Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2D+3D Blu-ray SteelBook) (HMV Exclusive) [UK]


The 'Negative' Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 12, 2012
Release date: August 1, 2016
Purchase link: HMV - Xtra-Vision
Price: £22.99
HDN Group Buy: Hosted by Naughtius Maximus

HMV Ireland - Xtra-Vision
Price: €27.99

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They should have 2 discs each with the 2D and 3D versions of the cut. If the uncut is only 2D I don't mind but then they should just exclude the 3D altogether I think.

I hope the 3D includes both cuts but i doubt they put in the extra money to master the removed footage in 3D. But hey, you never know.
I'd imagine it will be like the green latern 3D blu Ray extended cut, which was 3 disc

1. 3D theatrical cut
2. 2D theatrical cut and extended cut
3. DVD
Probably would have gotten this but the film....damn what a let down.

So many head scratching moments, "why did they do this, why did they do that", some actors were terribly miscast or they could have gotten better people...not to mention the whole thing seemed rushed and packed full of references and the like so they could get as much in as they could for Justice League.

Well guess I'm going to be waiting 10 - 15 years before they finish the Universe and start a new :|
If one of those actors your refering to is Jesse eisenberg's luthor Jesse Eisenberg is lex luthors son, not THE lex luthor in BvS, he is Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr. in the movie. His father Alexander Joseph Luthor Sr (THE Lex luthor) has been dead since 2000 in the movie universe.

Well not to get into it as I don't know how "offended" some users might get on here (I've seen the backlash against the critics despite them only being honest) but he is one of them but then again why make it his son....son or not he was bad in the role and they even said Bryan Cranston was considered. I thought he wasn't picked because the second best choice for him would be Commissioner Gordon but nope, J.K Simmons got that one.

Ben Affleck is another one. Apparently Zack Synders first choice was Josh Brolin but, and get this, Josh turned the role down...he turned BATMAN down because he didn't agree with the way Zack was taking him, probably because of the fact Batman killed and the like. However I think because Josh Brolin in Warner Brothers eyes wasn't a huge "money maker" like Affleck (after the Oscar winning Argo and the highly praised Gone Girl), especially when it was rumoured he was going to direct the Justice League years ago. So yeah in my opinion Josh should have gotten the role for Batman, I think he would have made a fantastic one.

Then there's Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, she's pretty...that's it. She's a model turned actress with a pretty face who can't act for the life of her and I've seen her in basically all the Western things she's been in, not just the Fast and Furious films, she was just bad as WW but funnily enough one of the lighter parts of the film yet her character still felt forced, something to get DC fans to nerdgasm over the trinity this early instead of the Justice League, could have replaced her role of bringing the two heroes together more with Lois Lane rather then have her as a Damsel in distress a few times in the film. No offence aswell but she doesn't really look like her, far too skinny for the role and despite her "efforts" of training she's only managed to train the small amount of muscle she had on her. In the end it was because she was eye candy and being a small time actress she was most likely very cheap for a multi-contract deal. Now who would I cast? I honestly don't know but if they were going for a crap actress then I would have went with Gina Carano, bad acting like I've said but hey she looks better for the role in my opinion.

Oh and despite only being a cameo, Ezra Miller as the Flash. I'm sorry but this is the worst of the lot, the guy looks nothing and I mean NOTHING like Barry Allen. He's said to be well built for his age, in his early 30s, bright blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Now I'm not on the Grant Gustin train, not a fan of him either (sorry I don't like the Flash, horrible to think I'm a huge DC fan and not like hardly anything they put out, I'm fussy) but Grant compared to Ezra looks like the holy grail of casting, that's how bad it is. Yeah, yeah before you all say it I know he's a good actor but the Indie stuff he's been in and other projects have nothing which makes you look at him and go "Yeah he could play the Flash". He honestly looks a little Asian in my opinion, like half Japanese or something, this isn't me being racist or anything lets not jump to silly conclusions but he really does, it's subtle but it's there alright (I obviously know he's not by the way before anyone says). Even if he dyed his hair it wouldn't fix it and like some people out there even if he worked out now it's still not going to make much of a difference. The guy is just poorly cast.

God I'm sorry I've ranted, hopefully no one will get p****** off with me but being a huge fan of DC (despite not looking like it...I know) I just have high standards and after Marvels Cinematic Universe I could see how better DC could have done their own plan. I mean I'm a fan of Marvel aswell but I managed to get over their flaws because lets face it 1) They never knew it was going to be successful which meant poor planning (Ant Man would have been first, would have presented the idea of the Avengers to Fury and created Ultron if they knew the whole Universe idea was going to be big) and 2) They don't own all the characters (Spiderman would have been in Phase 1). It's something I managed to forgive but with DC they should have looked at Marvels mistakes and did the slow build up 10 times better. Man of Steel, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green lantern, Aquaman then Justice League. I guess after all those years I just built up in my head too long and got dissapointed it didn't go my certain way, I guess I have problems...only myself to blame I guess.


Anyway back on topic ha :)
Well not to get into it as I don't know how "offended" some users might get on here (I've seen the backlash against the critics despite them only being honest) but he is one of them but then again why make it his son....son or not he was bad in the role and they even said Bryan Cranston was considered. I thought he wasn't picked because the second best choice for him would be Commissioner Gordon but nope, J.K Simmons got that one.

Ben Affleck is another one. Apparently Zack Synders first choice was Josh Brolin but, and get this, Josh turned the role down...he turned BATMAN down because he didn't agree with the way Zack was taking him, probably because of the fact Batman killed and the like. However I think because Josh Brolin in Warner Brothers eyes wasn't a huge "money maker" like Affleck (after the Oscar winning Argo and the highly praised Gone Girl), especially when it was rumoured he was going to direct the Justice League years ago. So yeah in my opinion Josh should have gotten the role for Batman, I think he would have made a fantastic one.

Then there's Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, she's pretty...that's it. She's a model turned actress with a pretty face who can't act for the life of her and I've seen her in basically all the Western things she's been in, not just the Fast and Furious films, she was just bad as WW but funnily enough one of the lighter parts of the film yet her character still felt forced, something to get DC fans to nerdgasm over the trinity this early instead of the Justice League, could have replaced her role of bringing the two heroes together more with Lois Lane rather then have her as a Damsel in distress a few times in the film. No offence aswell but she doesn't really look like her, far too skinny for the role and despite her "efforts" of training she's only managed to train the small amount of muscle she had on her. In the end it was because she was eye candy and being a small time actress she was most likely very cheap for a multi-contract deal. Now who would I cast? I honestly don't know but if they were going for a crap actress then I would have went with Gina Carano, bad acting like I've said but hey she looks better for the role in my opinion.

Oh and despite only being a cameo, Ezra Miller as the Flash. I'm sorry but this is the worst of the lot, the guy looks nothing and I mean NOTHING like Barry Allen. He's said to be well built for his age, in his early 30s, bright blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Now I'm not on the Grant Gustin train, not a fan of him either (sorry I don't like the Flash, horrible to think I'm a huge DC fan and not like hardly anything they put out, I'm fussy) but Grant compared to Ezra looks like the holy grail of casting, that's how bad it is. Yeah, yeah before you all say it I know he's a good actor but the Indie stuff he's been in and other projects have nothing which makes you look at him and go "Yeah he could play the Flash". He honestly looks a little Asian in my opinion, like half Japanese or something, this isn't me being racist or anything lets not jump to silly conclusions but he really does, it's subtle but it's there alright (I obviously know he's not by the way before anyone says). Even if he dyed his hair it wouldn't fix it and like some people out there even if he worked out now it's still not going to make much of a difference. The guy is just poorly cast.

God I'm sorry I've ranted, hopefully no one will get p****** off with me but being a huge fan of DC (despite not looking like it...I know) I just have high standards and after Marvels Cinematic Universe I could see how better DC could have done their own plan. I mean I'm a fan of Marvel aswell but I managed to get over their flaws because lets face it 1) They never knew it was going to be successful which meant poor planning (Ant Man would have been first, would have presented the idea of the Avengers to Fury and created Ultron if they knew the whole Universe idea was going to be big) and 2) They don't own all the characters (Spiderman would have been in Phase 1). It's something I managed to forgive but with DC they should have looked at Marvels mistakes and did the slow build up 10 times better. Man of Steel, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green lantern, Aquaman then Justice League. I guess after all those years I just built up in my head too long and got dissapointed it didn't go my certain way, I guess I have problems...only myself to blame I guess.


Anyway back on topic ha :)

dude, I feel really bad for fans like yourself! I just wish it could have been a movie that everyone was happy with!! I know there is no pleasing everyone, but obviously a hardcore fan like yourself not being happy with it is quite a big thing. I'm not a hardcore comic fan myself although I did collect them during the late 80s and 90s and then stopped collecting. Although I have a fond and well established memory of these characters the only one I was completely satisfied with was Batman and thats not to say his behaviors in the film but more of his persona. I still liked MOS but for some reason Superman didn't feel as good in this film as he did in MOS. WW was just too small a part to really make a judgement, sure she's some eye candy at the moment, but I will wait until the film to say whether she was the right choice or not, and I'm not too bothered about how similar her body shape is to the comics, as long as she plays the part well. Don't even get me started on Lex, that was just a joke, I don't even care whether he was Lex Sr or Jr, he was just laughably terrible! Everyone in the cinema was laughing in his scenes, and they said the film had no humour!! I hope some how the DCMU can redeem itself for people who did not enjoy this film but the course at the moment I doubt it, I think it will just be much of the same, we will just have to wait and see!
I just got a reply from HMV Ireland in regards to
The Hateful Eight Steelbook and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Steelbook

This is what they have said
Hi Paul,

We should be doing most when we have more info from Suppliers as these have only recently been announced.
We do endeavour to get in most steel-books but in some cases they are Exclusive to HMV UK which is a completely separate company to HMV Ireland and is in no way linked to us, but we are working with suppliers to ensure that we can also get these as Exclusives in HMV Ireland as well in the future.

I had that same reply before with some steelbooks last year I enquired about and on that occasion they did eventually appear available on the Hmv Ireland Website and in the stores

But in saying that there has been a lack of the recent steelbook exclusives listings appearing on the website so it's just a matter of waiting to see if they get listed
Finally see this today

If anyone wants to know what I thought in more detail I've put it in the movie thread in a spoiler

Overall it wasn't anything spectacular, had some parts I enjoyed, some I really hated and some bits that are just plain stupid. It could of been better.
I liked the batman parts but I have to admit it needs a second viewing to digest it again as quite a lot does happen.
At the moment I prefer man of steel

I'm going to cancel for now and I'll probably pick up around the £10-£15 mark as I would like to see the uncut version (if it's included of course)
I can't wait for this and to watch the film again it had its flaws but I loved it, was pretty epic film, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman what's not to love :drool:

I'll just rewatch the trailers and save myself 2.5 hours :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Your loss :thumbs:

Nope I lost 2.5 hours the first time I watched it :LOL:
I hope Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are better :D

I will buy the steelbook because I'm a fanboy, but I have a feeling that this is one that will stay sealed. :cigar:
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Nope I lost 2.5 hours the first time I watched it :LOL:
I hope Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman are better :D

I will buy the steelbook because I'm a fanboy, but I have a feeling that this is one that will stay sealed. :cigar:

I hope suicide squad is better too,
Tbh for this l hope the uncut version is better than the theatrical but that's another 30 mins on a already slightly too long 2 and half hours

I don't like the look of the Wonder Woman film but I'll give it a go plus 3 letters..... Gal
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I don't know about you guys but I simply loved the film. And am super thankful to see the trinity on the big screen for the first time. Second watch was so much better. Music was incredible, that opening scene was awesome. I love me some Supes, bats, and a wonder of a women lol. :D

Can't way to see this dope ass artwork on the steel. :) :happy:

3 hour cut here I come! I'm ready for you :):rofl::rofl::LOL::LOL: