WINNER CHOSEN 100 Movies - 1 Winner


Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Dec 28, 2012


@jaws finatic

DURATION: Ninja week from March 25 till March 31

ELIGIBILITY: All registered members, regardless of post count




1- Thank this post (by clicking on the green icon in the lower right corner of this post) or give it a thumbs up.

2- Reply below why should you win and tag a friend or more.

3- Have fun!

TERMS: One post/entry per person. You can chat with each other but only your first entry following the above requirements is eligible.

Winner pays shipping. Given the size of the prize, if the winner resides in the Americas, I'll help her or him ship locally, same thing goes if the winner is an EU resident. For anywhere else, we’ll work something out.

Good luck everyone!

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100. films. in. one. prize? :wow: :thanks: :notworthy: :woot: even by Ninja Week standards, what an amazing giveaway. thanks, @Apollon and HDN!

1- Thank this post.

2- Why should you be the one to win this prize?
bcause, like everyone else here, i am obssessed with cinema. and physical media. and because, with my rebuilt storage, i now have space for this. just. kinda. and obviously must test this theory in the only way that makes any sense. with more films. i thank you.

joking aside, good luck to all Ninjas in this amazing givewaway!

3- Tag a friend, preferably someone who hasn't been tagged yet.
The Man himself, @carllenc, who has made so much available that otherwise would have passed us by.

4- Take a guess at what might some of those 100 titles be.
visible? Aquaman, Baby Driver, Iron Man 1/2/3, John Wick 2, Justice League, Ready Player One, Suicide Squad, Taken, Transformers 1/2/3/4/5, WonderWoman
invisible? what else could there be?

a Water-y Shape,
something linked to Snape,
some Basterds perhaps,
Saw’s deadly traps,
a Man of Steel,
Jurassic’s appeal,
once upon a Deadpool,
something old school,
Mary Poppin’s Return,
a webslinger’s turn,
a visit from Berk,
Tyler Durden’s smirk,
royal Rhapsody,
or a sequel or three.
whatever arrives,
Ninjas all will high five,
#The Law giveth out,
and he gives to you,
Avengers we are -
this is our Creed II.

5- Not mandatory but will earn you extra points: follow me on Instagram and on Twitter, let me know here and there that you did.

luddite here, neither Twitterati nor Instagammer.

6- Have fun!
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I wished for winning this incredible give-a-way while blowing out the candles on my birthday cake before taking my lucky rabbit’s foot over to knock on the wooden table located under the horseshoe mounted on the wall above which I found a penny and picked it up while crossing my fingers and throwing salt over my left shoulder. I then went outside after catching a mirror that was falling off the wall so it wouldn’t break, carefully avoiding a black cat as I walked around a ladder, and found a four-leaf clover in the field beside the Blarney Stone that I kissed. I wonder if I’ll be lucky enough to win this collection? :whistle:

Batman Begins
Dark Knight
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Suicide Squad
Jurassic World
John Wick
Baby Driver
Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Thanks
Reactions: steelmybeatingheart
Wow! Thanks for the awesome give-away!

- I approach every Ninjaweek optimistic and have yet to actually win something. xD
- I'll tag my two friends @Funashi and @larson1977 !
- I'm already following you on Twitter-

- If I had to guess- I would say there's something Dredd themed in there. Along with 80's action classics. Some Mondo Work- and the odd Super Hero film here and there. :D
Wow! Thanks for the awesome give-away!

- I approach every Ninjaweek optimistic and have yet to actually win something. xD
- I'll tag my two friends @Funashi and @larson1977 !
- I'm already following you on Twitter-

- If I had to guess- I would say there's something Dredd themed in there. Along with 80's action classics. Some Mondo Work- and the odd Super Hero film here and there. :D

What’s your username on there? :)
Because Hi-Def Ninja is awesome and who wouldn't want 100 awesome movies to watch with their family and friends (and maybe even turn someone on to something new and fresh to them)

Title guesses: John Wick, Ready Player One, Transformers, Taken, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Iron-Man, Suicide Squad, Batman vs. Superman
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Obviously, I should win because as Apo, it's like I'm @Apollon 's padawan, right?


Competition will be harsh on this one but...


tagging @Passion.steelbook because he's cool and make great Steelbook presentations on YouTube

so Ready Player One, Justice League, Baby Driver, John Wick, Transformers and Iron Man as part of the giveaway? sounds cool :)

I followed you on Twitter (I think? If I followed the right person lol. tell me if I did, I have the same profile picture there, you can't miss me ;))

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Reactions: Passion.steelbook
Umm...100 movies? Yeah...this is pretty intense.

Why should I win this? Don't know if there is a really good reason for anyone to win such an amazing prize. I'm certainly no deity, and can't perform any miracles for you. I do try to give back and spread the love in everything I do with anyone I come across. To that end, I could testify that I would certainly be paying forward to other Ninja's here should there be alot of repeats to what I already own in my humble and small collection. Surely this will make someone's day much brighter when the winner is announced. I hope it's me, but if it's not I'll be happy for whoever the lucky duck is (quack, quack).

@bloodsnake007 @jcm

I'll guess 101 Dalmations, Guardians of the Galaxy, King Kong, Batman vs Superman, Avengers Infinity War

Following you on IG and Twitter!!

Best of luck to everyone, and thank you very much for such a generous giveaway. I just love this place, man. Really, it's numero uno for me.
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Reactions: bloodsnake007
Amazîng giveaway thank’s a lot.
Thank’s @Apo for tagging and compliment :
If I win it would be the first time I win any contest
In the banner I see : john wick, ready player one , suicide squad, iron man, justice league, transformers, taken, baby driver :)
i follow you on insta
First of all thank you for the giveaway. Even if I don't have many posts, the Ninja forum was always my go to place when I wanted to see new steelbook releases and check their finish (I'm a bit picky with the steelbook finish :spoil:)

Why should I be the winner? I don't think I should be a winner, there are many collectors here that would deserve to win them, especially those that stand out and help the community. Even so I can tell you why I would really really want to win, it's because only recently (a couple of years) I started collecting movies and the earning for many of the movies I liked to have in my collection has grown. You could say that's great, but in a country that is plagued by piracy, you can feel a bit alone. Especially when the movie offer is very limited. From time to time I ask friends from US, people befriended in the online communities with which I managed to form a trust based relationship, to help me with editions exclusive to Best Buy, Walmart, when they are on sale, especially when shipping to me is kind of expensive. I dip in the Amazon deals too (especially US, as I'm not a big fan of the fat cases and age ratings printed on the artworks that are in UK :sorry:) and sometimes due to their value I don't have to pay taxes, thankfully. Other than that, eBay and hunting bargains. Thankfully my brother lives in UK and I can have the eBay purchases shipped to him. So yeah, I would really want to win the prize, as it would really help my collection grow, but I would be all the same happy, if any other collector that would really enjoy them, would win. Also, I never won a giveaway, either here or any other community, as usually they are limited in shipping to my country (although it's in EU).

Unfortunately I don't have any friends here, yet :shy:

Regarding the movies that might be in the package, besides the ones from the banner listed below, hoping for some other Marvel titles.

John Wick (probably John Wick 2 too)
Ready Player One
Batman v Superman
Suicide Squad
Justice League
Baby Driver
Iron Man (probably the full Iron Man trilogy)
Wonder Woman
Transformers (maybe the full collection)

Good luck to all who entered this contest! :emb:
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