[CONCLUDED]Demons 1 and 2 USA SteelBook™ Exclusives[Giveaway]!!!

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Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

We're excited to host another great giveaway for a pair of USA Exclusive Steelbooks (now out of print), courtesy of Synapse films!


Very limited stock remains on these 2 releases. To purchase your set, please visit http://synapse-films.com/?s=demons+steelbook. The print run was limited to 3000 each title, and they are now out of print.

The winner will receive a set of Demons 1 and 2 Steelbooks for participating in this special horror giveaway! Contest ends June 12.

To enter, please list your top 5 favorite horror classics, and share why you chose each choice.

Good luck and enjoy!:scat:

Actual pics-thanks shanester!










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Just wanted to say thanks for the generous giveaway!! :)

1. Friday the 13th
2. Halloween
3. Hellraiser
4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
5. In the Mouth of Madness

I wanted to share my list, but please don't include me in the giveaway. :)
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Thanks for the giveaway!

1. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Hellraiser
3. Halloween
4. Friday the 13th
5. Hatchet
1 Halloween. The suspense you really don't see mike until well into the film and characters aren't fresking out before stuff happens. When Jamie lee is walking down the street and Myers is watching her she acts normal.
2 pyscho. Again the suspense you have No idea the first time you watch it that's he's the mother and even when you do the creep factor is there.
3 birds. I mean who doesn't see a flock of birds following them and go crap that could happen. Birds are freaky :)
4 nightmare in elm street. Freddy is just one of those classic horror villains that is awesome.
5 bubba ho tep love the tongue in cheek humor.
1. Alien - In Space No One Can Hear You SCREAM!, I remember when I first saw this... I was a lil too young for this movie and caught it on TV and it scared the crap outta me! As I grew older I learned to love it more and more with each viewing

2. Event Horizon - I remember when this came out on VHS my friends kept going on about it and kept quoting it. Eventually I caught it on Sky Movies and was freaked out by the gore (i was still in my early teens!) but loved the whole idea and sci fi setting

3. Halloween - It's just a classic, everyone should have this on their list...need I say more?

4. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Again I watched this when I was pretty young and it was pretty scary and freaky...but as I grew older I grew to enjoy it for the awesome Freddy

5. Evil Dead 2 - The first evil dead was a gore fest and awesome... but I just love the comedy elements in this. Probably my fave out of all the evil dead movies

Thanks for the Giveaway!
1. Alien
The original, and the best of the series in my opinion - I really like how they slowly built up the tension, and kept the alien hidden to the shadows for the most part - allowing your imagination to take over - and what's scarier than your own imagination?

2. Poltergeist
One of the first horror movies I ever watched, full of creepy moments that have stuck with me since my first viewing... from the moment Carol-ann first utters 'They're Here!' to the epic show down with all the coffins rising up from the ground - it was a fun white-knuckle ride and induced nightmares so efficiently. I had to sleep with a towel over the TV for a month after watching this!

3. Halloween
Always hyped up as one of the best horror movies of all time, the way John Carpenter was able to instill a sense of fear and dread from a masked killer who just shuffles about, is to be applauded. And it introduced us to Jamie Lee Curtis too.

4. Psycho
I don't know what I can say about this, but killing off your lead in the first 30 minutes, and broaching on the taboo subject of transvestism in the 60's - Hitchcock really was a pioneer. Certainly made me think twice about taking a shower again..!

5. Evil Dead
Low budget, but such an extremely campy, fun movie. I remember people making such a big deal about how violent and gory the film was, and I remember being disappointed when I first watched it.. I couldn't see what all the fuss was about! But packed full of great one-liners, and some fantastic over-the-top practical effects, it's difficult to not love it!

Thanks for the awesome giveaway by the way! I have the Arrow Demons/Demons 2 steel, but these are pretty awesome looking! :thumbs:
Nice giveaway..
1. Scream franchise. I like them all but I think one stands out the most to me but I enjoy them all.
2. Saw. The first one was simple and fresh and was just a good film overall before it got dragged out.
3. Child's play. It still freaks me out to this day after seeing it young.
4. Halloween. Mike myers silence has always freaked me out.
5. Friday the 13th. Classic
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Super giveaway for something I would likely not be able to get ahold of otherwise. I'll give it a whirl!

1. Poltergeist - My number 1 even though I watched it recently and didn't find it scary anymore. Still, I can remember having a big old tree quite like the one in the film outside my window when I was young and i HATED thunderstorms as I always thought about that scene from the movie.

2. The Exorcist - Because THE EXORCIST!

3. Event Horizon - I don't think this film ever got the attention it deserved. One of the few films I would love a remake of if they could find it in their hearts to delve deeper into the "mythology" and not just go with a complete gore fest. (gore still necessary, of course!)

4. Evil Dead 2 - The first was great, but the second just took that same formula and ratcheted everything up to 10!

5. Hellraiser - The last spot was difficult as there were a bunch of things bouncing around in my head, but this is a tried and true real horror movie and deserves to make the list IMO over Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th, etc.
1) Scream - just because it was the first horror I ever saw!
2) The Blair Witch Project - it's just amazing, th story in the film, and the story of the film makers taking hollywood by storm with barely any money and a camcorder!
3) The Exorcist - the first film that gave me nightmares! (strangely, a fond memory!)
4) Saw - Just a superb original trilogy, loved the concept and thought it was very well deployed in the movies!
5) Nightmare on Elm Street - FREDDY'S COMING FOR YA!!
1: Halloween - Who doesn't like a bit of mike myers?
2: Scream 3 - Big fan of all the scream films, but scream 3 is just a hugely suspense filled pile of greatness.
3: Texas Chainsaw Masacre (original) - This needs no explanation..
4: Saw - I want to play a game!
5: Shaun of the Dead - Don't even know if classifies as a horror film but its the best comedy zombie film ever to hit our screens!

Great Giveaway :D
1. The Exorcist...legendary film but for me not as scary as the older generation makes it to be...but still pretty creepy

2. Evil Dead... Again not that scary but still a great film in it self with a fun plot and tons of blood

3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre the film that set up all the camp storys with red necks and chainsaws. the gore is fun

4. Dawn of the Dead ... Zombies, Gore, A mall full of cool stuff to take and kill with. One of my fav films to watch. all around fun.

5. Signs... The first film that got me to get scared as an older male. Aliens at its best...cant get any creeper when an alien walks by the door at a little kids bday patter and or when the hand pops out from under the door when looking hard for what ever is in the pantry room.

runner ups
Nightmare on Elm Street....the first films to get me in to horror
The Conjuring ...been a long time since a movie had me scared and jumping out my seat.
Cannibal Holocaust - one of the more horrific films I've ever seen. Powerful, disturbing and a brilliantly made film. Defines the word 'Horror'.

The Haunting (1963) - the definitive haunted house film. Genuinely impressed at the fact that you never see anything throughout the film.mall atmosphere and sound.

Banshee Chapter - this had me jumping all over the place. A horror film I highly recommend to everyone wherever I can. Superb retooling of H.P Lovecrafts tale 'From Beyond' (also made into a film by Stuart Gordon in 1986)

Alien - the perfect Sci-fi horror film. Creepy, intense, atmospheric and superbly directed by Ridley Scott, this raised the bar back in 1979

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - a raw, powerful and gritty film, the absence of gore on the screen proves how shocking this film was and why it was banned in the UK for 20+ years

Notable mentions to - Hellraiser, The Exorcist and Zombi 2
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1. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Best horror villain of all time
2. Scream - First rated R movie I ever saw and one of my favorite movies
3. [REC] - Pioneer of found footage movies
4. The Shining - because it's the shining.
5. The Blair Witch Project - one of the scariest movies of all time (at least the first time you watch it). Typing this made me wanna watch it again.

My top 5 that really creeped me out:

1). The Shining
2). The Exorcist
3). Sinister
4). Ringu
5). A Nightmare On Elm Street

Thanks for the competition! :)
Thanks for the giveaway :)

1. The Exorcist- this scared me as a kid and still does. i cannot watch this alone, still the scariest movie ever imo
2. Evil Dead- very effective horror movie for such a low budget, extremely fun to watch
3. The Conjuring- this scared me a lot in the cinema, still get freaked out about the demon above the cabinet
4. Drag me to Hell- funny and scary. the attack in the parking lot made me jump in fear
5. Night of the Demons- a guilty pleasure of mine, can;t get enough of Angela
Here is my little list :D

1 - Friday the 13th
2 - Psycho
3 - Nightmare on Elm Street
4 - Cannibal Holocaust
5 - Pet Sematary

Thanks for this great giveaway :thumbs: but don´t count me in because i all ready own these ;)
1) Exorcist - A true classic and fun for the whole family

2) Event horizon - It tickles my sci-fi and nerd genes

3) Saw - I like to watch people sawing off their own foot

4) The Descent - This one disturbs me the most. Too claustrophobic

5) Battle Royale - The original hunger games
1. The Lost Boys - As a movie, it's in my top 3 favorites ever! So if we are talking horror, it has to start here. I could go on & on about this one. It made Vampires cool, it has the Corey's, it just PERFECT!

2a. Child's Play - I've always been a fan of Killer Dolls, and in my opinion, Chucky is the best. By far my most quotable horror movie ever! A MASTERPIECE!

2b. Stephen King's IT - Because for a TV mini series/movie that didn't show one person being killed, it sure scared the hell out of me.. FOR A VERY LONGTIME!

3. Return of the Living Dead - Another MASTERPIECE! Why, because it introduced "Zombie Consciousness". This was the first movie to have Zombies running, game planning, talking and explaining why.. that's why!

4. They Live - I credit this as the reason I'm a huge conspiracy theorist! The scariest thing about this film is how relevant the subject matter is now compared to then.

5. Fright Night - Everything is great about this film. The casting, script, satire, score and practical effects. One of the rare movies that's just as good now as it was back then!

Thanks for the giveaway! The Frog Brothers, trust me it's PERFECT! :hilarious::scat:
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1: Damien: Omen II: Love the atmosphere of this film, love a cold movie, oddly I always put it on around Christmas time.

2: Evil Dead 2: Great film, utterly mad in places, funny in others!

3: Friday the 13th Part VI: Remember buying this from HMV (in Bath) when I was about 14 years old (and I looked 14 as well), couldn't believe they let my buy it! Anyway, the best sequel in the series (though I still haven't seen 5 & 7).

4. Dawn of the Dead: The greatest zombie film ever made, got me into zombie films, and I've never looked back.

5. Paranormal Activity, loved this film when it came out, and still find myself enjoying it now, you just cannot beat a good ghost story!

Thanks for the give away guys! much appreciated!
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