Slipbox Rust & Bone (Blu-ray Slipbox) (Plain Archive Ex. No.8 - Standard Edition) [Korea]

Mar 21, 2013
South Korea
Release date: May 31, 2016
Purchase link:
* Triple Pack - Rust And Bone + City Lights + Modern Times
Price: $30.89 | $91.00 (Triple Pack)
Note :

* Time Limited Production: Once the product is sold out, the blu-ray will continue to be produced without the slipbox, booklet, and A3 Folded Poster.

* This is a limited edition. The total print run will be the number of pre-orders we receive for the first 3 days + 100.


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Very nice! Shame I already own the previous two editions, as I don't fancy buying a third, despite really liking the look of this.
Really like the art. Unfortunately I saw the film for the first time a couple of weeks ago and found it kinda awful. :rofl: Dare I become a collector who only cares about boxes? :whistle:
Pre-Order now seems to have been moved to May, 13th at 2PM due to some holiday of sorts. (Source: PA, FB)
[안내] 정부의 급작스런 임시공휴일 지정으로 협력 유통 업체들의 프리오더 동시 진행이 어려워짐에 따라 <러스트 앤 본> 일반판, <시티 라이트> <모던 타임즈>의 프리오더를 기존 5월 6일(금)에서 일주일 후인 5월 13일(금) 오후 2시로 연기합니다. 양해와 참고 부탁드립니다.

- 플레인 드림
Pre-order Date Delay
The Korean government suddenly decided to make May 6th a national holiday for 2016. Therefore we must push back the pre-order date for Rust and Bone Standard Edition, City Lights Limited Edition, and Modern Times Limited Edition to May 13th, 2PM Korea Time.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Reactions: dan8885 and Sigill