The Ebay Seller/Policies Discussion Thread

Apr 26, 2012
UK,south yorkshire
Q) What is the purpose of this thread?
A) To discuss Ebay policies/issues

Q) Where can i find the Ebay Presale Policy?
A) Click HERE

Q) Can a HDN Trade mod help me with an Ebay sale/trade issue? Also why is there no 'ebay bad traders' list?
A) Simply put, no. To find out why, ensure you read the following spoiler:
please use this thread as a RESOURCE to ask your fellow members about problems you've had with a reseller or questions about e-bay.

do NOT use this thread to attack or refute other members. if you an e-bay dispute with a member here, perhaps it's best to approach a trading mod before posting? we don't police e-bay, but maybe we can give you a tip or two.

if members ignore these suggestions, then the thread might be locked for a couple of weeks.

thank you.

hey folks,

as a reminder what myself (and other mods) have continued to mention via private message, e-mail and other areas. we do NOT police other trading marketplaces like ebay, youtube, amazon and the rest.

there is ONLY a certain amount of information at our disposal and we do not have the resources in these other locations as we do on this forum - things that we can look at and evaluate.

having said that, there are trading rules on this forum that have been instituted for your own protection for trading transactions that happen HERE.

this includes the pending / active sales threads, the requirement of feedback posted for any new traders, our support ticketing system, the active investigations held by trading moderators and many other things we do not discuss openly.

we have long held that problems occurring on these other forums and marketplaces should be taken the appropriate authorities on THOSE websites.

many of you are established traders here on this forum and you should know all about the guidelines that are stickied in this section - including having new traders send first, getting tracking from the other party and proof of shipment, and what other precautions can be taken to protect your trading safety.

trading via ebay and their messaging system is against their stated policy and should not occur - and there are reasons why they have created that policy. you don't have protection of paypal or their listing system as a buyer or seller.

having said that, if there is trouble with an ebay seller or buyer, you should go to their website and report it there. if you are not aware of this process, follow the below link for more information.

so folks can feel free to chat about a seller or buyer that they are having problems with, but I can tell you right now - there will not be a "witch hunt" by moderators or staff based on one person's account of the problems or trouble they are having - and we limit the action taken for or against members here to transactions that occurred on this forum.

as stated in the thread title of our bad traders list - that list is for FORUM MEMBERS ONLY.

thank you.
Q) Where can i find the HDN Buyer Beware / Bad Traders list?
A) You can find the thread HERE
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Can anyone give me advice on what to do with the guy from France who opened a claim on paypal and has never once tried to contact me on ebay? He has had the item since April 20th and is just now filing a claim. I feel he is scamming me.

I have a feeling this is the same person that has scammed a few of us already in this thread. Can't think of the user ID though and I can't find those posts.

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

So is there a way in ebay where if a buyer has one or more negative feedback then he can't bid on your item...just as a pre-caution, I've been hearing a lot of bad buyers doing false claims and it makes selling and buying
in ebay (more) scary than a fe years ago!EEK!

The problem is, that Buyers can't get negative feedback posted to them. You can only leave a buyer positive feedback. The only way they could get a negative is to also be a seller. Screwed up system, but it does eliminate the retaliatory negatives.

I recently received a random email from a guy called (Ashok Kumar). The email is from a Gmail account. He wrote in the email he was from Singapore and he wanted to buy a few of my steelbooks listed on ebay but wanted to confirm the following:

1) Would it be okay if he paid by paypal from Singapore but have the steels delivered to a Manchester address.

2) How would the charges go buy? (not sure what he meant by this)

I replied back saying i would only send the steelbooks to the address linked to paypal when he checked out. Also said the steelbooks would be sent recorded post only by Royal Mail.

He then sends me his WhatsApp number and asks me to contact him.

I send him a message and he responds that he needs my help and asks again if i could send the steelbooks to Manchester. I refused and said why doesn't the person in Manchester pay. He replies back his mate in Manchester is skint and is travelling to Singapore that's why he wants them sent to him so he can save on shipping.

I refused again and he said he would change his paypal address and get back to me.

Its been a week over a week and no reply on WhatsApp or email.

Could be nothing but Just thought il let all ninjas know as there's so many tactics used by scammers. Please beware you are not covered by paypal if you send items to an address that is not linked on the account.:thumbs:
Not sure if this right place to post this.
I nearly actually cried today after i opened a package that i got from a ebay purchase :tear: :tear:

I bought an Iron Man FutureShop exclusive, a steel that i've always wanted to own. It was minty sealed with all stickers, absolute perfect.

Received it today only to find:
1) it was opened, not shrink w*****
2) no shrinkwrap meaning no stickers
3) few marks/scratches on case and j-card.
4) One corner of J-card was bent

Everyday i checked the tracking number to see where the steel is, i was that excited only to receive it like this.

In the listing, he clearly stated sealed, Mint with stickers. :tear: :tear:

I've opened a case against him, not sure if that will do any good in case he argue that i opened it
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Sorry to hear about your incredible bad deal dipzy, that is one F´d up move from the seller :angry: Hopefully you get that sorted out :thumbs:
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Hard luck dipzy, that's everyone's worst fear when spending hard earned money on their personal grails.

Mint and sealed should mean nothing but that, so I hope you win your case and be sure to name and shame this cheat once it's dealt with.

Good luck
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Fraud...thats what it is! I hope/think you will win the case, it goes against all logic that you would damage (scratch) the steel also. He/she is responsible for the listing!
Ok guys I need advise.
I sold 2 steels in auction to the same Buyer, it was finished on the 16th of this month. I've sent a message regarding this Non Payment to the buyer. Message was sent out a week after Bidding had ended. No reply so I went an open an Open Payment case (?) With ebay. Still no word from the buyer. She has great feedback but 2 are positive even though it states that they never received payment for item. It's the end of the Month now and I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? ??
Ok guys I need advise.
I sold 2 steels in auction to the same Buyer, it was finished on the 16th of this month. I've sent a message regarding this Non Payment to the buyer. Message was sent out a week after Bidding had ended. No reply so I went an open an Open Payment case (?) With ebay. Still no word from the buyer. She has great feedback but 2 are positive even though it states that they never received payment for item. It's the end of the Month now and I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions? ??

You can`t to anything else-If he doesn`t want to pay-he doesn`t pay,easy as that-just wait until Ebay closes the case.You`ll get your fees back and the Buyer get `s a warning of a non payed Item from Ebay.Happend to me several Times. Sad but that`s the way it goes on Ebay these Days. Buying and not paying is getting a kind of new Sport on Ebay-IMO:angry:
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Hey Guys!
I need your help. I bought the Sucker Punch SDCC Steelbook. New & Sealed.
Today i received it. Everything is good except a little small mini scratch on the front. (Below the Sticker).The Seller didnt mention it. I didnt speak with him yet, just wann hear your opinion first.

I dont wanna send it back, because the price was okay and iam sure i wont find it for a better price.
Partially refund? I dont wanna be a ass, but paying such high prices for rare premium steels i expect to get a steel without scratches. Otherwise the seller should be mention it before. Unable to see it on the auctions pics (Paid 107€ incl. Shipping)

Thanks Ninjas!
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Hey Guys!
I need your help. I bought the Sucker Punch SDCC Steelbook. New & Sealed.
Today i received it. Everything is good except a little small mini scratch on the front. (Below the Sticker).The Seller didnt mention it. I didnt speak with him yet, just wann hear your opinion first.

I dont wanna send it back, because the price was okay and iam sure i wont find it for a better price.
Partially refund? I dont wanna be a ass, but paying such high prices for rare premium steels i expect to get a steel without scratches. Otherwise the seller should be mention it before. Unable to see it on the auctions pics (Paid 107€ incl. Shipping)

Thanks Ninjas!

Honestly bro.. that scratch is so small I can barely see it from the pic and I know its there. There is a good chance the seller didn't even notice it. I myself am not OCD on steels, but have a friend who is - and he is constantly inspecting my collecting an finding stuff that I dont notice.

There's a good chance the seller like me didnt even know about it which is why he didnt put it in the description. Speak to him kindly and I'm sure he will be willing to work something out. Do not open a case on ebay because that gets people's back up against the wall and I find they are less willing to work with you if you open a claim.
tristar6 it dose not look that bad at all. I personaly would not be botherd by that IF it was a steelbook I desperately needed.

Like others have said word it nicely along the lines of I was disappointed to see a small scratch when it arrived to save returning it is thire any chance in a partial refund.

IF you are going to open it would a bit of coloured car wax polish it out? Any thoughts gang?.