Spoilers!!! - Lost Season 6


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
This thread was made for spoilers!!!!!!!!!

So read at your own risk!

feel free to still use

this if you like
Ooooh ok. That clarifies it better.

Yeah, I heard someone say he didn't have a son, but I was like wth? he's been with him? lol. But massgains post made sense to me. That all of this stuff going on was because they didn't realize they died basically. And I just remembered Desmond said he was helping Locke to "let go"

Yup Mexi....the alternate timeline was just a place the losties created to wait until they could ascend to the next level. Jack's Dad said some of them died before him some of them died after him. Once they died they were in this holding place living their lives (better lives) until they were ready to move on to the next level. They also could not move on until all of them were ready to move on and ascend (into heaved) at the same time (this was due to the experiences they shared with each other while in the island).

Everything that happened on the island was real....(Jack's dad said it). Unfortunately we don't know what happened to the lives of the folks that escaped on the plane or Hurley or Ben....but that is the nature of the show. Some things answered but those answers usually generate several questions.
Yup Mexi....the alternate timeline was just a place the losties created to wait until they could ascend to the next level. Jack's Dad said some of them died before him some of them died after him. Once they died they were in this holding place living their lives (better lives) until they were ready to move on to the next level. They also could not move on until all of them were ready to move on and ascend (into heaved) at the same time (this was due to the experiences they shared with each other while in the island).

Everything that happened on the island was real....(Jack's dad said it). Unfortunately we don't know what happened to the lives of the folks that escaped on the plane or Hurley or Ben....but that is the nature of the show. Some things answered but those answers usually generate several questions.

It was perfect!!! It was as it should be. There's things that are better left unanswered.
wow im so confused about what happened untill i got more clarity reading here

i have to say was a great last episode, bit disapointed i didnt get to see mr eko one last time, but was a sad ending.....wish it didnt end :(
this would have been a much better ending for LOST.

Hahahaha! Funny thing too, the Simpsons finale was on the same day and you know how bart always writes on the chalkboard? This time it said something about, Watch us. The LOST ending is just the dog's dream lol