HDN Event HDN Horror Celebration 2012 - Celebrate Halloween & chat about the last horror flick you watched!

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Apr 12, 2009
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Some people watch one flick per day for October,to celebrate Halloween. Others start early. Feel free to chime in with favorites you've seen, those you're watching and or recommendations/reviews.

Have fun & welcome back this year!
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Watched Wrong Turn 5 this morning, Terrible. But did have some good kills:violent:
Just watched The Cottage, Hadn't watched that in ages. Going to keep with the Comedy/Horror and watch Doghouse now.
I watched paranormal activity 1-3 over the last couple of days to get ready for paranornal activity 4. I didn't like the last two but can't help myself, I need to see what happens next even if the new movie is bad.
I watched paranormal activity 1-3 over the last couple of days to get ready for paranornal activity 4. I didn't like the last two but can't help myself, I need to see what happens next even if the new movie is bad.

watched part 2......SO PREDICTABLE..

not even going to watch part 3 or 4...

you see the first one you seen them all.

part 2 did absolutely not make any sense...first the guy of the house hold didn't bealive his house was haunted,yet he had video cameras all around his place he didn't care to watch..ect..

second moment..you get use to those LOUD bang sounds on the wall or the window..i think FRIDAY the 13th used those cheesy horror bits
junk movie series IMO.
So just got done watching Rec, thought it was fantastic. Has to be the gold standard for found footage movies (hear The Blair Witch is great too, but haven't seen it). The final 15/20 minutes were very tense and effectively kept me on the edge. Thanks Snowblood for the recommendation that made me by it :scat:
Watched one of my favourite Halloween films tonight... Monster House. I love that cartoon. Such a great film.

Currently watching Jeepers Creepers. It's been years since I last saw it, but it's held up well. Still very creepy.
watched evil dead 1 and 2 forgotten how funny these movie's are, going to watch army of darkness now, got to love bruce campbell thought he was brilliant in bubba ho tep
Films of the day included The Blair Witch Project and Trick R Treat.

The last time I watch Blair Witch was about 12 years ago. My sister and I watched it and we were scared to death. I watched it today and didn't jump once. Maybe it hasn't aged well, who knows? All I know is that the constant bickering between characters is annoying, the audio is horrible and the film's just an overall piece of garbage. It was innovative for its time, but today it's incredibly average and boring.

Trick R Treat on the other hand is an absolute Halloween classic in the making. I love the way the stories twist in and out and interact with each other. Not only that, but Sam's one of the coolest scary-movie villains of all time. I'd say that he's easily the best since Scream 1 introduced Ghostface. I really hope that a sequel's eventually made and that Sam can make a return.
Watched another two today.

Intruders was the first one. A horror film starring Clive Owen and directed by the director of 28 Weeks Later should've been a guaranteed win, but it really wasn't. There was a little bit of suspense, but no big scares. It also had very bad CGI. I definitely wouldn't recommend it.

After that, I decided to finally watch Final Destination 5. I was a HUGE fan of the original trilogy, but after the horrendous fourth film, I was incredibly skeptical about the fifth film. It actually turned out to be quite good. The 3D gimmick of "throwing things at your face" wasn't on overdrive like it was with the fourth film and the actors were definitely more skilled than the fourth film. I loved the twist at the end, too. I pretty much called it, but it was still a nice surprise. If this is the final Final Destination, then the franchise has gone out with a bang.
Took a break from the horror flicks last night to catch up on some TV, but my viewing didn't lack blood/gore because I did end up watching Dexter and The Walking Dead. :scat:
Watched Halloween H20 and Let Me In last night; Halloween H20 is a bit of a tradition, not the greatest of movies but certainly watchable and gets you in the mood for Halloween!
Let Me In is a great film, may not be as good as LTROI but it's definitely one of the better remakes. Tense and atmospheric with a few brilliant performances from Chloe Moretz, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Elias Koteas and Richard Jenkins.
Thinking of watching Peeping Tom tonight and a few others that I haven't decided on yet!
I know Halloween is gone, but I'm gonna use this thread to update the horror's that my fiance and I have been watching....

Yesterday whilst browsing Netflix I noticed 'The Devils Carnival' was on...... press play and within 15 minutes it was switched off. Terrible terrible piece of crap!

We then went on to watch a movie called 'Mask Maker'. Now this I really enjoyed (similar vein to Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre)

Also, on Saturday I received the US Blu-Ray of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and gave that a watch. I do like the film but I think the black comedy is a little too much
I managed to watch The Burning yesterday

absolutley love this film! had a poor quality cut VHS version of it when i was a teenager, got a "slightly" better German DVD which was uncut but the R1 DVD blows the socks off all the other versions.

the film so good they didn't have to remake it or do sequels to it. prefer this to Friday the 13th if i'm being honest
We hope you enjoyed your Halloween horror watching, chat and Halloween at HDN! See you next year! Thread closed. :scat:
Bumping, because new 2013 thread coming soon. Hope you join the fun for more Horror chat this year! :scat:
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