Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Megathread


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Jan 27, 2009
The D
Yeah you read that right. All you BF:BC fanatics get ready.:) According to it will be release sometime in the 2010 calender year. Now all you have to do is wait.


Electronic Arts, while on its Q3 2009 financial earnings conference call, today announced that Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will release sometime in the 2010 calendar year.

The original Battlefield: Bad Company released in mid-2008 to solid reviews and was the first game to use DICE's Frostbite engine.

New Rush Mode Video:

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Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta test launches tomorrow, exclusively on PS3

Beta for Battlefield Bad Company 2 launches tomorrow exclusively for the PlayStation 3. Sony posted a video over at the PlayStation Blog featuring DICE’ Gordon van Dyke, speaking about the beta test.

You can start looking for beta vouchers tomorrow afternoon on PlayStation’s Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2's New Multiplayer Mode
It pays to have friends in DICE's next entry to the hallowed series.

Anyone who has played the Battlefield series before will tell you that the experience is meant for mass hysteria online. You and your pals engaging in some of the greatest skirmishes to ever grace the small screen is why Battlefield has endured so well over the years. So it stands to reason that EA Games is leading the PR charge for Bad Company 2 by feeding members of the press new multiplayer maps and modes bit by bit over the last several months. Yesterday was no different as I made that same drive down US-101 to Electronic Arts' Redwood Shores studio to play a new multiplayer mode and try my hand at two new maps in Battlefield: Bad Company 2, due out March 2 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

The first batch of new content included the map Laguna Presa and a new mode called Squad Deathmatch. Squads are something that permeates just about every multiplayer mode in Bad Company 2. The idea is simple: you and up to three friends form a mini-team of sorts within the larger group of players. There are two big advantages to forming a squad. First, you can hit the back button (select on PS3) when you see an enemy and his location will instantly pop up for the rest of your squad to see. The second strategic advantage allows you to select one of your three squad mates as a spawn point so you can instantly warp to their location. It's great fun to be in a firefight, struggling for survival, only to see a teammate spawn right next to you and clean things up at your side.

The mode, as I said, is called Squad Deathmatch and it plays as simply as it sounds. You and your squad have to be the first to get 50 kills (kill limits can be changed in the settings) by eradicating the opposition which consists of three other teams of four players (at its max). Aiding you -- or perhaps the other teams if they capitalize first -- is a vehicle specifically designed to eradicate soldiers on foot. It's the sole vehicle in this mode so capturing it is of the utmost importance. The maps that you'll find in Squad Deathmatch are specifically tailored to the mode, with certain areas designed to provide a strategic advantage to the vehicle while the opposite is true elsewhere. It's also cool that, depending on what multiplayer mode you select, you could get an entirely different portion of the map than you would in another game type. A map's total area can be up to 64 square kilometers and every piece will surely be used by one mode or another.

The map we were playing on, known as Laguna Presa, is home to gobs of lush greenery that seemed to pop off the screen a bit more than any of the colors in the first Bad Company. There are large shipping crates situated around the level that act as protective cover from the marauding tank that chops down soldiers. Laguna Presa also changes elevations quite often -- with both high ground and low ground -- and includes plenty of shrubbery which makes for an easy hiding place for snipers. Unlike other games, the camouflage in Bad Company 2 actually works pretty damn well. Just ask the knife in my character's back.

The second map was a familiar location, at least in name. The Bad Company 2 version of the Panama Canal is essentially a boat graveyard with broken down ships that act as bridges to different parts of the level. There are dilapidated buildings for players to take brief refuge until an enemy destroys the wall they're hiding behind.

Unlike in Laguna Presa, we played Panama Canal with the Conquest Mode that Bad Company 1 players received as free downloadable content last year. You and your team -- which in Bad Company 2 can be expanded to twelve players, thus allowing for 24 players total -- need to capture as many of the four flags as possible and hold them until the opposition's score dwindles to zero. There are vehicles galore (including the new UAV) and yes, squad capabilities are still intact.

One aspect of Bad Company 2 that I wanted to touch on was the perk system. We haven't talked much about it, but it's a cool addition that follows in a similar fashion to what's seen in Call of Duty. You have three basic categories for perks that will gradually unlock as you level up your character through any of the four multiplayer modes. There are perks that will affect vehicles, your weapon and your armor. You'll see things like adding a red dot sight to your weapon, increasing your accuracy, adding armor to vehicles, and lots of other abilities. There are also new weapons and armor that will become available as you progress through the ranks. And if that wasn't enough to keep you playing Bad Company 2, there will be at least 16 new multiplayer maps when the game ships on March 2, so get ready.

If all of these fancy perks and abilities aren't to your liking -- perhaps you think it makes the game too easy -- DICE is adding a hardcore mode to increase the realism. Here there will be no kill cam after deaths, no HUD to speak of, and the amount of damage you can take will be decreased dramatically. Good luck to those who want to play in this mode. I know I never will.

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is scheduled to launch on March 2 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Keep an eye on for our thoughts on the single-player portion of Bad Company 2 sometime next month.
Upcoming FPS Battlefield Bad Company 2 is "reaching" the graphical quality set by last year's stunning PS3-exclusive Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, but it will not surpass it, developer DICE had admitted.

Speaking to, producer Gordon Van Dyke said no game can claim to better the graphics seen in Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2.

"I wouldn't make that kind of claim," he said. "Uncharted 2 is an amazing-looking game. But we're reaching that level of quality. It's going to be hard for any game to be able to make a claim that they look better. But we are getting to, I feel, that level, where it's looking very impressive. When you see it - and I've heard other people say it as well, so it's not just me - other people are saying it's getting there."

Uncharted 2, released last year, raised the bar for video game graphics, with incredible animations and detailed environments wowing PS3 owners.

But Van Dyke reckons Bad Company 2, which is our 37th most anticipated game of 2010, will surpass Uncharted 2 in one key area: vistas.

"The thing is though, we have much bigger environments. To even be close, to me is quite an honour as a developer. The one thing I did was, when I looked at their game I was like, damn them! What have they done to the rest of us? I was looking for something where I could say, okay, that we're doing better. I looked at their vistas, and I think that our vistas, because it's in game, this is actual in-game terrain you could theoretically take your soldier and walk up to, our vistas are better. Naughty Dog, if you hear this, I challenge you versus our vistas!"

With Bad Company 2 due out on March 5, we don't have long to wait to compare the two games. Until then, prepare yourself with a stack of Bad Company 2 videos.


Glad to see some work done, hopefully BC2 gets more support than BC1 got. :rolleyes:

Completely reskinned the weapons and scopes for much improved visual quality.
The reddot sight no longer has a FOV penalty compared to iron sights.
Pistols now have the same FOV level as other weapons in iron sights.
Tons of weapon tweaks to improve the balance of play.
Increased accuracy when stationary and aiming for better first shot accuracy.
Decreased accuracy when moving and aiming, especially for sniper rifles.
Several gun specific balance tweaks to bring them in line with the other weapons of that class.
Lowered the damage of the XM8 and F2000 at close range.
Lowered the damage of the AN94 at long range.
Raised the accuracy of the M16's burst.
Lowered the damage of the Type88 LMG.
Raised the damage of the MG3.
Raised the damage of the M249.
Fixed the recoil of the M249 when equipped with a reddot sight.
Lowered the damage of the SMGs and Carbines at extreme range.
Lowered the accuracy on the move for the SCAR-L, AKS-74u, and the XM8c.
Raised the damage of shotguns, especially for the pump shotguns and slugs.
Semiauto and Auto snipers and slug shotguns cannot 1 shot headshot at extreme range.
Fixed the Knife's stab animation and improved the reliability of Knife attacks.
Lowered the long delay between Knife attacks.
Fixed the animation speed for switching to the grenade launcher on assault rifles.
Fixed the too huge blood splatter effect for sniper shots at long distance.
Fixed the minimap disappearing if you switched weapons while aiming a sniper rifle.
Removed the fade to and from black when aiming a sniper rifle.
Adjusted graphics for sniper rifles and RPGs when zoomed.
Bolt action sniper rifles will chamber the next round if the trigger is pressed twice while zooming.
Fixed the close range damage of bolt action sniper rifles. Now a 1 hit kill on unarmored infantry in 5m.
Raised the damage of the VSS but lowered accuracy when moving.
Grenade carry limit with the Grenade Vest lowered to 2 hand grenades and 4 40mm grenades.

Tweaked the airstrike missile called in by the UAV so it gives a longer warning to victim vehicles.
Exiting the UAV now also exits the UAV ground station.
The UAV station no longer self destructs when the attacker's base changes.
The UAV station can no longer be destroyed by friendly fire if friendly fire is off.
Lowered the direct and splash damage of UAV's airstrike.
Lowered the damage of the UAV's alternate fire LMG.
UAV station screen shows offline when the UAV is waiting to respawn.
Many additional UAV bug fixes.

Lowered the splash damage of tank rounds. 1 shot kill radius is smaller now.
Raised the damage of the gunner's 50caliber machine gun and added a visual effect when it overheats.
Tweaked the damage tanks take to be more consistent. Tank front armor especially is more consistent.
It takes 2 to 5 RPGs to kill a tank with no specializations. (was 3 to 8)
Tanks should no longer get stuck on destroyed terrain or inclines.
Increased the precision of tank turrets.
All armored vehicles have new engine sounds.
Added environment specific camouflage to all vehicles.

New vehicle control layout: R2 and L2 for accel and brake, fire on L1 and altfire on R1.
Or lefty vehicle control layout: fire on R1 and altfire on L1.
BFBC1 style vehicle controls are still available as an alternate.

Jeeps now burn when hit by tank shells instead of instantly detonating. This effect is the same as with RPGs.
Raised the damage of the jeep HMGs and added a visual effect when it overheats.

Shielded heavy machine guns now have a bullet proof glass front. Flank these guns or blow them up.
Raised the damage of the stationary HMGs and added a visual effect when it overheats.

Fixed the name of the UH-60 and corrected the caliber description of the miniguns.

Raised the launch speed of the RPG7's missile for better long distance shots and less drop.
Raised the splash damage of all infantry launched Rockets and 40mm grenades.
Improved the visual feedback for locking onto tracer darted vehicles, this is be much clearer now.
Note that TOW/Kornet and M136 missiles are wire guided and cannot lock on to tracer darts.
Fixed wire guided missiles sometimes going erratic (even though this was realistic yet unintentional).

Improved the trail and blinking effect of Tracer Darts so they are more visible.
Vehicle Smoke Launchers and 40mm smoke remove tracer darts and spots on friendlies in the effect.
Targets which have been unspotted by smoke are immune to spotting for a few seconds.

Added a short cooldown to the Repair Tool after repairing 50% of a tank's health.
Lowered the repair speed of the Repair Tool but raised its range.
The Repair Tool can only repair or damage vehicles and stationary weapons.

The Mortar Strike is now called in via a pair of binoculars.
Lowered the number of shells in the Mortar Strike barrage, but raised the damage of each shell.
Raised the effectiveness of the Mortar Strike against armored vehicles.
Fixed a bug where the Mortar Strike would fail to begin to reload.
Switching kits no longer instantly reloads the Mortar Strike.

Fixed a bug where the Defibrillator would not reload unless held in the player's hands.
The Defibrillator icon on downed squad members now appears in green.
Soldiers who suicide from the menu cannot be revived.

Lowered the amount of Motion Sensors carried to 2 and limited each soldier to 1 deployed sensor at a time.
Deploying a new Motion Sensor before the previous sensor expires will replace the previous sensor.
Motion Sensors no longer detect players and vehicles sitting perfectly still.
Motion Sensors now beep when deployed and detecting a target.

The Vehicle Motion sensor now beeps for all occupants of the vehicle when it detects a target.
Vehicle Motion Sensors on the UAV and other Airborne vehicles now detect targets at all altitudes.

Fixed an exploit where players could deploy unlimited Ammo Boxes, Medkits, C4 and Mines.
Fixed a bug where players could detonate Detpacks placed the previous life upon respawning.
Detpacks can still be detonated if player's kit is picked up with in 15 seconds of his death.
Lowered the damage Detpacks do to crates.

Fixed AntiTank Mines not detonating when driven over at medium speeds.
AntiTank Mines should now properly persist after the player has died.

The Ammo Box, Medkit, Defibrillator, Repair Tool, and Motion Sensor are now unlocks for each class.
Players new to Battlefield will be introduced to these teamplay items when they are unlocked.
Battlefield Veterans will automatically have these teamplay items unlocked from the start.

Lowered the duration of spotted targets. Aiming at a close target will refresh the spot timer automatically.
Lowered the effectiveness of the Sniper's Spotting Scope, targets must be tracked longer before spotting.
Fixed so the player can properly spot from the UAV.
Added an overheat to spotting to prevent spot and order spamming.
Spotting now requires the player be aiming significantly closer to the target.

Added Destruction 2.0 to the Guard Towers around the first Defender Base on Arica Harbor (and all other maps).
Fixed buildings collapsing without any warning sound or effects.
Moved M-COM station A into a Garage at the second Defender Base on Arica Harbor.
Fixed collision issues on the Patio in the upper level of the Town.
Fixed sometimes spawning underneath the Patio in the Town.
Fixed the collision problems with the Train Car containing M-COM stations on Arica Harbor's 3rd and 4th base.
Train Cars now have more specific destruction zones to encourage mouse hole tactics.
The Attacker's first base is now a protected spawn zone that defenders cannot enter.
Added additional alternate spawn points to all bases for both Attackers and Defenders to counter spawn camping.
Added a system that disables individual spawn points if enemies are within 20m. Does not apply to Squad Spawn.
Players can still spawn at a base if all spawns points at that base are blocked.
Spawn protection will be disabled if the player aims or fires during the short timer.
Wrecked civilian cars now have secondary explosions when hit with explosive weapons.

The Attackers now recieve 75 reinforcement Tickets to start instead of 100.
Taking a base restores the attackers to 75 Tickets instead of adding 50.

Improved soldier collision vs objects, especially for crouching under obstacles.
Fixed issues with certain objects popping into view as the player approached.
Reduced the amount of screen blur when in ultralow health.
Increased the visual and audio feedback for low health, healing, and returning to full health.
Out of Combat healing now starts sooner but takes longer to fully heal.
Slightly increased the healing power of medkits to increase their usefulness.

Improved the sensitivity of soldier controls. Adjusting sensitivity should have a much greater effect now.
Sensitivity when aimed is now consistent across all weapons.
Turning while sprinting is now more responsive.
Reduced forward input needed to sprint to 50% from 90% to smooth the transition to sprint.
Tweaked aiming and turning curves to be more responsive from the hip and more precise when aiming.
Fixed several issues with switching weapons and being unable to shoot or aim.
Fixed the player's control setup reverting to default when entering and exiting vehicles.
Fixed bugs when going to swim while sprinting.
Sped up the deploy and undeploy animations for the parachute.
Improved the precision for switching weapons on the Dpad.

Fixed several stats padding exploits.
Fixed various awards that did not work as designed.
Tweaked rank and class unlock progression based on data gathered in the beta.
[Rumor]Love Is A Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo

We love a bit of Battlefield round these parts, so when we heard that UK retailer Game had tacked a date onto the forthcoming demo, we started to get quite excited.

Don't get too carried away though, as EA and DICE have yet to officially confirm the February 4th launch date for the demo, which apparently will run for three weeks on Xbox Live and PSN.

The demo could well be the PC beta stage, which allows players to sample the Port Valdez map in multiplayer.

Keep your collective fingers crossed that we are indeed given the chance to blow up a few buildings and run over things in a tank before the game makes its way into stores this March.
This Thursday at 12:30am ET, the new season of GameTrailers TV is set to debut with a look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Specifically, the trailer for this week's episode promises that the show will display the first footage of the game's single-player campaign (we've seen multiplayer already, after all). Beyond the Bad Company 2 footage, GTTV will also have a clip from the upcoming Halo Legends anime collection. This might be a stretch, but we're guessing there will be Spartans in it.
I'm sooooo bored of mw2 ... I cant believe it, same ol gig as COD4. Im not a fan of the maps either. Give me Crash, Crossfire, Chinatown.

With that being said, I'm way more pumped for BFBC2!