Book of Eli and Avengers SteelBook Give-away

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Future Shop versions ... ie BOE has inside art :)

BOE + Avengers open steelbooks with no discs ...

What is your favorite Denzel movie?

Which Avenger would you be and why? .... and you cant pick Iron Man! (Because we all know we want to be him!)
thanks for the giveaway
1) man on fire (even though he wasnt on fire)
2) thor as he is a god (movie) ant-man as who wouldnt want to wake up next to wasp every morning (cartoon/comic)
Mine favorite would be American Gangster and i would like to be Loki... no just kidding i think i would be either Hulk or Thor but i tend more to be Thor because of this god thing you know :D
Man on Fire.

Thor - he has Natalie Portman by his side. And the hammer, of course.

Thanks for the give-away! :thumbs:
My favorite Denzel movie is Much Ado About Nothing.
As to the Avenger... Thor has a lot of power, but a boatload of responsibility as far as Asgard is concerned. Hulk is super strong, but loses control of himself frequently. But to be a super man without all of the responsibilities or drawbacks? You gotta choose Cap!

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway

1) Fallen
2) Thor- God/Hammer/Lightning/& Natalie Portman sounds like a good deal to me
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