Gravity (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #22 WEA) [China]


Jul 23, 2011
Release date: November 2015
Purchase from the Hi-Def Ninja store: Full slip - Lenticular
Price: $63 (Full Slip) - $65 (Lenti)
Notes: 1000 of each


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It's a movie that was neat on the big screen in 3D. But on home video (even on a larger home screen) it reveals the achilles heel of this film: it is a rather 'blah' story, with very little appeal once you take away the big screen 3D.

You'll be pleased and surprised to hear I completely disagree. Watched this in 3D at the cinema and found it bleh, rubbish 3D, SD and completely in-immersive. At home it's infinitely better, full HD active 3D, sound system rocking and way more fun to watch.
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You'll be pleased and surprised to hear I completely disagree. Watched this in 3D at the cinema and found it bleh, rubbish 3D, SD and completely in-immersive. At home it's infinitely better, full HD active 3D, sound system rocking and way more fun to watch.
All I can glean from that is- you must've seen this in a really bad theater if your home system is better.;)
(note: there are a lot of really bad theaters, with sh!tty sound and picture calibration).
That's cool, though! I still think the story was written as an afterthought to the ride and is paper-thin...
I remember walking out of the theater saying "it took TWO people to write THAT?"
All I can glean from that is- you must've seen this in a really bad theater if your home system is better.;)
(note: there are a lot of really bad theaters, with sh!tty sound and picture calibration).
That's cool, though! I still think the story was written as an afterthought to the ride and is paper-thin...
I remember walking out of the theater saying "it took TWO people to write THAT?"

Nope, it was at a modern cinema. From my perspective, that is exactly how I've felt watching any 3D at the cinema. I'm just not someone who thinks you HAVE to see it at the cinema. I'm far more into watching stuff at home, I think the whole experience of going to see it is a massive inconvenience that is stupidly expensive for the privilege.
Nope, it was at a modern cinema. From my perspective, that is exactly how I've felt watching any 3D at the cinema. I'm just not someone who thinks you HAVE to see it at the cinema. I'm far more into watching stuff at home, I think the whole experience of going to see it is a massive inconvenience that is stupidly expensive for the privilege.
Modern =/= Good. I hate all 3-D anyway, always gives me a headache.
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Nope, it was at a modern cinema. From my perspective, that is exactly how I've felt watching any 3D at the cinema. I'm just not someone who thinks you HAVE to see it at the cinema. I'm far more into watching stuff at home, I think the whole experience of going to see it is a massive inconvenience that is stupidly expensive for the privilege.
In fact- I almost 100% agree with you. Except for Imax, and a REALLY good 3D presentation- most theaters are not even close to the quality I provide in my own home theater. Back in the day, people used to complain about projectionists and not running bulbs at peak brightness, and not knowing how to use the equipment. Today, theaters are even less hands-on to the point of just being zombie drones, not knowing anything about anything.
They get their DCP Pack and just plug it in. Absolutely zero quality-control there.
I do not doubt for a second that your home theater experience was much better. But there are still some theaters that care about quality and can deliver a great theater experience. Unfortunately there are not many of those left.
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Modern =/= Good. I hate all 3-D anyway, always gives me a headache.

I take your point, but I guess what I was implying was that it is modern and thus has all the modern equipment that would allow it to be a good cinema, akin to the kind @C.C. 95 was referring. As for the 3D, the type at the cinema messes with my head (I suffer with chronic migraine and one of the worst elements for me is dizziness), however the home, active, kind is no problem at all, unless I just happen to be having a bad day and if that's the case, I wouldn't put a 3D film on anyway.
In fact- I almost 100% agree with you. Except for Imax, and a REALLY good 3D presentation- most theaters are not even close to the quality I provide in my own home theater. Back in the day, people used to complain about projectionists and not running bulbs at peak brightness, and not knowing how to use the equipment. Today, theaters are even less hands-on to the point of just being zombie drones, not knowing anything about anything.
They get their DCP Pack and just plug it in. Absolutely zero quality-control there.
I do not doubt for a second that your home theater experience was much better. But there are still some theaters that care about quality and can deliver a great theater experience. Unfortunately there are not many of those left.

As you say, unfortunately, that kind is very hard to find. There are a few that I've been to that go the extra mile and the experience in them is head and shoulders above the Cineplex's, but for me (and my bestie too), sitting in my room (my home theatre is my bedroom), on my bed, curtains drawn, door closed, nobody else in so I can really crank the sound up, it feels far more isolating, meaning that all you see is the TV screen (it's a 40" and is maybe 7' at most from where you're sitting). I do agree, there are some films that would probably be better in a cinema, but in those places, you have to put up with the moron denizens...
I take your point, but I guess what I was implying was that it is modern and thus has all the modern equipment that would allow it to be a good cinema, akin to the kind @C.C. 95 was referring. As for the 3D, the type at the cinema messes with my head (I suffer with chronic migraine and one of the worst elements for me is dizziness), however the home, active, kind is no problem at all, unless I just happen to be having a bad day and if that's the case, I wouldn't put a 3D film on anyway.
@satanclaus, you bring up a very good point. (But a whole different can of worms). I believe that active 3-D is leaps and bounds better than the passive 3D in theaters. And I find it interesting, that it effects you that way.
(You should do a Google search – there are articles that talk about how over compressed sound causes the same effect as what you described with progressive versus active 3-D...headaches, etc.).
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As you say, unfortunately, that kind is very hard to find. There are a few that I've been to that go the extra mile and the experience in them is head and shoulders above the Cineplex's, but for me (and my bestie too), sitting in my room (my home theatre is my bedroom), on my bed, curtains drawn, door closed, nobody else in so I can really crank the sound up, it feels far more isolating, meaning that all you see is the TV screen (it's a 40" and is maybe 7' at most from where you're sitting). I do agree, there are some films that would probably be better in a cinema, but in those places, you have to put up with the moron denizens...
Again, I agree mostly. I see 90% of my films in my own home. I am one of those people that has the theater curse. No matter when or where I go to a theater, I will always get the talker, the seat kicker, the rowdy group of friends, the mobile phone person, etc. almost without fail!
Even though it's illegal – I have even thought of buying a cell phone jammer with a limited range so I can bring it with me to a theater!!
But there are occasions and movies where I would definitely prefer to have a screen wrap around on me for the scope of the visuals (like a Cinemascope Western). But then again I would also prefer them projected on film, so people like me are in the minority now.
That stinks because people really don't care much about quality anymore.
(The average person thinks digital is a magic word- Not realizing that digital movies have LESS resolution than film, not more. But that is a whole different, very long argument!;))
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I know, I was just wondering if it was a reference to Blufans making spelling errors in the past.
Naw. Not that I'm aware of. Although, it would be great to have a thread for steel books with misspellings, incorrect information, etc.!
(Especially those with incorrect aspect ratios-**I'm looking directly at you Alliance Canada!**)