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Aug 20, 2012
Washington State


Welcome to my Star Wars Memorabilia based home theater room. Star Wars is what got me into HT, and now into collecting Star Wars statues, 1:1 busts, and dioramas from Sideshow Collectibles. I update as new product arrives so check back now and then. Thank you for visiting and enjoy:














Shelving - Ikea Besta Bookcases with Vassbo Doors
TV Stand - Transdeco TD655B
Star Wars Collection - Sideshow Collectibles, Code 3, and others
TV - Vizio E600i-B3
Bluray - PS3 Slim
Receiver - Yamaha RX-V663
7ch Amp - Emotiva UPA-7
Speakers - Energy CB-10's (6)
Sub - M&K MX-350THX
Cables / Interconnects - Monoprice


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I agree, I've noticed a lot of collectors will buy stuff if it's limited even if they have no interest in the character. Must be nice to have that kind of money, ha.

Plus (with the exception of Wolverine and Magneto which are dang impressive) the XM pieces haven't really been better than Sideshow. Their Hulk is way worse for example. It does seem that there have been virtually no quality control issues with XM though.

Ha! I wish I had that kind of cash.

Wolverine and Magneto are definitely my 2 favorite XM pieces so far. But I'm a huge X-Men fan so I'm probably biased. But I also really liked SS's first Wolverine PF a ton and I'm sure once they do Magneto he will look great too. And I agree, XM's Hulk was pretty much on the 'meh side. I like that they have great QC, but I'm sure limiting these things to 1000 each probably helps a ton.

OMG! Seriously?

I've never cared for numbers, and I certainly have a limit of what I'm willing to spend on a collectible. I guess it will depend on the piece.

Ahsoka was 14 at the start of TCW and 16 by the end. So, she's in her early 30's for Rebels. I'd rather have a TCW 1/4 statue of her, but if it ends up being from Rebels, I sure as hell won't complain. I don't know man. With multiple companies now making 1/4 product, maybe they'll all branch out a little. Only so many Boba's, Vaders, Maul's, etc. they can make.

I don't like the XM Hulk at all. Or She Hulk for that matter. Sideshows versions are far better IMO. The XM Magneto is all kinds of awesome though. I hope they are that creative when it comes to SW.

I literally don't care about numbers at all. I realize if the character is popular they are going to make a ton of them, and they should.

I think they keep cranking out all these Boba's, Vader's and Maul's because so many new people are getting into collecting. And they watch the aftermarket and realize there is a demand for them. I'm really shocked SS hasn't cranked out a new Darth Talon yet. They would make so much bank on her, and all of the low ES only people would be complaining for years. It would be highly entertaining LOL!

I think whatever they do for SW is going to be crazy awesome, but will sell out within a few minutes. If this company ever got worldwide distribution rights and had an ES comparable to SS, these ridiculous eBay prices would drop. But so would QC. I'm just not a fan of having to spend more than a grand for something to get great QC. I feel the $400+ I pay for SS's stuff should already guarantee me the best QC out there.
Ha! I wish I had that kind of cash.

Wolverine and Magneto are definitely my 2 favorite XM pieces so far. But I'm a huge X-Men fan so I'm probably biased. But I also really liked SS's first Wolverine PF a ton and I'm sure once they do Magneto he will look great too. And I agree, XM's Hulk was pretty much on the 'meh side. I like that they have great QC, but I'm sure limiting these things to 1000 each probably helps a ton.

I literally don't care about numbers at all. I realize if the character is popular they are going to make a ton of them, and they should.

Yeah I don't care about numbers either, heck I don't even care if I get the EX sometimes. If I want the statue and the exclusive isn't that important I'll wait until it's coupon eligible and get the regular if I have to. I'm buying because I like the characters, not because I want a rare item or something I can flip.

So what do you think of the new Wolverine? I'm tempted to buy a few of the core Marvel characters in PF form, but not sure what I think of Wolverine. I have the first Koto Wolvie and that thing is awesome. I do like the new Hulk and Captain America PFs, while Thor is odd looking from certain angles.
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Ha! I wish I had that kind of cash.

Wolverine and Magneto are definitely my 2 favorite XM pieces so far. But I'm a huge X-Men fan so I'm probably biased. But I also really liked SS's first Wolverine PF a ton and I'm sure once they do Magneto he will look great too. And I agree, XM's Hulk was pretty much on the 'meh side. I like that they have great QC, but I'm sure limiting these things to 1000 each probably helps a ton.

I literally don't care about numbers at all. I realize if the character is popular they are going to make a ton of them, and they should.

I think they keep cranking out all these Boba's, Vader's and Maul's because so many new people are getting into collecting. And they watch the aftermarket and realize there is a demand for them. I'm really shocked SS hasn't cranked out a new Darth Talon yet. They would make so much bank on her, and all of the low ES only people would be complaining for years. It would be highly entertaining LOL!

I think whatever they do for SW is going to be crazy awesome, but will sell out within a few minutes. If this company ever got worldwide distribution rights and had an ES comparable to SS, these ridiculous eBay prices would drop. But so would QC. I'm just not a fan of having to spend more than a grand for something to get great QC. I feel the $400+ I pay for SS's stuff should already guarantee me the best QC out there.

I feel the same way, and that is how it used to be. A Darth Talon like character appeared in a new The Old Republic trailer. Not sure who she is, but kinda funny she's clearly designed after Talon:

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Yeah I don't care about numbers either, heck I don't even care if I get the EX sometimes. If I want the statue and the exclusive isn't that important I'll wait until it's coupon eligible and get the regular if I have to. I'm buying because I like the characters, not because I want a rare item or something I can flip.

So what do you think of the new Wolverine? I'm tempted to buy a few of the core Marvel characters in PF form, but not sure what I think of Wolverine. I have the first Koto Wolvie and that thing is awesome. I do like the new Hulk and Captain America PFs, while Thor is odd looking from certain angles.

Its pretty rare nowadays that the EX is an absolute must have for me. I probably wouldn't even use most of them, I'd just leave them sitting in the box.

I like the new Wolverine mostly, but that mouth/tongue thing looks a little weird on him. I do wish it was mixed media, but oh well, I'm not going to get it anyways. The yellow and blue suit is my favorite, the brown one just isn't my ideal version. That first Koto Wolvie looked great. Actually a lot of the Koto X-Men Danger Room Sessions statues looked pretty freaking sweet. I would have loved to haven been around the collecting game when those things came out. The comic Thor PF looks very odd to me. I'm definitely not a fan of how they have his left hand reaching out awkwardly.

I feel the same way, and that is how it used to be. A Darth Talon like character appeared in a new The Old Republic trailer. Not sure who she is, but kinda funny she's clearly designed after Talon:

Could it be Talon? I don't know anything about her backstory. Or would her old backstory even be cannon anymore? Maybe they are giving her new cannon.
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Its pretty rare nowadays that the EX is an absolute must have for me. I probably wouldn't even use most of them, I'd just leave them sitting in the box.

I like the new Wolverine mostly, but that mouth/tongue thing looks a little weird on him. I do wish it was mixed media, but oh well, I'm not going to get it anyways. The yellow and blue suit is my favorite, the brown one just isn't my ideal version. That first Koto Wolvie looked great. Actually a lot of the Koto X-Men Danger Room Sessions statues looked pretty freaking sweet. I would have loved to haven been around the collecting game when those things came out. The comic Thor PF looks very odd to me. I'm definitely not a fan of how they have his left hand reaching out awkwardly.

Could it be Talon? I don't know anything about her backstory. Or would her old backstory even be cannon anymore? Maybe they are giving her new cannon.

No, I don't think so. Just someone who looks like her. Talon isn't canon anymore either. Same with The Old Replublic. So, the odds of seeing another character like Malgus in PF form is slim to none.

I'm with both you and terp. The EX isn't important to me most of the time. With Anakin it was because I wanted to display him with the Sith eyes, and with the Slave Leia PF it was important because I wanted the 1/4 Crumb too.
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No, I don't think so. Just someone who looks like her. Talon isn't canon anymore either. Same with The Old Replublic. So, the odds of seeing another character like Malgus in PF form is slim to none.

I'm with both you and terp. The EX isn't important to me most of the time. With Anakin it was because I wanted to display him with the Sith eyes, and with the Slave Leia PF it was important because I wanted the 1/4 Crumb too.

I think if I was more familiar with The Old Republic story line I'd probably be more upset about the old canon characters not being made anymore. But the KOTOR story line took place so far before the SW story line and characters that I liked and knew I just didn't have the interest for it.

Anakin was a great EX, and so was Slave Leia. Especially Leia because it gave you a whole 'nother quarter scale character. I wish we could get better EXs like those.
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I think if I was more familiar with The Old Republic story line I'd probably be more upset about the old canon characters not being made anymore. But the KOTOR story line took place so far before the SW story line and characters that I liked and knew I just didn't have the interest for it.

Anakin was a great EX, and so was Slave Leia. Especially Leia because it gave you a whole 'nother quarter scale character. I wish we could get better EXs like those.

Yeah, I like those little extra 1/4 scale characters that we wouldn't get anywhere else except as an EX. The 1/4 Mouse Drois is pretty cool too!

My kids and I still play the KOTOR games and love'em! I'm not one of those that is terribly upset that they aren't canon anymore, but still wish we got a continuing story for consoles since I have no desire to play The Old Republic MMORPG.

Two new SW movie news stories today:

I'm not so sure how I feel about this one. For me its going to be hard for me to imagine anyone else in the role other than Harrison.

If they pull this off well, it would be a dream come true.

I've heard about the Han spinoff and how they are looking for a "young" Solo. I know for some SW fans it will be hard to accept anyone else as Han Solo, but I'm all for it! Just give me a good movie, and I'm happy.

I wonder if the main antagonist will be an Inquisitor for Rouge One?
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Yeah, I like those little extra 1/4 scale characters that we wouldn't get anywhere else except as an EX. The 1/4 Mouse Drois is pretty cool too!

My kids and I still play the KOTOR games and love'em! I'm not one of those that is terribly upset that they aren't canon anymore, but still wish we got a continuing story for consoles since I have no desire to play The Old Republic MMORPG.

I've heard about the Han spinoff and how they are looking for a "young" Solo. I know for some SW fans it will be hard to accept anyone else as Han Solo, but I'm all for it! Just give me a good movie, and I'm happy.

I wonder if the main antagonist will be an Inquisitor for Rouge One?

I'm just upset that SS can't get the rights to do a quarter scale Yoda all by himself. To bad they couldn't have done Dagobah Luke differently and offered a way to take Yoda out of the backpack and put him on a stand. That would have been an awesome EX.

I rarely have any desire to play the massive multiplayer games. Its a feature I like to check out a couple times but I'm much more into give me a good single player game with a story good enough that I will want to replay it over and over again. I will be bummed forever that we won't get TFU III game. I still haven't made up my mind if I'm going to get Battlefront yet. I would never have thought when this game was announced that I'd ever be saying that.

I've heard about the Han spinoff for quite awhile too, but they finally confirmed that its really happening today. And we are getting another summer release date. Thank God! I find it hard for me to accept anyone else playing Han since we've had Harrison since he's been in his 30's. He just owns that character, just like how he does with Indy. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to move on mostly as long as the movie is good, but there will probably always be a little part of me that would have wished they would have done this one in the 70's. I hope at least Boba shows up.

An Inquisitor would be freaking sweet. How cool would it be if it was Ventress? A lot of people think she's going to be an upcoming Inquisitor in Rebels. I'd just love to see her be brought into live action films.
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I'm just upset that SS can't get the rights to do a quarter scale Yoda all by himself. To bad they couldn't have done Dagobah Luke differently and offered a way to take Yoda out of the backpack and put him on a stand. That would have been an awesome EX.

I rarely have any desire to play the massive multiplayer games. Its a feature I like to check out a couple times but I'm much more into give me a good single player game with a story good enough that I will want to replay it over and over again. I will be bummed forever that we won't get TFU III game. I still haven't made up my mind if I'm going to get Battlefront yet. I would never have thought when this game was announced that I'd ever be saying that.

I've heard about the Han spinoff for quite awhile too, but they finally confirmed that its really happening today. And we are getting another summer release date. Thank God! I find it hard for me to accept anyone else playing Han since we've had Harrison since he's been in his 30's. He just owns that character, just like how he does with Indy. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to move on mostly as long as the movie is good, but there will probably always be a little part of me that would have wished they would have done this one in the 70's. I hope at least Boba shows up.

An Inquisitor would be freaking sweet. How cool would it be if it was Ventress? A lot of people think she's going to be an upcoming Inquisitor in Rebels. I'd just love to see her be brought into live action films.

Man, seems like everytime I come to reply or post, I get called away for something, LOL!

That would be cool! I wonder though since she is supposedly going to hook up with Quinlan Vos after TCW. That is a spinoff movie I'd love to see!

Yeah, I agree it would have been nice if this was done when Harrison was young enough to do the part. Do you think they should just not do it at all? There are plenty of other characters to make movies.

I know! I'm on the EA FB page ranting every now and then. Yesterday my kind and I played Battlefront 2, and as I conquered the galaxy with Clones, I got upset that there won't be any in the next installement, so I went to the EA SW Battlefront FB page and got snippy. I think there needs to be more people raising this issue to make them understand that they are leaving a large part of the SW fanbase, not to mention fans of the previous games, disappointed. I'm sure the gameplay and visuals will be amazing, but for how long? With just a couple planets, no campagne, no Galactic Conquest, no PT or TCW characters, vehicles, etc. Come on!
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Man, seems like everytime I come to reply or post, I get called away for something, LOL!

That would be cool! I wonder though since she is supposedly going to hook up with Quinlan Vos after TCW. That is a spinoff movie I'd love to see!

Yeah, I agree it would have been nice if this was done when Harrison was young enough to do the part. Do you think they should just not do it at all? There are plenty of other characters to make movies.

I know! I'm on the EA FB page ranting every now and then. Yesterday my kind and I played Battlefront 2, and as I conquered the galaxy with Clones, I got upset that there won't be any in the next installement, so I went to the EA SW Battlefront FB page and got snippy. I think there needs to be more people raising this issue to make them understand that they are leaving a large part of the SW fanbase, not to mention fans of the previous games, disappointed. I'm sure the gameplay and visuals will be amazing, but for how long? With just a couple planets, no campagne, no Galactic Conquest, no PT or TCW characters, vehicles, etc. Come on!

I know who Quinlan Vos is but I'm still not super familiar with his character. I'll get there though.

I'm not really sure weather I'd like to see them do a Han spinoff or not. I'm sure if it ends up good I will move past my hangups of not having Harrison. But I'm one of the fans who doesn't want to see every little SW quote about something explained in full detail in another movie. Like I don't need to see a movie about the Kessel Run or the Battle of Tannab. I would like quotes like those just to be left alone so my mind could make up whatever story it wants to about it. I'd much rather have them come up with an original story to use with my favorite characters, and if they have the need to explain stuff like that to just leave them in an EU novel.

I can't believe how much they are limiting Battlefront. It just infuriates me that they caved to the OT only fans instead of putting PT, TCW or any EU stuff in there and then the OT only fans just wouldn't have had to use it. Now everyone has to miss out. Not cool EA, not cool.

Pic of the McQ Boba and Stormtrooper:


Those look pretty cool. I'm kind of surprised they couldn't manage to get them painted yet after they teased this line so long ago. But whatever, these are way too much of a niche collectible for me anyways.

I have to say though that 1/6 Maul looks to be the best 1/6 Maul ever.

Check out this beast. I'd really like to get more specs on this.


OMG!!!!!! :woot: I need that in my life!!!

If thats 1/6 how much is that thing going to cost? Like $5K?
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I just read the plot details for Rogue One.

"Ben Mendelsohn’s new Moff character is indeed the big baddie of Rogue One. The other main villains of the piece are bounty hunters hired by the Moff to quietly retrieve the stolen Death Star plans at all costs. Vader factors in once he realizes that the plans have been stolen, so he joins the hunt in a supporting role and is none too pleased.

These bounty hunters include Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Zuckuss & 4LOM, IG-88, and Cad Bane, who is from ‘Clone Wars’ and is making his live action debut.

There might some new ones as well, but that’s the core group. So Fett will absolutely appear on screen again in a semi-main role before his solo film."

Seriously this movie just keeps getting better and better.
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Reactions: STARKILLER 1138
Check out this beast. I'd really like to get more specs on this.


Good Lord! Is that from EFX?

I know who Quinlan Vos is but I'm still not super familiar with his character. I'll get there though.

I'm not really sure weather I'd like to see them do a Han spinoff or not. I'm sure if it ends up good I will move past my hangups of not having Harrison. But I'm one of the fans who doesn't want to see every little SW quote about something explained in full detail in another movie. Like I don't need to see a movie about the Kessel Run or the Battle of Tannab. I would like quotes like those just to be left alone so my mind could make up whatever story it wants to about it. I'd much rather have them come up with an original story to use with my favorite characters, and if they have the need to explain stuff like that to just leave them in an EU novel.

I can't believe how much they are limiting Battlefront. It just infuriates me that they caved to the OT only fans instead of putting PT, TCW or any EU stuff in there and then the OT only fans just wouldn't have had to use it. Now everyone has to miss out. Not cool EA, not cool.

Those look pretty cool. I'm kind of surprised they couldn't manage to get them painted yet after they teased this line so long ago. But whatever, these are way too much of a niche collectible for me anyways.

I have to say though that 1/6 Maul looks to be the best 1/6 Maul ever.

OMG!!!!!! :woot: I need that in my life!!!

If thats 1/6 how much is that thing going to cost? Like $5K?

I know, right! LOL!

Even the eyes on this 1/6 Maul looks better than the 1:1 bust that came out all those years ago.

Considering how long Cody has been delayed, that they were supposed to have the Vader LSF at last years SDCC and it isn't even at this years, nothing suprises me when it comes to SS and delays. I think the truth is they don't care about SW anymore. They want to keep the license of course, but they rather work on other things it seems.

I'll be skipping this version of Battlefront. It may not make a dent in lack of sales, but I'm sticking to my guns and waiting for a BF that will have more front the saga than what we are being given.

I agree with you. Yeah, I'm sure it will be a good movie, but there are so many other things that can be made into a movie. Yoda intrigues me because A) the time span is slo large they can go back 800 years if they want. And, B) it can be digital/ CGI.

From what I've seen from the show so far my favorite new Marvel PF is Loki, new DC PF is probably Supergirl, and new Star Wars PF is ..oh ... wait.....


I just read the plot details for Rogue One.

"Ben Mendelsohn’s new Moff character is indeed the big baddie of Rogue One. The other main villains of the piece are bounty hunters hired by the Moff to quietly retrieve the stolen Death Star plans at all costs. Vader factors in once he realizes that the plans have been stolen, so he joins the hunt in a supporting role and is none too pleased.

These bounty hunters include Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Zuckuss & 4LOM, IG-88, and Cad Bane, who is from ‘Clone Wars’ and is making his live action debut.

There might some new ones as well, but that’s the core group. So Fett will absolutely appear on screen again in a semi-main role before his solo film."

Seriously this movie just keeps getting better and better.

OMF'nG! Yes! Cad Bane!!!! He and Embo are the two best badass bounty hunters in the universe! Well, a former Sith turned bounty hunter may be tied up there too. ;) Excellent news!
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From what I've seen from the show so far my favorite new Marvel PF is Loki, new DC PF is probably Supergirl, and new Star Wars PF is ..oh ... wait.....

Ha, yeah still no new Star Wars PFs. Heck they still haven't even got Cody out who was at comic con two years ago.

That Loki looks good. There are a lot of good looking statues there, He-Man and Skeletor look pretty awesome. My only nitpick with Supergirl (other than the fact that she's saluting with the wrong hand) is she looks like she's in her 30s instead of like a teenager which is how she's normally portrayed. Aquaman looks underwhelming, but I think he'll be awesome in person.

It feels like there is a ton of Batman stuff, anything on your wish list?

Good Lord! Is that from EFX?

It's actually from Hot Toys. They say it's 1/6 scale (probably not truly 1/6, but big enough to fit a 1/6 scale figure in the cockpit). If you look at the Marty McFly and Delorean next to it in this picture, you have to figure the thing is around 5 feet tall!

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Good Lord! Is that from EFX?

I know, right! LOL!

Even the eyes on this 1/6 Maul looks better than the 1:1 bust that came out all those years ago.

Considering how long Cody has been delayed, that they were supposed to have the Vader LSF at last years SDCC and it isn't even at this years, nothing suprises me when it comes to SS and delays. I think the truth is they don't care about SW anymore. They want to keep the license of course, but they rather work on other things it seems.

I'll be skipping this version of Battlefront. It may not make a dent in lack of sales, but I'm sticking to my guns and waiting for a BF that will have more front the saga than what we are being given.

I agree with you. Yeah, I'm sure it will be a good movie, but there are so many other things that can be made into a movie. Yoda intrigues me because A) the time span is slo large they can go back 800 years if they want. And, B) it can be digital/ CGI.


OMF'nG! Yes! Cad Bane!!!! He and Embo are the two best badass bounty hunters in the universe! Well, a former Sith turned bounty hunter may be tied up there too. ;) Excellent news!

The only thing that SS is putting any effort into as far as SW goes is sixth scale. And since HT just acquired the license I would have thought that would have been a good time for SS to back off of the 1:6 stuff and focus on PFs or other stuff, but obviously not.

I'd love to see either a Yoda movie set whenever they wanted, or an Obi-Wan movie between Eps III and IV. They could literally come up with whatever story they wanted and not feel forced into making an entire movie about a little SW quote.

I'm really hoping what I read was true because I'd love to see Cad Bane brought to life in live action. And I'm not going to lie, I do like Boba quite a bit so it will be cool to see more of him too.

Ha, yeah still no new Star Wars PFs. Heck they still haven't even got Cody out who was at comic con two years ago.

That Loki looks good. There are a lot of good looking statues there, He-Man and Skeletor look pretty awesome. My only nitpick with Supergirl (other than the fact that she's saluting with the wrong hand) is she looks like she's in her 30s instead of like a teenager which is how she's normally portrayed. Aquaman looks underwhelming, but I think he'll be awesome in person.

It feels like there is a ton of Batman stuff, anything on your wish list?

It's actually from Hot Toys. They say it's 1/6 scale (probably not truly 1/6, but big enough to fit a 1/6 scale figure in the cockpit). If you look at the Marty McFly and Delorean next to it in this picture, you have to figure the thing is around 5 feet tall!


I feel so bad for anyone who ordered Cody. Someone better be losing their job over a delay like that.

That Skeletor statue is all kinds of awesomeness. I used to be a big MOTU fan was I was very little but it just never stuck with me like SW, or superheroes have. I was a bit shocked about how underwhelming Aquaman was. I'm not really a big fan of the character, but I was still expecting something more about it.

As far as Batman characters go, I'll be picking up the Pfeiffer Catwoman statue from Tweeterhead for sure. But I'm all done with collecting comic statues. I'm just more of a movie guy and am focusing on collecting movie stuff from this point forward.

I seriously hope they put the TIE into production. I have no clue how much that thing would cost or how they could even possibly ship it, but I just hope it happens. And I hope they do a 1:6 X-Wing too.
The only thing that SS is putting any effort into as far as SW goes is sixth scale. And since HT just acquired the license I would have thought that would have been a good time for SS to back off of the 1:6 stuff and focus on PFs or other stuff, but obviously not.

I'd love to see either a Yoda movie set whenever they wanted, or an Obi-Wan movie between Eps III and IV. They could literally come up with whatever story they wanted and not feel forced into making an entire movie about a little SW quote.

I'm really hoping what I read was true because I'd love to see Cad Bane brought to life in live action. And I'm not going to lie, I do like Boba quite a bit so it will be cool to see more of him too.

I feel so bad for anyone who ordered Cody. Someone better be losing their job over a delay like that.

That Skeletor statue is all kinds of awesomeness. I used to be a big MOTU fan was I was very little but it just never stuck with me like SW, or superheroes have. I was a bit shocked about how underwhelming Aquaman was. I'm not really a big fan of the character, but I was still expecting something more about it.

As far as Batman characters go, I'll be picking up the Pfeiffer Catwoman statue from Tweeterhead for sure. But I'm all done with collecting comic statues. I'm just more of a movie guy and am focusing on collecting movie stuff from this point forward.

I seriously hope they put the TIE into production. I have no clue how much that thing would cost or how they could even possibly ship it, but I just hope it happens. And I hope they do a 1:6 X-Wing too.

I think Sideshow is putting so much effort into the 1:6 line because they want to get figures out before Hot Toys does them. A lot of people are debating on ordering from Sideshow or waiting to see if Hot Toys does the figures now. I can't imagine Hot Toys actually putting that TIE Fighter into production, that thing would probably cost $1,500+. I'd love to see them make a 1:6 x-wing even if it's just for a display at a convention.

Yeah there's nothing wrong with Aquaman, but there's also nothing that makes it pop. I think they did it that way so he'd fit in with the JLA though. I'm guessing Flash will be in a similar pose.

Makes sense to focus on what you like the most, although the bad thing about that is Hot Toys does the best movie likenesses and I know you're not a 1:6 guy. You're going to pass on the Dark Knight and Ledger Joker PFs?
I think Sideshow is putting so much effort into the 1:6 line because they want to get figures out before Hot Toys does them. A lot of people are debating on ordering from Sideshow or waiting to see if Hot Toys does the figures now. I can't imagine Hot Toys actually putting that TIE Fighter into production, that thing would probably cost $1,500+. I'd love to see them make a 1:6 x-wing even if it's just for a display at a convention.

Yeah there's nothing wrong with Aquaman, but there's also nothing that makes it pop. I think they did it that way so he'd fit in with the JLA though. I'm guessing Flash will be in a similar pose.

Makes sense to focus on what you like the most, although the bad thing about that is Hot Toys does the best movie likenesses and I know you're not a 1:6 guy. You're going to pass on the Dark Knight and Ledger Joker PFs?

That makes sense. But now SW PF collectors have to suffer with no products just so SS can try to beat HT out of the gate with their figures.

I'm betting Flash will be in a very similar pose as well. But maybe its okay that they played it safe with the pose, because we've all seen when things can go very badly when SS decides to get too creative. *cough* Reeve Superman *cough*

Yeah, I still think that HT has the best human likenesses, but with SW most of the characters I would want either wear a mask, or helmet, or are an alien anyways which is why I'm going with PFs. There are really only a handful of human characters that are must haves for me. The rest that would be SS probably won't even make anyways.

I'm actually going to pass on the TDK Batman and Joker because I'm a lot more of a Burton fan than a Nolan fan. Burton's Batman films are still to this day the most nostalgic for me as far as the character of Batman goes. I do think Bale Batman looks pretty good though. But I'm not too crazy about the Ledger Joker PF's pose at all. It looks like they had a bunch of different ideas for how they wanted the character to look and just tried to stuff it all into one pose. His head also looks gigantic.
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