An Open Letter to BluFans, Let's Talk about Kevin

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Hi members of HiDefNinja, it is with some sadness that I write to you today about the end of an era here at HDN.

Recently a situation unfolded where one of our group buy hubs was accused of stealing a number of copies of a BluFans release, and was told that they needed to repay Kevin over $1,000 to replace the items that were lost.

The items in question represent less than 1% of the total items in a BluFans print run.

Some people would have you believe this is just a "disagreement" between HDN and Kevin.

If you are new to HDN, or perhaps just not aware of how these group buys work with BluFans - the hubs, the persons responsible for shipping out hundreds upon hundreds of steelbooks work for very little (if any) compensation. I would propose that our hubs are some of the most trustworthy members here and a great asset to this site. Often they do their best to combine shipping for you to reduce the cost in general and bring you a great release, safely packaged and delivered - such that you do not have to rely on ebay sellers or other folks that will mark these items up.

Having said that, packages sent from BluFans are done in the following way.

1) They are marked a very low value and as "plastic" cards to avoid customs
2) Tracking numbers, are rarely shared with the hubs.
3) There is no invoice or packing slip that state how many items should have been received.
4) Sometimes members are left off or missed in the creation of the lists. Meaning the count of the total items sent is not always accurate.

Therefore, as a hub on this forum, there is a level of trust that we put in not only BluFans, but also bluraysteel (Kevin) to accurately and correctly convey our responsibilities in delivering these releases to you. To give you an idea, one box (only one!) of BluFans steels can exceed $900 in total value.

These boxes are NOT insured! So what happens when items are lost, not sent, or the records are incorrect? It appears that they will come after the group buy hubs! :(

And as this trust has now been violated, as no hub now or previously (unless they keep very thorough records of every shipment made, to every member that is on their list) can completely disprove the accusation that has been made. We have nothing at our disposal that can show without a doubt what we say is true, despite the pictures on our threads of the items, the posts about when we received them, and the other information we very publicly share with you, our members, to keep you up to date.

To restate has been said that one of us, one of our hubs, is not a person that can be trusted.

I've gone to great lengths to personally investigate this question and provide pictures, posts and other information that show very clearly that HDN nor our hub stole from BluFans.

I think we can all agree that we love BluFans releases. We love the package, we love their thought and care that is put into creating a wonderful collectors items. But it seems as though bluraysteel has decided to take all of his group buys somewhere else in retaliation for not sending him $1000.

I cannot stop you from supporting BluFans releases, and I'm not asking you to not buy their steelbooks. But I would like you to consider that you will not receive the support from moderators and staff members on other forums that you have received here. There likely will not be any quantity per member limits that are enforced. There will not be the hubs you have worked with so many times before. I hope there are not other challenges as well.

I would like to take this opportunity to call on BluFans, to call on Abu to replace bluraysteel as the liaison between our two forums, and to instead use someone that can work with HDN, and will not turn on HDN or our hubs so quickly.

Thank you very much for reading this thread, and I would like to personally apologize to you if this causes any trouble.

For members of my UP 3D slip hub, as far as I'm aware some of these are on the way to me currently - and if they do arrive, I will continue to assist in completing this group buy and bring you the items you paid for.

Best regards,

how this will suggest Hubs have something to do with this ? everyone of us ( gb Blufans members) want get steels as cheap as possible so now we should take some responsibility for this situation ( easy take or use someone little harder give back I suppose). We should stick together not accuse each other!!! otherwise we all gonna lose (HDN , BLUFANS ,KEVIN AND ALL BLUFANS Collector's)

Simple, Kevin makes an accusation that cannot be verifed but gets compensated anyway.
To an outsider that looks like one party was to blame.
i was careful and understand what you wrote too, as i thought 45 days was also the time frame... but this is what i got from the link from my transaction:
"Need to file a dispute? If you have a problem with this payment to someone in another country, you have up to 180 days to file a dispute. For more information, to request a written explanation of your rights, or to file a dispute, go to the Resolution Center on PayPal's website at or call Customer Service at 877-569-1141.

maybe im wrong, im not trying to arguing with you either, just writing what i saw on paypal

***edit*** i believe 45 days is the policy and apologies for the confusion BUT paypal does reserve the right to investigate a claim up to 180 days from the date of the original transaction if they see it requires more "examination"

i would call paypal if anyone is concerned about getting their money back if they payed by goods.
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Hmmm, I'm in the same camp with UP3D. I paid ages ago, I guess this just shows how quickly things can turn around on a public internet forum. There is no where to go with Paypal but I'll be trying through all sources to either get my money back or get my hands on that blu-ray. A sad day for this awesome forum.
David (NM) has just sent a PM to the UK HUB members...

I feel HDN need to post a similar message here as this thread this is just going to be one big mess...
If we all pay 1 dollar each probably boxes to hubs can be send with tracked post so we wont need any insurance and such...

HI my friend,

I just want to say this , that the packages are never sent "untracked" since they come with a speedy couriour out of China - like ParcelForce in the UK and EMS in Germany the packages can always be tracked to the delivery.

There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes and of course not evertything will be put out here for the public eye.

I for one will say I have always worked with Kevin and personally I have had no trouble at all with any numbers or packages , everything was straight up from the go.

Of course tracking information came scarce but that is China - its known that not everything goes smoothly but in the end it all works out.

I would suggest the members of my HUB (I can only speak for my HUB ) that you do not get over excited about this matter. Please remember - it is hard to conclude something when you are banned . Im sure he is getting a statement ready and will be "advising" the members on what can be done about the already paid for steelbooks.

As soon as I hear from him I will try my best to inform you of the immediate situation.
HI my friend,

I just want to say this , that the packages are never sent "untracked" since they come with a speedy couriour out of China - like ParcelForce in the UK and EMS in Germany the packages can always be tracked to the delivery.

There is a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes and of course not evertything will be put out here for the public eye.

I for one will say I have always worked with Kevin and personally I have had no trouble at all with any numbers or packages , everything was straight up from the go.

Of course tracking information came scarce but that is China - its known that not everything goes smoothly but in the end it all works out.

I would suggest the members of my HUB (I can only speak for my HUB ) that you do not get over excited about this matter. Please remember - it is hard to conclude something when you are banned . Im sure he is getting a statement ready and will be "advising" the members on what can be done about the already paid for steelbooks.

As soon as I hear from him I will try my best to inform you of the immediate situation.

Hi my dear friend,

We dont really know what is going on and im sure there are things that are going on "behind the scenes".

All I can say is hope we can solve this issue with minimum damage.
Simple, Kevin makes an accusation that cannot be verifed but gets compensated anyway.
To an outsider that looks like one party was to blame.

That's way I want to stop accused each other (hold the horses) and try resolve together this problem and sort this thinks for future . If we going to blame each other ...well there is no winner here.
Hi my dear friend,

We dont really know what is going on and im sure there are things that are going on "behind the scenes".

All I can say is hope we can solve this issue with minimum damage.

exactly we don't know but many of us on ready judge him , when yesterday morning we loved him . pity.
You can claim after 60 days of making a payment through Paypal, if you get in contact with them as long as you have paid by GOODS, if the seller cannot provide a tracking number, they will refund you.
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Uninsured packages will get lost eventually and this is the result.

Imo its kevins fault for not enforcing tracked shipping on the group buyers so he has no right to tell anyone they owe him money!

Its the senders responsibility to ensure the receiver gets their package so they should be held responsible. Its like saying if i buy a ps4 from ebay and it gets lost, i have to pay the seller back £350. Not the way it works im afraid.

I hope anyone with outstanding orders get their money or steel through.
To restate, since I've seen a bit of confusion popping up (and I've gotten a number of pms about it - lol)

There are supposed to be some (maybe all, I don't know) UP with the 3D slip on it's way to me.

If they have been shipped, I will be accepting delivery and I fully intend to send these on to the members of my hub.

Having said that, it appears statements on other forums and areas have escalated, despite our very public and truthful disclosure of this situation.

I'm not hopeful about a reconciliation at this point, but in case anyone out there "in the know" is reading this, there are no plans to "pay back" funds we don't owe but we can certainly discuss a compromise for the benefit of members here.

The folks involved have my e-mail and my door is always open. :)

I want to say thanks again to everyone here for consistently showing your support for this forum and our efforts every day. Not only do you support us with your posts, but also your wallets and it is greatly appreciated.

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i like but if i want to know about steelbooks, i come here. i am very sad to hear about this news and shocked that a group buy for monster u is started at the bluray already, alot of member had already signed up here. I know alot of people that belong to both forums hidef and bluray and just hope every bodys gets there up steel or there money back. hopefully this all gets resovled soon
Baseball bats? You're in the UK... wouldn't that be cricket bats? Or is it cricket sticks.... i'm not sure.... ;)

Yep always the best way to solve something, well either that or 5 union reps with baseball bats lol :D

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