[winner chosen] Star Wars Rogue One blufans steelbook full slip giveaway

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
up for grabs is the full slip steelbook edition of rogue one blufans. If an International winner wins their is a shipping fee of $20

Which did you like Better Rogue One or The Last Jedi?

Rogue One was definitely better, The Last Jedi was just a different kind of story!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Ah this is so tough - Rogue One really grew on me and I love it more and more each time I watch it (probably too many times). The Last Jedi I really loved straight off but I've only seen it a couple of times at the cinema (can't wait for the home release)

.....right now I'll say Rogue One

Thanks for an amazing week of giveaways and good luck ninjas!
Last Jedi is lightyears ahead of most other Star Wars films for me. Rogue One is pretty high up on my list as well though!

Thanks for the giveaway! :)
Rogue One was light years better than The Last Jedi. It's probably my favourite Star Wars film after Empire. The story, characters, and effects were all brilliantly executed.
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