[WINNER CHOSEN] [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Shaun of the Dead Vinyl (Mondo)

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Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011
This giveaway is now closed!

On behalf of HDN, I present to you one of many prizes which has been kindly donated by @roseart for Ninja Week 2015!

The prize is a copy of Mondo's Shaun of the Dead OST vinyl.

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To enter, just answer this simple question...

If your town/city suddenly became overrun by zombies, where would you hide out?

One entry per member
Winner: A winner will be announced on March 1st
Shipping: TBC

Thank you and good luck! :thumbs:

If you're not already a Premium Member, then there's no better time than now to upgrade your membership and have access to even more giveaways - become a fully fledged Ninja today!
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In my cousin's house. He's got as many guns as I have steelbooks. Wouldn't have to worry about running out of ammo.

Thanks for the give away!
we have a national cemetary right down the street from where I live with thousands of lots. all military. If they all suddenly got zombified, I'm pretty sure there's no escape, but if I wanted to hide out, I'd drive to my old office building. it was like a fortress.
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