Official Captain America Fan Club [HDN Award]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Captain America lovers ....

Get the Official HDN Batman Award by showing your appreciation of Captain America.

This could be C.A. Steelbooks, Hot Toys, Books, Comics, shirts, whatever!

post a pic or video with your name or yourself for proof of some sort.

Your post must receive 20 "Thanks" to receive this award.

20 could become 30 at a later date ...

FYI: When this started it was much easier to obtain, new rules started on post #19.
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ill go first again :D

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Bigger statue will someday have its place in Drum's collection, but too much expense at the moment... :cough: wedding :cough:

Oh and Ash, I want to see that Hot Toys displayed properly, that's an order!!! :scat:

Wedding definitely comes first buddy! Let me be the first to congratulate you for your upcoming nuptials!:oohyeah:

As for Captain America, he is waiting for his other pals to arrive before he would come out for his show and tell :D
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Not trying to sidetrack this thread but a small note about the Art of Captain America book - it comes with a hard bound "slip cover" which is what you see in the picture. I have heard that this hard cover might not be available everywhere. Best bet is to get it from Amazon. It is even more stunning in person.
There's a superb video review on (copy that link)

It really shows the book.
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Damn Elena! First Thor, now Captain, what's next? Iron Man or Hulk??? :drool:

Thanks Drum and honestly I'm waiting for the Hulk award if available, perhaps I can make the thread "green" :hilarious: j/k
And early congrat'z for your wedding Drum and miss Drum as well :D

@ ash : Release the Capt. !!!
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Great idea! I've been meaning to take more photos of my collection for a while, and now this gives me even more of a reason to finally do it. :D

Really cool pictures so far everyone. ;)