It's Feb. 1st, and it's Ninja Week!

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
What better way to KICK off Ninja Week than with a steelbook with a kick right on the front cover? :p

We're giving away The Karate Kid (FutureShop) Brand New Sealed ...

What crazy thing do you gotta do to be eligible to win this title? How hard are we going to make it?

How about you just list some type of movie character, or real life person who just kicks ass! ie. Kick Ass, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis, Bruce Bruce ... well, maybe Bruce Bruce doesn't kick any ass. ;)

But that's it reply with a name, and your eligible. This is a ONE DAY Give-away, but keep your eyes peeled this week, as it's NINJA WEEK :scat:

Winner will be automatically pulled from random and screenshot will be posted.

Good luck to all!

Posted this a little earlier for a our friends across the pond to get in on the action and not give me a ninja kick to the nuts for posting this during their sleep!

Pics of what you will be receiving, but sealed.
Peter Weller kicks ass!

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