Iron Man (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive #12) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: December 5, 2014
Purchase links: Lenticular (SOLD OUT) - 1/4 Slip (SOLD OUT) (Pre-order on November 10 at 11 PM Korea time UTC+9. UK: 2 PM GMT / USA (east) 9 AM / USA (west) 6 AM ) Please use the following timezone converter to find out the time in your area
$42.90$ (after 3 days, $44.99)
Package detail:
2 discs
- Lenticular
- 1/4 slip
Print run: 3.7K
1850 for Oversea, 1850 for Local
Order Limit Qty:
Lenticular Edition : 2 per order
1/4 Slip : 1 per order

Paramount approved artwork




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I just spoke to the uk customs and excise there are two options leave it to be destroyed which you will be notified about or wait for a uk representative of the intellectual property to come and inspect the item, if they give a thumbs up it will be passes through no problem if it is an issue it will be destroyed, also what's weird is that Royal Mail get it first then if it's suspected of fakery or whatever it will then be passed onto customs and excise
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This is where we really need to hear from Kimchi, a lot of Ninjas will refuse to buy their goods, if they abandon helping them once the money is taken.

But on the other hand, British customs are just showing their excellence here, I mean really well done on the "Thorough" investigation.....
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If I receive this letter I will reply back immediately with the following information:

1. Order page
2. EBay links
3. Forum links
4. YouTube unboxing video links

Write to them politely stating the facts. If anyone can do the writing in good English it will benefit us.
And also inform KimchiDVD about their/your missing steelbooks.
They might not reply to everyone but some will get through.

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Can any one come up with a standardised letter that we could all send off with all the details we need to include?
I'm planning on writing one, but it'll more than likely be tomorrow - reason being I'm moving house at the beginning of Jan so packing for that before heading to see family for Christmas.

FYI, this information may be of use if anyone else plans on writing on in the meanwhile.
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We should not be blaming Tony for this fiasco but he is obliged to send authenticity documents if required. I believe someone in the US went through this pain few months back and got it resolved.
Really any ideas where we can speak to this person or find out further details
Found a number. 0300 200 3700, unfortunately it redirected me to tax office.

They advised keep saying customs on the automated bit
We should not be blaming Tony for this fiasco but he is obliged to send authenticity documents if required. I believe someone in the US went through this pain few months back and got it resolved.
I also know that @VRob98 went through the exact same thing last year with steels from Kimchi so maybe when he gets this tag he can post what he did to get this ridiculous situation sorted..:thumbs:
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