Iron Man (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive #12) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: December 5, 2014
Purchase links: Lenticular (SOLD OUT) - 1/4 Slip (SOLD OUT) (Pre-order on November 10 at 11 PM Korea time UTC+9. UK: 2 PM GMT / USA (east) 9 AM / USA (west) 6 AM ) Please use the following timezone converter to find out the time in your area
$42.90$ (after 3 days, $44.99)
Package detail:
2 discs
- Lenticular
- 1/4 slip
Print run: 3.7K
1850 for Oversea, 1850 for Local
Order Limit Qty:
Lenticular Edition : 2 per order
1/4 Slip : 1 per order

Paramount approved artwork




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It appears if you ask them to destroy the Steelbooks that's the end of the matter.

If you don't agree to this you have to return the form objecting and their may be legal proceedings

Firm has to be returned by 02/01/2015
I think it is unlikely anyone will be sued over this, it is probably the type of correspondence used for companies that import large volumes of goods. It could leave Group Buy hosts and resellers in a spot of bother though.
Here's a copy of the letter I received (personal information removed for obvious reasons), sorry for the weird shadows at the bottom, couldn't take a picture without causing one.

Letter1.png Letter2.png Letter3.png Letter4.png
(Click thumbnails to enlarge).

A few things I thought I'd point out:

- On the cover page, they specify that the infringing goods are "Recorded DVD" and that the right holder is FACT.

To state the obvious, this is just plain wrong. The items contained are blu-rays, not DVDs. Also, it's not Marvel that has reported this - but FACT, as in the British organisation designed to protect against copyright theft. They won't have a clue if goods manufactured abroad are genuine or not, especially if they don't know where they were ordered from.

- On the last page, they say "if known please state the web address used for ordering the goods"

Again, goes to show that they haven't completed a proper investigation as claimed, else they'd know exactly where it was ordered from (especially considering it states the website on every parcel KimchiDVD send).

TL;DR, it's pretty clear a proper investigation wasn't performed and they don't even know what the goods actually are.

And the icing on the cake, is they send this out so that it arrives the day before Christmas, knowing fully well that the post isn't operating normally and that there are likely to be delays, yet demand a response within 9 days else they'll be destroyed?
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I wonder why they didn't include the FAQ - What if Border Force have got this wrong and are unable to do their job properly?

They basically don't have a leg to stand on if they wish to start legal proceedings. You should return the letter along with as many other details as you can to confirm this isn't counterfeit. And word it very strongly (but not abusive).
If I receive this letter I will reply back immediately with the following information:

1. Order page
2. EBay links
3. Forum links
4. YouTube unboxing video links

Write to them politely stating the facts. If anyone can do the writing in good English it will benefit us.