[CONCLUDED]Demons 1 and 2 USA SteelBook™ Exclusives[Giveaway]!!!

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Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Hello HDN!

We're excited to host another great giveaway for a pair of USA Exclusive Steelbooks (now out of print), courtesy of Synapse films!


Very limited stock remains on these 2 releases. To purchase your set, please visit http://synapse-films.com/?s=demons+steelbook. The print run was limited to 3000 each title, and they are now out of print.

The winner will receive a set of Demons 1 and 2 Steelbooks for participating in this special horror giveaway! Contest ends June 12.

To enter, please list your top 5 favorite horror classics, and share why you chose each choice.

Good luck and enjoy!:scat:

Actual pics-thanks shanester!










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Thanks for the giveaway!!!! This is awesome!!!

1. JAWS - ..is just a masterful accomplishment in every area. It is the greatest motion picture experience in the history of film. From the beginning it grips you with suspense and fear, dashes you with some brilliant comedy moments, and smacks you in the face with shear terror. At the end when you exhale you feel completely fullfilled, like you've just spent the best 2 hours of your life.

2. DAWN OF THE DEAD *romero's* - ...is the mack daddy of all zombie films. The theater in town had it as a suprise midnight movie a week before its actual release. I went with a bunch of buddies who when i asked what the movie was about, told me it was a love story. I thought they were joking, but I did actually fall in love with this now every year event on my big screen. Three words: Blood Pressure Machine

3. THE THING - ...is one of the most shockingly groteque films you may ever see. And following up DOTD that's saying something. The special effects by Michael Bottin and his team are so realistic you buy in completely to the carnage you are viewing. The acting is excellent as well, and Kurt Russell leaves disney, and my previous impression of him, in the dust.

4. NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET - ...scared the crap out of me. 'nuff said.

5. THE SHINING - ...is a movie that I had just never seen. Not until my wife and I went on vacation in Jamaica about 10 years ago. It was our last night and I was trying to finish off the rest of our party supplies. As I sat down to relax from an excellent day of fun in the sun, The Shining came on TV. I was completely hammered and transfixed on the movie. There were no commercial breaks so my ride to terror was nonstop. When it came out on blu ray it was a quick purchase for me. I watched it in a less enhanced state and was still rivited. Just a great horror flick.
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Thanks DB for the giveaway, my choices

1] Saw - it was something 'out of the norm when originally released.
2] Salems Lot (not technically a film) - The ONLY film/series to actually scare me EVER ("open the window")
3] Nightmare on Elm Street - similar reasons to item 1
4 Hellraiser - We have such sights to show you
= 5] Phsyco - Not scary but a classic
= 5] The Birds - Another Hitchcock classic

1.Scream A film I've learned to appreciate each time I watch it. Parodying itself, proving that parodies don't have to be comedies.
2.The Cabin in the Woods I consider it your modern Scream movie.
3.The Conjuring Because its the only scary movie my mom likes because its THAT scary :hilarious:
4.Freddy vs. Jason Watched it when I was young and naive and I would go to sleep having nightmares. It was awesome. LOL
5.Dawn of The Dead (2004) The first zombie film I watched and it opened a whole new world to me... Just not a world I would want to be in.
Correction @wyatt03 as awesome as AWiL is (mommy mommy a naked American man just stole my balloon [emoji13]) my Ginger Snaps takes it for me!

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

That scene is very funny and so English, the way it is spoken CLASSIC!!

And FYI Ginger Snaps is an easy third behind An American Werewolf in London and Dog Soldiers! I did like your other choices though
Thanx for the giveaway:)

I am huge fan of horror movies, and from the time i remember i was always watching them. In the times where there was no world wide web to have some knowledge about them i was buying french magazine in Russia (where i was living that time) called Vendredi 13. Funny thing that in the x-90 i was buying issues from 1985 & 1986;D.

It is hard to type 5 best, so i will type films that achieved something during my life that completely surprised me:

Hellraiser - all in this film is iconic. Lamarchant's Box, cenobites etc. But the main is Pinhed. The best villan ever. So creative approach and the whole mystery to it...is beyond the time.

Event Horizon - there were many SF Horror movies (Lifeforce, Alien etc.). This was the one that got everything right...i suppose the initial directors cut was even better. Sad we will never see it...

Return of the Living Dead - for the humor and different approach on well know Romero's classic.

Dawn of the Dead (2004) - the remake that showed that even after horror golden age (70's & 80's) it is possible to make good attempt on refreshing classic.

Conjuring / Insidious - for me both of them are very simillar. They show...that old school rocks even now. We don't need any special effects, big budgets...just pure mood of mystery and shocking truth.

Special place in my heart:
Innkeepers -one of a kind :oohyeah:

Thanks for the brilliant giveaway!!!! This is outstanding!!!

1. DAWN OF THE DEAD - Scared me to death when I was 13, watched it while being alone at home and because it was given to my older sistrer by a friend. Still loved it though ;-)

2. SUSPIRIA - My favourite Argento movie, so stylish, colourful and scary - in desperate need of steelbook treament!

3. SINISTER - Pretty recent film, but really really powerful and a shocking ending!

4. THE SHINING - Maybe the best Kubrick film together with 2001, completely scary and excellent cinematography

5. HENRY - PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER - Unbelievably dark and way too realistic portrayal of pure evil - a masterpiece!
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The Complete Saw Series: The fascination of who thought of all those gruesome ways to die.. including the pit of needles. It's just disturbing lol

The Nightmare on Elm Street Series: All of them are just brilliant classics that although they're cheesy in places, Freddy is just brilliant, and the story behind him is just weird and brilliant

The Friday 13th Series: Jason is by far my all time favourite serial killer. Patiently walking to someone, never runs, and almost always succeeds. Once again, the story behind him is just fantastic and well written.

Puppet Master I & II: Very very creepy films about puppets that have unusual attachments and powers. The girl puppet that spits out acid leeches (I think), the one with the flamethrower and the super strong dude. Not forgetting of course, the guy with the drill head. Just brilliant! =]

Insidious: Haven't seen the second one but the first one scared the bejesus out of my missus, and that's why it deserves a spot in my top 5.
1) ALIENS (1986) - Even thou I really enjoyed the first movie, I just freaking loved the second, not just because there more aliens to deal with, but the fact that the space marines could fight back, and that mechanized suit Ripley used in the finale.

2) A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET - All of them, except the remake, Robert Englund's outstanding performances as the horror icon, Freddy, just kept me coming back, and for the first time in my life, actually rooting for the bad guy.

3) FRIDAY THE 13TH - Most of them, again, another horror icon, Jason, but mainly the version played by Kane Hodder, since the man just made the character so freaking intimidating, and actually scarey at some points.

4) HALLOWEEN (1978) - Geez, I just loved the slow build of this movie, the silent & menacing Michael Myers, with very little blood, the movie still to this day has me feeling a bit tense by the end.

5) DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978) - While I've never seen this to be a scary movie, it was nonetheless highly enjoyable & a fun watch, especially for the outstanding gore, brought to us by the master himself, Tom Savini.
1.The shining My number one. This movie is so amazing! I really love the way Kubrick brought this to life. I mean the scene were the kind is driving around on his bicycle is just brilliant!

2.A nightmare on Elm street Probably the only classic that is still 'scary' I love the idea with the dreams because we all do that :) Also the score is vary nice in this one :) Some of the sequels are also nice :)

3.Polthergeist: I saw this movie a couple of years ago, and I was really impressed by this. Its not really scary or anything, but I like that it feels a bit like a Family movie, although it isn't.

4.The thing Saw this not so long ago after I saw the remake. The remake was nice, but the original was just amazing. I did not thought that a movie from 1982 would still hunt me after I watched it, but this one did!

5.IT! We all love clowns don't we :) Especially IT!. IT just looks like a regular clown and Jim Curry just gives a great performance! :)
First thanks for the give-away.
1.) Evil Dead - Low bugdet horrorflic that gives me the shiver everytime I watch it.
2.) Alien - In space, no one can hear you scream
3.) Psycho - I think this movie doesn´t need any explaination
4.) Battle Royal - Hunger Games for grown ups.
5.) Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens - Because I am German.
1 The Descent - very scary and made me jump a few times
2 The Collector - very gory, i loved it
3 House of 1000 corpses Love Captain Spaulding, hes my hero
4 Cabin in the Woods I liked the way it went mental with all the monsters at the end
5 The uninvited nice twist and love Emily Browning
Sweet offer, thanks!

1 Halloween, greatest slasher film of all time and my personal favorite movie
2 Scream, awesome balance of comedy and scares/thrills
3 trick r treat, the "pulp fiction" of slasher films! Fantastic intermingled stories
4 Seven, plot, acting, directing all top notch!
5 From Hell, I love Jack the Ripper tales!
- Blair Witch Project: first, and only, time I've ever been terrified watching a film in the theatre.

- Halloween: scared me to death as a kid. Not as scary anymore, but has incredible mood and pacing. And THAT PIANO...my god.

- Psycho: The best from The Master. Nothing can ever top the shower scene.

- The Blob: so campy and so much fun!

- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original): Such raw grit. The mood is a subtle intensity.

Thanks for the giveaway!
1. Halloween ...love the music by carpenter
2. Rosemary's Baby... best ending line very creepy
3. American Werewolf In London... the start of movie scared the crap out of me and best practical effects
4. Salem's lot.... scariest vampire ever
5. 30 Days of night....love the setting cant believe its never been done before

thanks for give away
Thanks for the giveaway!

In no particular order...
The Exorcist - scariest movie ever made;
Dracula - Bela Lugosi's performance was legendary;
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - one of the greats of German Expressionism;
Ringu - love some good Asian horror films;
Braindead - who could resist all that gore? And it's funny!
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