
Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hey all,

Use this thread to chat about all things steelbook. Chat away ...

In an undetermined amount of time (when I need to submit GB addresses) I will then conduct the giveaway via random.org using the Post #s in this thread.

Your entries could be 1 (if you post 1 time) or 100 if you post 100 times.

At that time, I will figure out who wins the free DL TDK Blufans Edition. If you already bought the DL, you will get yours for free as I will refund you. ;)

I will host the giveaway LIVE on my IG by rolling the virtual dice first, if it lands on 5 then I will randomize the numbers 5 times and whatever # it lands on that post count # is the winner.
black and white batman GIF
Since we are supposed to use this thread to talk about steelbooks, what movie do you have the most copies of from different countries/manufacturers? I think mine would be John Wick 1-3
I try to own as few duplicates as possible but have got multiple copies of Kubrick and the Halloween films because they're too nice and I can't sell them
Since we are supposed to use this thread to talk about steelbooks, what movie do you have the most copies of from different countries/manufacturers? I think mine would be John Wick 1-3
Deadpool, no idea why. It's a good movie but not good enough to own more than one copy. 2nd is Thor Ragnarok, that's my fave Marvel so I'm happy with that decision :D
I sold all my JW after watching JW3 and just bought the Bestbuy JW1 and put all the discs in that :thumbs:
Since we are supposed to use this thread to talk about steelbooks, what movie do you have the most copies of from different countries/manufacturers? I think mine would be John Wick 1-3

Definitely Marvel movies, and among those, Captain America, Winter Soldier is my guilty pleasure
christian bale GIF by Maudit

Because I'm the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So they'll hunt me. Because I can take it. Because I'm not their hero. I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A WINNER
many thanks for the opportunity, @Wreck :thumbs:

@Nova, probbaly Blade Runner. i'm an opener, rather than a sealed collector, yet i have multiple (different) copies of Blade Runner i've not opened, and i will buy more different versions if i can. if you ask why, i have absolutely no idea.

@aj101097 it started with me when i bought Duel (the first Spielberg movie, the one with the truck), and it came as a DVD steelbook. i'd not known that when i ordered it, and had not heard of them before. but i do love nice boxes for some weird reason, so since then there's been no stopping me.

For me it all started with a steelbook I saw for $5. I told myself I’ll never pay over $20 for a steelbooks. Then I bought one for $35. Then I told myself I’ll never pay one over $50. Then I bought one for $60. I told myself I’ll never pay over $100. And my dumbass somehow bought one for over a hundred a couple weeks ago. HELP ME STOP

never on this site, all Ninjas will do their best to encourage you to not only not stop, but to continue on and on!
Join Us Mystery Science Theater 3000 GIF by MOODMAN

Never. I don’t see myself ever buying an OC. I think y’all who get them are crazy, why would I want to pay for the same steelbook 3 times?

varying artwork, finishes and contents, of course! pretty things in shiny boxes!
Princess Friendship Day GIF by True and the Rainbow Kingdom

also, it depends on the retailer, but HDZeta one click's split the discs between two steels, and the third steel 'space' is a special pack of booklets, books, or other stuff, it's a better all around package, but their sales methods are... somewhat questionable, and it's very difficult to get them these days. but..
Gossip We Dont Talk About That GIF by OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network
Anyone know when GroundDigger wakes up?
I got another one, from one of my favorite movies, Stir of Echoes, that recently was released in an excellent edition by Australian Imprint. As anyone, who has seen it, there's a lot of digging.

So GroundDigger's dream:

Two great movies, two versions of the song used:

The Devil's Advocate - original by The Rolling Stones

Stir of Echoes - cover by Gob

Most badass female TV show character ever, that was written out by two new wussy showrunners with obvious mommy problems, in exchange of frackin 'red cross' helper boxes and other stupid crap, ruining Fear the Walking Dead after 3rd season. Fans were constantly demanding Madison back, and she's returning sometime in the back half of Season 7, but I'm afraid the series is destroyed beyond recognition and saving by now...

One can only dream now of such character development, manipulation, and relationship, as these two had in Season 3: