB told me it would show after a firmware upgrade so I went to the website and burned their firmware to disc only to have the machine tell me it was the wrong update. I tried several files on Samsung website and gave up after making the 3rd CD coaster. I was totally ready to return this thang.

Last night I turned it on one more time to give it a try and when I did I fisrt thing i noticed was ENGLISH MENU!!!! WTF??? The machine proceded to do several software updates while I decided to put the Firmware on a mem stick and install it that way instead. As I was downloading the file I noticed the machine starting it's fifth update and it was the firmware file I was downloading, hahaha. After that installed I still didn't see any Netflix and was starting to get very facking angry. I browsed around the Internet TV page for a minute to see if it was hiding somewhere and as I was it started downloading the Netflix App. HOORAY!!!!!!! There ya have it. Prolly 3 hours total to get the thing set up, that includes the 2 hours of BS the night before, haha.

All Seems to be fine and dandy now. I haven't put a Blu in it yet to see how fast it is. Will post more info as I get it!

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