Geek Pants (Tridon's YouTube channel)


Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
Hey, everyone!

I thought I'd take a minute to share my little side project...

I retired my original YT channel (Cosmic Dragon) and relaunched as Geek Pants Media alongside my pals Chris Mercier and Kris Fedick. If anyone has ever watched my old BOARD OFF! videos with Kris, those will be re-released alongside a brand-new Season 2. Chris and I will be doing the Geek Pants Camcast -- a video podcast that'll have one main topic every week (Episode 1 is Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy).

All animations and logos were designed by guru @Snollygoster and I couldn't be happier or more grateful. You rock, dude! :thumbs:

Whenever a new episode goes live, I'll post them as a new comment in this thread. And no worries... I'm still sticking around the HDN Podcast. This is just a side gig with my personal friends who live in the same city as me. :)

Please like/share/subscribe. It'd be much appreciated!


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Released the Geek Pants Segments this week -- perfect for those who don't have a full 2 hours (in one shot, of course) for my shenanigans with Chris!

Past episodes will eventually receive the Segment treatment during off-weeks. The BOURNE Camcast hits on Tuesday! :thumbs:
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Today, Bourne has come home... to the Camcast!

I really enjoyed this one and I hope everyone else enjoys it, too! As with last time, individual segments for each film discussed will be released daily beginning next Monday just in case you don't have the time to watch the full episode.

Please share with others if you can. Once we're at 100 subscribers, we'll be having a giveaway -- and then we'll do a giveaway for every 100 subscribers we get after that. :thumbs:

@GVZER @Noodles @PunkNinja @bloodsnake007 @raspor @Snollygoster @kryptonite @Ricardo13 @aLLu @Torstein @Brian Puterman @jdclark88 @Rady @spass @Kl3p3r@ChrisPatt @smigro @Smudger1279 @snoopcat1987 @toyklectrr @pi2loc@Slinchafi @hitster

(If you don't want to be tagged anymore, please just let me know. I won't take offense. ;) )
Our MCU Phase Three, Part 2 episode is here! This one's all about Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther. If you want to know how I really feel about Homecoming and Ragnarok, check this one out! :p

Oh, and in case you're confused to where the first part is, it's explained here:
