What Games/Boardgames are you playing?


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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
Hey Everyone,

So as of the new year I decided I wanted to play some more games. I was tired of being with friends and just watching TV while playing on my laptop.

The problem is I did not have a lot of games, or rather I just had the mundane ones, so I found a local store and a group and started playing various card, board, and strategy games.

So what are you currently playing, what do you recommend, sound off below :thumbs:

The big heist may have been a success, but it all goes wrong when every crook wants a bigger cut. With this much money on the table, bullets speak louder than words!

In Cash ‘n Guns, players will point foam pistols at each other and try to intimidate their opponents into letting them have the largest share. The bravest crooks enjoy the most money – but only if they live long enough to spend it!

4-8 players, 30 minute games


I know it has guns pointed at other players but its all in good fun. until someone bangs you then all bets are off :LOL:
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for those interested I did get a chance to view the some gaming booths at the Toy Fair 2015 and took some photos of their upcoming stuff. You can see the photos here:

- AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group)
- Asmodee & Mayfair

I highly recommend AEG, Asmodee, and Mayfair as they put out some amazing games; take a look and feel free to comment. I know there are Batman, Hobbit, Adventure Time, and Archer (you Archer fans are so rabbid)

While there please feel free to check out some of the other booths I visited

- Dark Horse
- McFarlane Toys

- Funko

More coming soon! :thumbs:

MSRP $34.99

3-5 Players

45-60 Minutes

The Sheriff of Nottingham is a fun and engaging game for all where each player will have the chance to step into the shoes of the Sheriff himself! Other players, acting as Merchants will attempt to bring their goods into the city for profit. Beware though, while many may act as honest merchants, there is always the possibility of contraband being smuggled into the city!

Experience Nottingham in a whole new way! Declare your goods, deal with the Sheriff and secure victory in a fun-filled and exciting adventure!

Played this game recently and it was really fun, trying to get goods through, faking out the sheriff, and faking out others.
Recently learned to play/have played Talisman, Forbidden Desert and Avalon

Other ones I enjoy are classic Risk (and the Lord Of The Rings version), classic Monopoly (and the NHL version), Stratego and Battleship
Having just got back from Gen Con you will be seeing some updates here.

Let's start with something that I picked up at the show that is not even out yet and was limited to 300ish copies throughout the entire show!


From Asmoddee

A horrible crime has been committed on the grounds of Warwick Manor and it's up to the psychic investigators to get to the bottom of it.

In Mysterium, one player takes on the role of the ghost and over the course of a week, tries to lead the investigators to their culprit. Each night the team will be met with visions, but what is the ghost trying to tell you? Can the psychics determine the weapon, location and killer or will a violent criminal pull off the perfect murder?


Cooperative investigation, everyone looses or wins.
Ghostly fun for 2-7 players with a high replay value.
MSRP: $ 49.99 USD


This is clue meets Dix It and is very fun. I've played it twice now and both times through people really enjoyed the game. Both times I was the ghost trying to convey who killed me, and where, and with what. The vision cards are just abstract enough to make it difficult to guess what card you are trying to lead them to. It says it only takes 45 minutes but this can go for a bit more than an hour both times I've played.

I highly recommend it!
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Beware, Yarrr, Here Be Pirates

Specifically Dark Seas by AEG one of the games I picked up and featured in my Gen Con AEG article


Game Info from AEG

Build a pirate empire in the uncharted Plunder Islands of the Cairribbi—er, Carebbe—er, near the Gulf of Mexico! Seize your destiny of buccaneerrific awesomeness, and gather hordes of pirates, hoards of doubloons, ever greater infamy, and (of course) ever more treasure!

Dark Seas is a tile-based game, where you try to become the most notorious pirate of the seas. Each player builds their island, filling its ports with docks, hideouts, and more. Players sail their ships around their islands, building their reputation by recruiting pirates, gathering doubloons, and acquiring treasure and infamy. Whoever amasses the greatest reputation wins!

2-4 players
Ages 14+
45 minutes playtime


So I was finally able to bust this open and play a game with some friends. I had played the game at Gen Con but playing with strangers for the first time is different than with friends. Like many AEG games it is easy to pick up and does essentially play in the stated 45 minute time frame.

Overall I enjoyed it and because the tiles are modular and because the tiles you draw to play on your ports are random each games strategy will be different so I can see this game having replayability since every game will make you create a different strategy to gain infamy. Also because you rely on your opponents dice roll it does add more interaction.

I like it and this will give me an excuse to work on my pirate voice, ye scurvy dogs, yo ho. Now where's me bottle of rum...

Epic PVP

The Shufflebuilding™ Game of Arena Combat. Designed by veteran game designers Ryan Miller and Luke Peterschmidt, Epic PvP: Fantasy is equally at home at a hardcore game night as it is in a coffee shop or at the family dinner table. Setup couldn’t be simpler – just choose which fantasy race/class combo you want to play, shuffle those two decks together and battle against your worthy opponents. Created by Fun to 11 and published under license.
2-4 players
Ages 14+
15 minutes playtime

So some background. This was a game I backed on Kickstarter by Fun to 11 who after the Kickstarter campaign licensed it with AEG to provide a wide release. The only difference from the game I got from the KS campaign and the retail version is the box.

In this game you first choose a race (goblin, elf, dwarf, halfling, orc, human) deck and then a character class (ranger, rogue, barbarian, monk) deck. Once chosen you mix the two decks together and square off against your opponent. It is a turn based game. You start by drawing cards and placing them in front of you, in order to play cards from your hand you need to pay their cost which is the sum of the cards you have drawn and the only way to add cards to your hand is by taking the cards you have drawn which comes at the cost of your ability to play cards. It is fairly management oriented.
Once you play a card it attacks your opponent, once enough attacks go through you win.

A fairly easy game to pick up I am very happy I backed it and am a fan of the game!
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