Approaching storm in US

Spawn-we were told that the flashes were actually transformers blowing out all over the state. A few friends watching from NY, actually saw NJ go black one by one grid, like from a movie. We didn't have power for 6 days or so, but others are still without power. It was pretty scary there for a while, with all that was happening. A friend saw several trees crash through neighbor's houses, right across the street. Stay safe, all affected, and recovering, and most of all, remain hopeful and positive.
Yep, in the same boat here - I just got power back on Monday at 5am (out for over 7 days!) and I just got Cable/internet back today (out for 11 days!)
Most of my township is still black and not up and running. Lines for gasoline are still crazy, but a lot shorter than the 2-3 mile long lines. Roads all over the place are still closed. Local stores are still closed - even the post office.
A lot of my neighbors are still dealing with downed trees and damage to their house too.
Thankfully, we are safe.

Glad to hear you are too DB.
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Thanks Spawn-same to you-amazing how quickly things can topple when our basics are stumped. Best wishes for your town's full 'light up' soon...and for the well wishes.
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Hopefully the local and national governments will release where the faults lie and they will implement ways to safeguard essential services so that the power will divert to the most important.

It looks like the people in power have responded responsibly and quickly and are pulling together to get things right as soon as possible.It may sound harsh but houses cars can be rebuilt better stronger.

The people who are pulling together I hope it reinforces links in your community's . Thoughts are with you keep safe and well. Love to you all.
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Any chance of an update are things on the mend ?. Are you getting fuel now and power?. Sort of gone out of the news in the U.K .

Hope you are all in a better place than what you where a few weeks ago.
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My area seems to be getting back to normal (I'm northern NJ, more inland - closer to PA).
But along the shoreline is a way different story. There are still thousands without power and a lot of rebuilding to do. They say it will take weeks - months to get back to normal, if ever. The boardwalks along the coast are pretty much destroyed - there is even a rollercoaster sitting in the water.
It's going to be a long recovery.
I did talk to a lot of my billing companies, and most are allowing people to skip due payments this month and possibly next without late fees to help in the recovery.
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