[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Shaun of the Dead Vinyl (Mondo)

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Feb 28, 2011
This giveaway is now closed!

On behalf of HDN, I present to you one of many prizes which has been kindly donated by @roseart for Ninja Week 2015!

The prize is a copy of Mondo's Shaun of the Dead OST vinyl.

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To enter, just answer this simple question...

If your town/city suddenly became overrun by zombies, where would you hide out?

One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: TBC

Thank you and good luck! :thumbs:

If you're not already a Premium Member, then there's no better time than now to upgrade your membership and have access to even more giveaways - become a fully fledged Ninja today!
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Carlisle castle. Has a moat and everything. Me and my girlfriend have this conversation far too often. Doesn't hurt to be prepared though haha
Their is a flat above my local bank. i've worked inside before and know their is access to the roof. its a flat roof with views of the main streets. Would sit with a sniper rifle and have fun.

Cheers for the giveaway!

I probably just push my luck and stick it out at home since there's nowhere to hide in a little town like mine.
The post office is near my place and I have a feeling being in the back room with all the packages has a bunch of places for hiding out.
Since I live in Montana, I definitely have the "isolation" factor in my favor.

I'd probably head to Costco. Concrete, full of supplies, and no zombies are getting in without a membership!

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm going to my work. We have inside roof access and a gated lot. Our neighbor is a steel manufacturer so we could build up some badass steel reinforcements not to mention I work for a generator manufacturer so we'll be good for power. Oh and the other neighbor distributes rice and ramen noodles
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I'd be at my house, reinforcing it. I'd probably loot the hunting store, and then head back to my house. :) Thanks for another sweet giveaway.
Cool Giveaway was actually thinking of buying this OST

I would pick the Mall, it's got it all Food, Hiding Places, Gadgets, and plenty of pretty women around
Thanks foe giveaway.

There is only one place in york thats worthy of a mention and thats Cliffords tower.

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