The Rumor Mill: Ben Hur digibook

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Who Blu Supermod
Premium Supporter
Nov 26, 2010
Altea, Spain
Some of the other forums have begun discussing the possibility that Best Buy may be issuing another digibook on September 27th - namely Ben Hur.

They currently have 3 editions on their website due on that date; Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary Edition $29.99, Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary - Ultimate Collector's $59.99 and Ben-Hur (1959) (2 Books) (3 Disc) (W/Book) - Anniversary $49.99.

The theory is that the $29.99 version will actually be a Best Buy Exclusive digibook.

What does anyone else think, or does anyone have any inside information!
well they wouldnt charge $49.99 for it ... unless its a digibook inside a case + more like The Bridge on River Kwai etc.

Its possible tho, Horhay got a really cool Ben Hur press kit so they definitely arent skimping on this title.
I believe it isnt, Neoz posted about the exclusive being some other edition.
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