WINNER CHOSEN AVENGERS Infinity WAR Single Lenti Give-Away!


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Donated by one of our Gold Level Sponsors, BluFans!

Brand spankin' new, yup yup the shrink wrap so fresh and so clean, clean.

If you ruled the world , and all that good stuff, and you had the ability to bring over ONE DC character into the MCU who would it be? Bonus points for WHY? And if you really feeling this tell me which actor/actress would play this person?

Green Lantern played by Ryan Reynolds because I would like a dope GL movie and for potential hilarity between Deadpool and him
I would bring Batman into the Marvel universe because I think they could use his experience and compassion. And no one can play Batman like Christian Bale.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks so much for this!
I'd bring over Batman just because I think he's unlike any character in the Marvel universe (in the way he operates) and it would be interesting to see the dynamics that would be at play there, especially with Iron Man. I'd want Jake Gyllenhaal to play him.
Thank you :)

I'd go with Green Lantern and since he's doing a great job voicing him, I'f go with Nathan Fillion. He could teach the Novas a thing or two ;)
Superman 100% easily the greatest superhero ever made. And for every reason because let's face it what can't he do! And I'd have henry cavill back as he was an absolute tank!
thanks for the super giveaway

i'd go with superman. any superman actor will do, maybe dean cain? :D

i'm curious what are the odds if superman is fighting the strongest avengers :D
It would definitely be: Lobo!!!
MCU is getting bit boring with all the pace. There are good twists, but not so much of extravaganza recently.
Lobo would be good addition especially if R-Rated and played by Jason Mamoa.

The joker as it would be amazing to see how he would mentally take down the avengers. Also he should be played by Jake Gylenhall, his acting on nightcrawler shows he would be pyfor the role
Heath Ledger’s Joker is the obvious one for me, but the more I think about it the more I’d like to see Jack Nicholson’s Joker instead!

Thanks for the giveaway!